Posted on 2008-09-03 09:26 猫头鹰 阅读(2802) 评论(9) 编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 视频学习之路
最近这几天研究H.263编码,前几天把标准H.263解码库TMNDEC2.0理解了,这两天把H.263的标准编码库研究了一下,编码库的使用明显比解码库要复杂,一眼看上去好你多了很多的代码,令的有点眼花。花了点时间,注释了代码,发现比解码多出来的,主要是进行码率的控制的。而且还使用了两种方法,其它多出来的,就是很多的编码参数(它都弄成全局变量了)。过几天弄一个固定帧率(变码率)的精简版本DEMO出来。 /**//************************************************************************9 * * main.c, main module of tmn (TMN encoder). * tmn is an H.263 encoder somewhat based on the Test Model Near-term * (TMN5) in the ITU-T LBC Experts Group. * * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Telenor R&D, Norway * Karl Olav Lillevold <Karl.Lillevold@nta.no> * * Contacts: * Karl Olav Lillevold <Karl.Lillevold@nta.no>, or * Robert Danielsen <Robert.Danielsen@nta.no> * * Telenor Research and Development http://www.nta.no/brukere/DVC/ * P.O.Box 83 tel.: +47 63 84 84 00 * N-2007 Kjeller, Norway fax.: +47 63 81 00 76 * ************************************************************************/
/**//* * Disclaimer of Warranty * * These software programs are available to the user without any * license fee or royalty on an "as is" basis. Telenor Research and * Development disclaims any and all warranties, whether express, * implied, or statuary, including any implied warranties or * merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. In no * event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any incidental, * punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever arising * from the use of these programs. * * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs * and user's customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, * and assigns. * * Telenor Research and Development does not represent or warrant that * the programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any * third-party patents. * * Commercial implementations of H.263, including shareware, are * subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents * are general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of * implementation design. * */
/**//* 修改:
修改人: Tinnal<www.cnitblog.com/tinnal/> 目期: 2008-9-1 改动: 增加中文注释 */
FILE *streamfile;
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PictImage *prev_image = NULL; PictImage *curr_image = NULL; PictImage *curr_recon = NULL; PictImage *prev_recon = NULL;
/**//* PB-frame specific */ PictImage *B_recon = NULL; PictImage *B_image = NULL;
Pict *pic = (Pict *)malloc(sizeof(Pict)); unsigned char *image; FILE *cleared;
int i; float mean_frame_rate, ref_frame_rate, frame_rate, seconds; int first_loop_finished=0; int total_frames_passed, PPFlag = 0, targetrate; int frames,bframes,pframes,wcopies,icopies, write_repeated,pdist=0,bdist=0; int start, end, frame_no, writediff; int first_frameskip, chosen_frameskip, orig_frameskip, frameskip;
int QP, QPI; Bits *bits = (Bits *)malloc(sizeof(Bits)); Bits *total_bits = (Bits *)malloc(sizeof(Bits)); Bits *intra_bits = (Bits *)malloc(sizeof(Bits)); Results *res = (Results *)malloc(sizeof(Results)); Results *total_res = (Results *)malloc(sizeof(Results)); Results *b_res = (Results *)malloc(sizeof(Results)); char *seqfilename = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*100); char *streamname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*100); char *outputfile = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*100); char *diff_filename=DEF_DIFFILENAME; char *tracefile = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*100);
#ifndef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL // 码率控制用的变量 float DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds; int CommBacklog; #else PictImage *stored_image = NULL; int start_rate_control; #endif
extern int arith_used;
fprintf (stdout,"\nTMN (H.263) coder version 2.0, Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Telenor R&D, Norway\n");
headerlength = DEF_HEADERLENGTH;
#ifndef FASTIDCT init_idctref(); #endif
/**//* Default variable values */ // 是否采用先进预测模式 advanced = DEF_ADV_MODE; // 是否采用算术编码而不是哈夫曼编码 syntax_arith_coding = DEF_SAC_MODE; // 是否采用无限制向量长度模式 pic->unrestricted_mv_mode = DEF_UMV_MODE; mv_outside_frame = DEF_UMV_MODE || DEF_ADV_MODE; long_vectors = DEF_UMV_MODE; // 是否采用PB模式 pb_frames = DEF_PBF_MODE;
// P帧量化矩阵参数 QP = DEF_INTER_QUANT; // I帧量化矩阵参数 QPI = DEF_INTRA_QUANT; // B帧量化矩阵参数 pic->BQUANT = DEF_BQUANT; // 编码类型(one of SF_SQCIF, SF_QCIF, SF_CIF, SF_4CIF, SF_16CIF) pic->source_format = DEF_CODING_FORMAT;
// 参考帧频(Main内部用于控制帧率) ref_frame_rate = (float)DEF_REF_FRAME_RATE; // 相对于原帧的丢帧率(也就是编码时丢弃视频输入文件帧的速度) chosen_frameskip = DEF_FRAMESKIP + 1; // 相对于30fps参考帧率的原帧的丢帧率 // orig_frameskip * 30 fps = 视频输入文件的帧率, // 这个帧率又叫原帧(original sequence)率 orig_frameskip = DEF_ORIG_SKIP + 1;
//<! 帧率控制方法 #ifdef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL start_rate_control = DEF_START_RATE_CONTROL; #else //<! 目标输出帧率, DEF_TARGET_FRAME_RATE = pic->target_frame_rate = (float)DEF_TARGET_FRAME_RATE; #endif
seqfilename[0] = '\0'; strcpy(streamname, DEF_STREAMNAME); strcpy(outputfile, DEF_OUTFILENAME);
//<! 是否保存原帧和重建帧的差异 writediff = DEF_WRITE_DIFF; //<! 是否TRACE运行过程 trace = DEF_WRITE_TRACE; //<! 在存在丢帧的情况下是否通过拷贝补全重建帧 write_repeated = DEF_WRITE_REPEATED; //<! 向量估算的长度 pic->seek_dist = DEF_SEEK_DIST; //<! 多少个编GOB后插入一个同步头,0为不再插入 pic->use_gobsync = DEF_INSERT_SYNC; //<! 从那一帧开始到那一帧结束帧率控制 start = DEF_START_FRAME; end = DEF_STOP_FRAME;
// 期望的码率, 0代表不控制 targetrate = 0; /**//* default is variable bit rate (fixed quantizer) will be used */
// 一些用于帧率控制的辅助统计参数 frames = 0; //I后以后的帧总数 pframes = 0; //P帧总数 bframes = 0; //B帧总数 total_frames_passed = 0;//经过的帧数,包括被丢的帧 pic->PB = 0; wcopies = icopies = 1; //因丢弃B或P帧而复制的数量 和 因丢弃I帧而复制的数量
pic->TR = 0; pic->QP_mean = (float)0.0;
/**//* Process arguments */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (*(argv[i]) == '-') { switch(*(++argv[i])) { case 'a': start = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'b': end = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'S': chosen_frameskip = atoi(argv[++i]) + 1; break; case 'O': orig_frameskip = atoi(argv[++i]) + 1; break; case 's': pic->seek_dist = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'o': strcpy(outputfile, argv[++i]); break; case 'e': headerlength = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'm': write_repeated = ON; break; case 'i': strcpy(seqfilename, argv[++i]); break; case 'q': QP = atoi(argv[++i]); if (QP > 31 || QP < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"QP out of range - clipping it\n"); QP = mmin(31,mmax(0,QP)); } break; case 'I': QPI = atoi(argv[++i]); if (QPI > 31 || QPI < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"QP out of range - clipping it\n"); QPI = mmin(31,mmax(0,QPI)); } break; case 'w': writediff = ON; break; case 'B': strcpy(streamname, argv[++i]); break; case 'h': Help(); exit(0); break; case 'H': AdvancedHelp(); exit(0); break; case 't': trace = 1; break; case 'g': pic->use_gobsync = atoi(argv[++i]);; break; case 'D': /**//* note that the Unrestricted Motion Vector mode turns on both long_vectors and mv_outside_frame */ pic->unrestricted_mv_mode = ON; mv_outside_frame = ON; long_vectors = ON; break; case 'E': syntax_arith_coding = ON; break; case 'F': /**//* note that the Advanced Prediction mode turns on both advanced (8x8 vectors and OBMC) and mv_outside_frame */ /**//* the Extended Motion Vector mode is included in the Unrestricted Motion Vector mode, which of course can be use together with the Advanced Prediction mode */ advanced = ON; mv_outside_frame = ON; break; case 'G': pb_frames = ON; break; case 'Q': pic->BQUANT = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'r': targetrate = atoi(argv[++i]); break; #ifdef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL case 'R': start_rate_control = atoi(argv[++i]); break; #else case 'R': pic->target_frame_rate = (float)atof(argv[++i]); break; #endif case 'Z': ref_frame_rate = (float)atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'x': pic->source_format = atoi(argv[++i]); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Illegal option: %c\n",*argv[i]); Help(); exit(-1); break; } } }
switch (pic->source_format) { case (SF_SQCIF): fprintf(stdout, "Encoding format: SQCIF (128x96)\n"); pels = 128; lines = 96; break; case (SF_QCIF): fprintf(stdout, "Encoding format: QCIF (176x144)\n"); pels = 176; lines = 144; break; case (SF_CIF): fprintf(stdout, "Encoding format: CIF (352x288)\n"); pels = 352; lines = 288; break; case (SF_4CIF): fprintf(stdout, "Encoding format: 4CIF (704x576)\n"); pels = 704; lines = 576; break; case (SF_16CIF): fprintf(stdout, "Encoding format: 16CIF (1408x1152)\n"); pels = 1408; lines = 1152; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Illegal coding format\n"); exit(-1); } cpels = pels/2;
if (seqfilename[0] == '\0') { fprintf(stderr,"Required input parameter \'-i <filename>\' missing\n"); Help(); exit(-1); }
#ifndef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL /**//* rate control variables */ // 要控制到达的码率 pic->bit_rate = targetrate; // 编码器源帧率,换句话说,也就是我们输入的文件的帧率 pic->src_frame_rate = (int)(ref_frame_rate / orig_frameskip); // 编码器的编码周期(Second/Frame) DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds = (float) 1.0/(float)pic->src_frame_rate; InitializeRateControl(); #endif
if (QP == 0 || QPI == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning:"); fprintf(stderr,"QP is zero. Bitstream will not be correctly decodable\n"); }
if (ref_frame_rate != 25.0 && ref_frame_rate != 30.0) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Reference frame rate should be 25 or 30 fps\n"); }
// frame_rate为期望输出的码率 frame_rate = ref_frame_rate / (float)(orig_frameskip * chosen_frameskip); #ifdef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL fprintf(stdout,"Encoding frame rate : %.2f\n", frame_rate); #else if (pic->bit_rate == 0) fprintf(stdout,"Encoding frame rate : %.2f\n", frame_rate); else fprintf(stdout,"Encoding frame rate : variable\n"); #endif fprintf(stdout,"Reference frame rate : %.2f\n", ref_frame_rate); fprintf(stdout,"Orig. seq. frame rate: %.2f\n\n", ref_frame_rate / (float)orig_frameskip);
/**//* Open stream for writing */ streamfile = fopen (streamname, "wb"); if (streamname == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open streamfile\n"); exit(-1); }
/**//* Initialize bitcounters */ initbits ();
if (trace) { strcpy(tracefile, "trace.intra"); /**//* Open trace-file for writing */ if ((tf = fopen(tracefile,"w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open tracefile (intra)\n"); exit(-1); } } // 下面这个文件是用于输出从编码帧重建后的重建帧的. /**//* Clear output files */ if ((cleared = fopen(outputfile,"wb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open outputfile: %s\n",outputfile); exit(-1); } else fclose(cleared);
// 这个文件是用于保存原帧和重建帧差异的. if (writediff) { if ((cleared = fopen(diff_filename,"wb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open diff-file: %s\n",diff_filename); exit(-1); } else fclose(cleared); }
// 读第一个原帧,这个帧必须采用帧内编码(I帧) /**//* Intra image */ image = ReadImage(seqfilename,start,headerlength); fprintf(stderr,"Coding\n"); // 从读进来的数据填充pict_image结构. curr_image = FillImage(image); // 选择编码格式的帧人编码 pic->picture_coding_type = PCT_INTRA; // 用设定的帧内编码量化矩阵参数给QUANT初始化 // 这个赋值我认为没用,因为CodeOneIntra函数也会通过参数给它赋值 pic->QUANT = QPI;
// 进行I帧的编码,并输出重建帧 curr_recon = CodeOneIntra(curr_image, QPI, bits, pic);
// 如果使用的算术编吗,应该要进行一些额外操作 // arith_used这个变量也是定义在算术编码的.c文件当中的, // 这里只是引用,我不去研究他,因为我只会用它的哈夫曼编码 if (arith_used) { bits->header += encoder_flush(); arith_used = 0; } // 填充数据使之字对齐 bits->header += alignbits (); /**//* pictures shall be byte aligned */
fprintf(stdout,"Finished INTRA\n");
// 从原帧和重建帧进行信噪比测试,并输出相应的结果(res)或文件(writediff) // 这种信息不一定每个程序都需要 ComputeSNR(curr_image, curr_recon, res, writediff); // 调整bits内部的比特统计数据(由各个部份的比特数累加得到总的比特数) AddBitsPicture(bits); // 把信噪比信息输出到屏幕 PrintSNR(res, 1); // 把比特信息输出到屏幕 PrintResult(bits, 1, 1); // 把当前比特信息拷贝到I帧专用的比特信息变量intra_bits memcpy(intra_bits,bits,sizeof(Bits)); // 清零总比特,总的结果和B帧结果变量total_bits,total_res,b_res ZeroBits(total_bits); ZeroRes(total_res); ZeroRes(b_res);
/**//* number of seconds to encode */ // 计算编码一共需要的理论时间 //(end - start + chosen_frameskip): ?? //是因为下面这条first_frameskip = chosen_frameskip语句吗? //那也应该是'-'才对呀,因为从start到start+chosen_frameskip帧从后面 //的程序看来是不编码的,想不明白. // //orig_frameskip/ref_frame_rate: 编码器编码的周期 //因些 seconds 为编码需要的时间 seconds = (end - start + chosen_frameskip) * orig_frameskip/ ref_frame_rate;
if (trace) { strcpy(tracefile, "trace"); fclose(tf); /**//* Open trace-file for writing */ if ((tf = fopen(tracefile,"w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open tracefile (non-intra)\n"); exit(-1); } }
/**//* compute first frameskip */ #ifdef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL first_frameskip = chosen_frameskip; frameskip = chosen_frameskip; #else // intra_bits->total: 编码帧的实际比特数 // DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds * pic->bit_rate: 根据计算的理论帧比特数 // 如果CommBacklog > 0 我们就得控制了,呵呵,当然~,也不能这么"眼浅". CommBacklog = intra_bits->total - (int)(DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds * pic->bit_rate);
if (pic->bit_rate == 0) { // 如果没有流控,frameskip为chosen_frameskip frameskip = chosen_frameskip; } else { /**//* rate control is used */ // 如果存在流控,则计算这编码帧后为了保证码率而要丢掉的帧数 frameskip = 1; // 增加丢帧率直到比特差值CommBacklog小于一个理论帧比特数. while ( (int)(DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds*pic->bit_rate) <= CommBacklog) { CommBacklog -= (int) ( DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds * pic->bit_rate ); frameskip += 1; } } //设定第一个I帧的后丢掉的帧数 first_frameskip = frameskip; #endif
//如果由于码率要求而丢太多编码帧就没有意义了. if (first_frameskip > 256) fprintf(stderr,"Warning: frameskip > 256\n");
//好了,下面的编码类型全部选定的P帧,也就是向前预测编码. pic->picture_coding_type = PCT_INTER; //量化矩阵参数也选择P帧的,当然,也可能和I帧用一样的. pic->QUANT = QP; bdist = chosen_frameskip;
/**//* always encode the first frame after intra as P frame. This is not necessary, but something we chose to make the adaptive PB frames calculations a bit simpler */ if (pb_frames) { pic->PB = 0; pdist = 2*chosen_frameskip - bdist; }
if (write_repeated) icopies = chosen_frameskip; //是否icopies = first_frameskip 更合理 //如果设了write_repeated,编译帧被丢的部份会通过拷贝保持未丢前水平. for (i = 0; i < icopies; i++) WriteImage(curr_recon,outputfile); /**//* write wcopies frames to disk */
/**//***** Main loop *****/ //接下来就进行发送PB帧的循环内 //第一个frame应该是frame_no = start + first_frameskip //其中start是我们指定的,first_frameskip为了补偿第一个已经发出去的I帧产生的码率增大的. //增量为frameskip,因为现在我们还不知道其它帧的码率如何,只能引用I帧的情况,一会再调整. for (frame_no = start + first_frameskip; frame_no <= end; frame_no += frameskip) {
//更新上一原帧和上一重建帧 prev_image = curr_image; prev_recon = curr_recon;
/**//* Set QP to pic->QUANT from previous encoded picture */ QP = pic->QUANT;
// 当已经编码过一个P帧后PPFlag为真 if (!PPFlag) { //PB模式我们暂时不看 if (pic->PB) { bdist = frameskip; pdist = 2*frameskip - bdist; pic->TRB = bdist * orig_frameskip; if (pic->TRB > 8) fprintf(stdout,"distance too large for B-frame\n"); /**//* Read the frame to be coded as B */ image = ReadImage(seqfilename,frame_no,headerlength); B_image = FillImage(image); first_loop_finished = 1; if (frame_no + pdist <= end) { image = ReadImage(seqfilename,frame_no + pdist,headerlength); } else { pic->PB = 0; /**//* end of sequence, encode as P */ image = ReadImage(seqfilename,frame_no,headerlength); } } else { //读取目标源帧 image = ReadImage(seqfilename,frame_no,headerlength); } //填充pict_image结够 curr_image = FillImage(image);
//不看PB if (pic->PB) { if (pic->TRB > 8 || !NextTwoPB(curr_image, B_image, prev_image, bdist, pdist, pic->seek_dist)) { /**//* curr_image and B_image were not suitable to be coded as a PB-frame - encoding as two P-frames instead */ pic->PB = 0; #ifdef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL stored_image = curr_image; #else FreeImage(curr_image); #endif frameskip = bdist;
curr_image = B_image; PPFlag = 1; } else { frame_no += pdist; } } } else { /**//* PPFlag is set when the second of the two P-frames is due to be coded */ //这已经是第二以上编采用用P帧编码了. //其实我们可以看到,做了这么多的判断都是因为有了PB帧,不然很简单 #ifdef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL curr_image = stored_image; #else //还是读源帧,然后填充 image = ReadImage(seqfilename,frame_no,headerlength); curr_image = FillImage(image); #endif pic->PB = 0; PPFlag = 0; }
/**//* Temporal Reference is the distance between encoded frames compared the reference picture rate which is 25.0 or 30 fps */ //TR为当前编码帧对于参考帧率(30或25fps)的距离. //不考率B帧的情况下. // TR+= frameskip * orig_frameskip; pic->TR += (( (frameskip+(pic->PB?pdist:0)) *orig_frameskip) % 256); if (frameskip+(pic->PB?pdist:0) > 256) fprintf(stdout,"Warning: frameskip > 256\n");
//调整帧的统计值 frames += (pic->PB ? 2: 1); bframes += (pic->PB ? 1 : 0); pframes += 1;
if (pic->PB) { /**//* Code two frames as a PB-frame */ B_recon = InitImage(pels*lines); fprintf(stdout,"Coding PB frames %d and %d ", frame_no - pdist, frame_no); fflush(stdout); } else { /**//* Code the next frame as a normal P-frame */ fprintf(stdout,"Coding P frame %d ", frame_no); fflush(stdout); } //初始化curr_recon.分配空间?? curr_recon = InitImage(pels*lines);
//开始进行编码. CodeOneOrTwo(curr_image, B_image, prev_image, prev_recon, QP, (bdist+pdist)*orig_frameskip, bits, pic, B_recon, curr_recon);
fprintf(stdout,"done\n"); if (targetrate != 0) fprintf(stdout,"Inter QP: %d\n", QP); fflush(stdout);
if (arith_used) { bits->header += encoder_flush(); arith_used = 0; }
bits->header += alignbits (); /**//* pictures shall be byte aligned */ AddBitsPicture(bits); AddBits(total_bits, bits);
#ifndef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL //重新计算码率的各控制参数 if (pic->bit_rate != 0 && pic->PB) CommBacklog -= (int) ( DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds*pic->bit_rate ) * pdist;
if (pic->bit_rate != 0) { //根据TMN5 文档进行码率控制,文档我Google了半天都找不到.:-( //应该是调整量化矩阵 UpdateRateControl(bits->total);
//先算出超出来的部分 CommBacklog += bits->total; frameskip = 1; CommBacklog -= (int) (frameskip * DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds *pic->bit_rate); //再来算跳过几个帧才能把超出的比特跳过多少个帧来能补回来 while ( (int)(DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds*pic->bit_rate) <= CommBacklog) { CommBacklog -= (int) ( DelayBetweenFramesInSeconds * pic->bit_rate ); frameskip += 1; } } #else /**//* Aim for the targetrate with a once per frame rate control scheme */ if (targetrate != 0) if (frame_no - start > (end - start) * start_rate_control/100.0) /**//* when generating the MPEG-4 anchors, rate control was started after 70% of the sequence was finished. Set start_rate_control with option "-R <n>" */
pic->QUANT = FrameUpdateQP(total_bits->total + intra_bits->total, bits->total / (pic->PB?2:1), (end-frame_no) / chosen_frameskip + PPFlag, QP, targetrate, seconds); frameskip = chosen_frameskip; #endif //先不看PB if (pic->PB) { if (write_repeated) wcopies = pdist; for (i = 0; i < wcopies; i++) WriteImage(B_recon,outputfile); /**//* write wcopies frames to disk */ ComputeSNR(B_image, B_recon, res, writediff); fprintf(stdout,"Results for B-frame:\n"); AddRes(b_res,res,pic); PrintSNR(res, 1); FreeImage(B_image); FreeImage(B_recon); }
//跳过的帧在写输出文件时拷贝回来. if (write_repeated) wcopies = (pb_frames ? bdist : frameskip); for (i = 0; i < wcopies; i++) WriteImage(curr_recon,outputfile); /**//* write wcopies frames to disk */
if (pb_frames) pic->PB = 1;
//计算信噪比登参数 ComputeSNR(curr_image, curr_recon, res, writediff); fprintf(stdout,"Results for P-frame:\n"); AddRes(total_res,res,pic); PrintSNR(res, 1); PrintResult(bits, 1, 1); FreeImage(prev_image); FreeImage(prev_recon); fflush(stdout); } /**//***** end of main loop *****/
/**//* Closing files */ fclose (streamfile); if (trace) { fclose(tf); }
/**//* Print total results */ //total_frames_passed是这么吗,扣掉first_frameskip, //那中间那些被跳过的帧呢? //这一条和上面的那一条 //"seconds = (end - start + chosen_frameskip) * orig_frameskip/ ref_frame_rate;" //都想不明白.
//从fprintf(stdout,"Frames saved : %d predicted + %d intra\n", // total_frames_passed,icopies); //这名话推测total_frames_passed是没有包话前面的I帧以及它的拷贝帧的.
//要如下的数合理,只能是frames, bframes, pframes, total_frames_passed 都按重0算起 total_frames_passed = frame_no - start - first_frameskip;
fprintf(stdout,"\n==== TOTAL ====\n"); fprintf(stdout,"for %d images of %s\n", frames, seqfilename);
if (frames != 0) { if (write_repeated) fprintf(stdout,"Frames saved : %d predicted + %d intra\n", total_frames_passed,icopies);
if (pb_frames && bframes != 0) { fprintf(stdout,"SNR for %d B-frames:\n",bframes); PrintSNR(b_res,bframes); }
fprintf(stdout,"SNR for %d P-frames:\n",pframes); PrintSNR(total_res,pframes);
PrintResult(total_bits, pframes, frames);
if (targetrate != 0 || pic->bit_rate != 0) fprintf(stdout,"Original seq time: %.2f (%.2f) sec\n", (total_frames_passed + first_frameskip) / ref_frame_rate * orig_frameskip, total_frames_passed / ref_frame_rate * orig_frameskip);
fprintf(stdout,"Mean quantizer : %.2f\n", total_res->QP_mean/pframes);
#if 0 fprintf(stdout,"Total frames : %3d (%3d)\n", total_frames_passed + first_frameskip, total_frames_passed); #endif
fprintf(stdout,"Encoded frames : %3d (%3d)\n", frames + 1, frames);
mean_frame_rate = frames / (float)total_frames_passed * ref_frame_rate / (float)orig_frameskip;
fprintf(stdout,"Mean frame rate : %.2f Hz\n", mean_frame_rate);
if (targetrate != 0) fprintf(stdout,"Target bit rate : %.2f kbit/sec\n", targetrate/1000.0);
fprintf(stdout,"Obtained bit rate: %.2f (%.2f) kbit/sec\n", (total_bits->total + intra_bits->total) / ((total_frames_passed + first_frameskip) / ref_frame_rate * orig_frameskip)/1000.0, (total_bits->total / (float)frames) * mean_frame_rate/1000.0);
} #if 0 fprintf(stdout,"Total number of bits: %d (%d)\n", total_bits->total + intra_bits->total, (total_bits->total + intra_bits->total) / 8); #endif
/**//* Free memory */ FreeImage(curr_recon); FreeImage(curr_image); free(streamname); free(seqfilename); free(outputfile); free(tracefile); free(bits); free(total_bits); free(intra_bits); free(res); free(total_res); free(b_res); free(pic); exit(0); }
/**//********************************************************************** * * Name: NextTwoPB * Description: Decides whether or not to code the next * two images as PB * Speed: This is not a very smart solution considering * the encoding speed, since motion vectors * have to be calculation several times. It * can be done together with the normal * motion vector search, or a tree search * instead of a full search can be used. * * Input: pointers to previous image, potential B- * and P-image, frame distances * Returns: 1 for yes, 0 otherwise * Side effects: * * Date: 950824 Author: Karl.Lillevold@nta.no * ***********************************************************************/
int NextTwoPB(PictImage *next2, PictImage *next1, PictImage *prev, int bskip, int pskip, int seek_dist) { int adv_is_on = 0, mof_is_on = 0, lv_is_on = 0; int psad1, psad2, bsad, psad; MotionVector *MV[6][MBR+1][MBC+2]; MotionVector *mvp, *mvbf, *mvbb; int x,y; int i,j,k,tmp;
/**//* Temporarily disable some options to simplify motion estimation */ if (advanced) { advanced = OFF; adv_is_on = ON; } if (mv_outside_frame) { mv_outside_frame = OFF; mof_is_on = ON; } if (long_vectors) { long_vectors = OFF; lv_is_on = ON; }
for (j = 1; j <= (lines>>4); j++) for (i = 1; i <= (pels>>4); i++) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { MV[k][j][i] = (MotionVector *)calloc(1,sizeof(MotionVector)); /**//* calloc to avoid Checker warnings about reading of unitizalized memory in the memcpy's below */ }
mvbf = (MotionVector *)malloc(sizeof(MotionVector)); mvbb = (MotionVector *)malloc(sizeof(MotionVector));
psad = 0; psad1 = 0; psad2 = 0; bsad = 0;
/**//* Integer motion estimation */ for ( j = 1; j < lines/MB_SIZE - 1; j++) { for ( i = 1; i < pels/MB_SIZE - 1 ; i++) { x = i*MB_SIZE; y = j*MB_SIZE;
/**//* picture order: prev -> next1 -> next2 */ /**//* next1 and next2 can be coded as PB or PP */ /**//* prev is the previous encoded picture */
/**//* computes vectors (prev <- next2) */ MotionEstimation(next2->lum,prev->lum,x,y,0,0,seek_dist,MV,&tmp); if (MV[0][j+1][i+1]->x == 0 && MV[0][j+1][i+1]->y == 0) MV[0][j+1][i+1]->min_error += PREF_NULL_VEC; /**//* not necessary to prefer zero vector here */ memcpy(MV[2][j+1][i+1],MV[0][j+1][i+1],sizeof(MotionVector));
/**//* computes sad(prev <- next1) */ MotionEstimation(next1->lum,prev->lum,x,y,0,0,seek_dist,MV,&tmp); if (MV[0][j+1][i+1]->x == 0 && MV[0][j+1][i+1]->y == 0) MV[0][j+1][i+1]->min_error += PREF_NULL_VEC; memcpy(MV[1][j+1][i+1],MV[0][j+1][i+1],sizeof(MotionVector));
/**//* computes vectors for (next1 <- next2) */ MotionEstimation(next2->lum,next1->lum,x,y,0,0,seek_dist,MV,&tmp); if (MV[0][j+1][i+1]->x == 0 && MV[0][j+1][i+1]->y == 0) MV[0][j+1][i+1]->min_error += PREF_NULL_VEC;
/**//* scales vectors for (prev <- next2 ) */ mvp = MV[2][j+1][i+1]; mvbf->x = bskip * mvp->x / (bskip + pskip); mvbb->x = - pskip * mvp->x / (bskip + pskip); mvbf->y = bskip * mvp->y / (bskip + pskip); mvbb->y = - pskip * mvp->y / (bskip + pskip);
psad1 += MV[0][j+1][i+1]->min_error; psad2 += MV[1][j+1][i+1]->min_error; psad += mvp->min_error;
/**//* computes sad(prev <- next1 -> next2) */ bsad += SAD_MB_Bidir(next1->lum + x + y*pels, next2->lum + x + mvbb->x + (y + mvbb->y)*pels, prev->lum + x + mvbf->x + (y + mvbf->y)*pels, pels, INT_MAX); } }
for (j = 1; j <= (lines>>4); j++) for (i = 1; i <= (pels>>4); i++) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) free(MV[k][j][i]); free(mvbf); free(mvbb);
/**//* restore advanced parameters */ advanced = adv_is_on; mv_outside_frame = mof_is_on; long_vectors = lv_is_on;
/**//* do the decision */ if (bsad < (psad1+psad2)/2) fprintf(stdout,"Chose PB - bsad %d, psad %d\n", bsad, (psad1+psad2)/2); else fprintf(stdout,"Chose PP - bsad %d, psad %d\n", bsad, (psad1+psad2)/2);
if (bsad < (psad1 + psad2)/2) return 1; else return 0; }
/**//********************************************************************** * * Name: Help * Description: Prints usage * * ***********************************************************************/
void Help() { fprintf(stdout,"Usage:\ttmn [options] -i <filename> [more options]\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Options:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-i <filename> original sequence [required parameter]\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-o <filename> reconstructed frames [%s]\n", DEF_OUTFILENAME); fprintf(stdout,"\t-B <filename> filename for bitstream [%s]\n", DEF_STREAMNAME); fprintf(stdout,"\t-a <n> image to start at [%d]\n", DEF_START_FRAME); fprintf(stdout,"\t-b <n> image to stop at [%d]\n", DEF_STOP_FRAME); fprintf(stdout,"\t-x <n> coding format [%d]\n",DEF_CODING_FORMAT); fprintf(stdout,"\t-q <n> (1..31) quantization parameter QP [%d]\n", DEF_INTER_QUANT); fprintf(stdout,"\t-I <n> (1..31) QP for first frame [%d]\n", DEF_INTRA_QUANT); fprintf(stdout,"\t-r <n> target bitrate in bits/s, default is variable bitrate\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-S <n> frames to skip between each encoded frame [%d]\n", DEF_FRAMESKIP); fprintf(stdout,"\t-D use unrestricted motion vector mode (annex D) [%s]\n", DEF_UMV_MODE ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-E use syntax-based arithmetic coding (annex E) [%s]\n", DEF_SAC_MODE ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-F use advanced prediction mode (annex F) [%s]\n", DEF_ADV_MODE ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-G use PB-frames (annex G) [%s]\n", DEF_PBF_MODE ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-h Prints simple help\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-H Prints advanced help\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n\tDefault filenames and other options in square brackets \n\tare chosen in config.h\n"); return; }
void AdvancedHelp() { fprintf(stdout,"Usage:\ttmn [options] -i <filename> [more options]\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Options:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-i <filename> original sequence [required parameter]\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-o <filename> reconstructed frames [%s]\n", DEF_OUTFILENAME); fprintf(stdout,"\t-B <filename> filename for bitstream [%s]\n", DEF_STREAMNAME); fprintf(stdout,"\t-a <n> image to start at [%d]\n", DEF_START_FRAME); fprintf(stdout,"\t-b <n> image to stop at [%d]\n", DEF_STOP_FRAME); fprintf(stdout,"\t-x <n> coding format [%d]\n",DEF_CODING_FORMAT); fprintf(stdout,"\t n=1: SQCIF n=2: QCIF n=3: CIF n=4: 4CIF n=5: 16CIF\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t 128x96 176x144 352x288 704x576 1408x1152\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-s <n> (0..15) integer pel search window [%d]\n", DEF_SEEK_DIST); fprintf(stdout,"\t-q <n> (1..31) quantization parameter QP [%d]\n", DEF_INTER_QUANT); fprintf(stdout,"\t-I <n> (1..31) QP for first frame [%d]\n", DEF_INTRA_QUANT); fprintf(stdout,"\t-r <n> target bitrate in bits/s, default is variable bitrate\n"); #ifdef OFFLINE_RATE_CONTROL fprintf(stdout,"\t -R <n> start rate control after n%% of sequence [%d]\n", DEF_START_RATE_CONTROL); #else fprintf(stdout,"\t -R <f> target frame rate [%.2f]\n", DEF_TARGET_FRAME_RATE); #endif fprintf(stdout,"\t-S <n> frames to skip between each encoded frame [%d]\n", DEF_FRAMESKIP); fprintf(stdout,"\t-Z <n> reference frame rate (25 or 30 fps) [%.1f]\n", DEF_REF_FRAME_RATE); fprintf(stdout,"\t-O <n> frames skipped in original compared to reference frame rate [%d]\n", DEF_ORIG_SKIP); fprintf(stdout,"\t-e <n> original sequence has n bytes header [%d]\n", DEF_HEADERLENGTH); fprintf(stdout,"\t-g <n> insert sync after each n GOB (slice) [%d]\n", DEF_INSERT_SYNC); fprintf(stdout,"\t zero above means no extra syncs inserted\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-w write difference image to file \"%s\" [%s]\n", DEF_DIFFILENAME, DEF_WRITE_DIFF ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-m write repeated reconstructed frames to disk [%s]\n", DEF_WRITE_REPEATED ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-t write trace to tracefile trace.intra/trace [%s]\n", DEF_WRITE_TRACE ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-D use unrestricted motion vector mode (annex D) [%s]\n", DEF_UMV_MODE ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-E use syntax-based arithmetic coding (annex E) [%s]\n", DEF_SAC_MODE ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-F use advanced prediction mode (annex F) [%s]\n", DEF_ADV_MODE ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-G use PB-frames (annex G) [%s]\n", DEF_PBF_MODE ? "ON" : "OFF"); fprintf(stdout,"\t -Q <n> (0..3) BQUANT parameter [%d]\n",DEF_BQUANT); fprintf(stdout,"\t-h Prints simple help\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\t-H Prints advanced help\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n\tDefault filenames and other options in square brackets \n\tare chosen in config.h\n"); return; }
/**//********************************************************************** * * Name: PrintResult * Description: add bits and prints results * * Input: Bits struct * * Returns: * Side effects: * * Date: 940116 Author: Karl.Lillevold@nta.no * ***********************************************************************/
void PrintResult(Bits *bits,int num_units, int num) { fprintf(stdout,"# intra : %d\n", bits->no_intra/num_units); fprintf(stdout,"# inter : %d\n", bits->no_inter/num_units); fprintf(stdout,"# inter4v : %d\n", bits->no_inter4v/num_units); fprintf(stdout,"--------------\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Coeff_Y: %d\n", bits->Y/num); fprintf(stdout,"Coeff_C: %d\n", bits->C/num); fprintf(stdout,"Vectors: %d\n", bits->vec/num); fprintf(stdout,"CBPY : %d\n", bits->CBPY/num); fprintf(stdout,"MCBPC : %d\n", bits->CBPCM/num); fprintf(stdout,"MODB : %d\n", bits->MODB/num); fprintf(stdout,"CBPB : %d\n", bits->CBPB/num); fprintf(stdout,"COD : %d\n", bits->COD/num); fprintf(stdout,"DQUANT : %d\n", bits->DQUANT/num); fprintf(stdout,"header : %d\n", bits->header/num); fprintf(stdout,"==============\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Total : %d\n", bits->total/num); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); return; }
void PrintSNR(Results *res, int num) { fprintf(stdout,"SNR_Y : %.2f\n", res->SNR_l/num); fprintf(stdout,"SNR_Cb : %.2f\n", res->SNR_Cb/num); fprintf(stdout,"SNR_Cr : %.2f\n", res->SNR_Cr/num); fprintf(stdout,"--------------\n"); return; }
# re: H.263 视频 标准编码库 TMN2.0EDemo程序中文注释 回复 更多评论
2008-11-27 23:37 by
email :liyigang86@163.com
# re: H.263 视频 标准编码库 TMN2.0EDemo程序中文注释 回复 更多评论
2008-12-04 11:19 by
# re: H.263 视频 标准编码库 TMN2.0EDemo程序中文注释 回复 更多评论
2008-12-04 22:58 by
# re: H.263 视频 标准编码库 TMN2.0EDemo程序中文注释[未登录] 回复 更多评论
2008-12-14 21:35 by
我window下我们一般会用Direct X进行视频开发的,我不知Win
# re: H.263 视频 标准编码库 TMN2.0EDemo程序中文注释 回复 更多评论
2008-12-14 22:52 by
# re: H.263 视频 标准编码库 TMN2.0EDemo程序中文注释 回复 更多评论
2009-03-30 20:34 by
im_file = fopen(tmp_Y,"rb");
# re: H.263 视频 标准编码库 TMN2.0EDemo程序中文注释 回复 更多评论
2009-04-27 21:04 by
# re: H.263 视频 标准编码库 TMN2.0EDemo程序中文注释 回复 更多评论
2009-09-10 16:54 by
刚刚接触h.263,请问yuv视频流,用tmn3 encode编码成什么格式的文件才能用tmn decode 解码?谢谢!
# re: H.263 视频 标准编码库 TMN2.0EDemo程序中文注释 回复 更多评论
2009-12-21 15:43 by
看到楼主的 文章 很有用~
最近 在研究Mobile ppc 摄像头拍摄后直接编码成h263
请问楼主 或者其他朋友能提供一个 Tmn/tmndec2.0库源码下载地址么? email给我也行 先谢谢了 email:cnp12@163.com