1.3.1 试运行: sudo linux1x;结果可能显示缺少libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3这个库文件,这说明您系统里的库文件版本较高需要设置一番。
1.3.3建立一个名为libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3的软连接指向libstdc++.so.6.0.13:sudo ln -s libstdc++.so.6.0.13 libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3
wuxinxinggg补充:这里对于绑定网卡的校园网用户来说,一定要注意数据包的发送模式是brocast,而且选择是否连接后刷新IP一定要选择NO……其他的可以自定义,否则下面拨号的时候会提示:please contact the network administrator
2.1.3如果用chrome,则用proxy switchy插件。
2.2.2方法一:安装expect:sudo apt-get install expect写一个脚本随便命名,比如sshgfw,将下列内容粘贴进去:
set timeout 60
spawn /usr/bin/ssh -D 7070 -g user@shell.cjb.net
# 这里的 user 为你自己的用户名,shell.cjb.net 是我从上面网址申请的服务器域名
expect {
"password:" {
send "password\r"
#这里的 password 改为你自己的密码
interact {
timeout 60 { send " "}
}给此文件加执行权限:sudo chmod a+x sshgfw;将此文件拷入/usr/local/bin中;此时时执行sshgfw即可。
2.2.3方法二:安装putty:sudo apt-get install putty配置putty:session--hostname(or ip address)框填入shell.cjb.net(此处以我的为例);在saved sessions中亦填入shell.cjb.net并点击save键;connection--ssh--tunnel,destination处点 dynamic选项,source port处填入7070并点add;此时点对话框下方的open输入用户名及密码即可实现代理。补充。当然,putty的功能远非如此,你可以登录这家提供代理服务的服务器,会发现其系统是freebsd8.0,你不妨学习一下这款据说是最稳定的服务器用类Unix系统。根据其说明你还可享有1G的空间。有趣的是我还发现和我一起的用户有五千多,很多用户名一看就是咱的同胞。
2.3.1添加源:sudo deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org <DISTRIBUTION> main,其中<DISTRIBUTION>表示你Ubuntu的版本号,如10.04应该为lucid;添加 gpg key:
sudo gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD89
sudo gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb
2.3.4配置polipo:将下列内容替换/etc/polipo/config 或~/.polipo
# Uncomment this if you want to use a parent SOCKS proxy:
socksParentProxy = "localhost:9050"
socksProxyType = socks5
### Memory
### ******
# Uncomment this if you want Polipo to use a ridiculously small amount
# of memory (a hundred C-64 worth or so):
# chunkHighMark = 819200
# objectHighMark = 128
# Uncomment this if you've got plenty of memory:
# chunkHighMark = 50331648
# objectHighMark = 16384
chunkHighMark = 67108864
### On-disk data
### ************
# Uncomment this if you want to disable the on-disk cache:
diskCacheRoot = ""
# Uncomment this if you want to put the on-disk cache in a
# non-standard location:
# diskCacheRoot = "~/.polipo-cache/"
# Uncomment this if you want to disable the local web server:
localDocumentRoot = ""
# Uncomment this if you want to enable the pages under /polipo/index?
# and /polipo/servers?. This is a serious privacy leak if your proxy
# is shared.
# disableIndexing = false
# disableServersList = false
disableLocalInterface = true
disableConfiguration = true
### Domain Name System
### ******************
# Uncomment this if you want to contact IPv4 hosts only (and make DNS
# queries somewhat faster):
# dnsQueryIPv6 = no
# Uncomment this if you want Polipo to prefer IPv4 to IPv6 for
# double-stack hosts:
# dnsQueryIPv6 = reluctantly
# Uncomment this to disable Polipo's DNS resolver and use the system's
# default resolver instead. If you do that, Polipo will freeze during
# every DNS query:
dnSUSEGethostbyname = yes
### HTTP
### ****
# Uncomment this if you want to enable detection of proxy loops.
# This will cause your hostname (or whatever you put into proxyName
# above) to be included in every request:
disableVia = true
# Uncomment this if you want to slightly reduce the amount of
# information that you leak about yourself:
# censoredHeaders = from, accept-language
# censorReferer = maybe
censoredHeaders = from,accept-language,x-pad,link
censorReferer = maybe
# Uncomment this if you're paranoid. This will break a lot of sites,
# though:
# censoredHeaders = set-cookie, cookie, cookie2, from, accept-language
# censorReferer = true
# Uncomment this if you want to use Poor Man's Multiplexing; increase
# the sizes if you're on a fast line. They should each amount to a few
# seconds' worth of transfer; if pmmSize is small, you'll want
# pmmFirstSize to be larger.
# Note that PMM is somewhat unreliable.
# pmmFirstSize = 16384
# pmmSize = 8192
# Uncomment this if your user-agent does something reasonable with
# Warning headers (most don't):
# relaxTransparency = maybe
# Uncomment this if you never want to revalidate instances for which
# data is available (this is not a good idea):
# relaxTransparency = yes
# Uncomment this if you have no network:
# proxyOffline = yes
# Uncomment this if you want to avoid revalidating instances with a
# Vary header (this is not a good idea):
# mindlesslyCacheVary = true
# Suggestions from Incognito configuration
maxConnectionAge = 5m
maxConnectionRequests = 120
serverMaxSlots = 8
serverSlots = 2
tunnelAllowedPorts = 1-65535
2.3.4-0重启polipo:sudo /etc/init.d/polipo restart
2.3.5运行vidalia:应用程序--互联网--vadalia,你可能会看到“Vidalia detected that the Tor software exited unexpectedly.
Please check the message log for recent warning or error messages.“这样的提示。这是因为tor已经启动不能再次启动的缘故,所以先将其关闭:sudo /etc/init.d/tor stop,然后再运行vidalia 就行了。
3、利用NX-client for linux访问任意网站
3.3配置及登录:应用程序--互联网--NX-client for linux;点击configure,在host栏填写remote.tusurfer.com,port栏填写443,点击ok返回;login处填你的注册名,password处填密码,session处填TUS without SSL TUnnel,点击login即可登录了。登录后你会发现其操作系统是SUSE,速度堪比蜗牛(有时还是挺快的)。