
动力通信工作组致力于网络通信的开发工作,进行tcpip网络编程,采用unix平台socket系列函数, windows平台 vc++6.0 MFC ,采用ASyncSocket对象。目前有telnet,irc,msn, SocketProxy 等产品程序。

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  • 模拟msn源代码-(与sb服务器通信,聊天session)
  • 模拟msn源代码-(与NS服务器通信)

    // CMsnLoginClient.cpp : implementation file

    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "SimMsnMessenger.h"
    #include "SimMsnMessengerView.h"
    #include "MsnLoginClient.h"
    #include "MsnSocket.h"

    #include <afxinet.h>

    #ifdef _DEBUG
    #define new DEBUG_NEW
    #undef THIS_FILE
    static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
    extern char  agCurDir[];
    // CMsnLoginClient

    CMsnLoginClient::CMsnLoginClient( )
     //m_pView  = pView;
     m_pSocket = NULL;
     m_strCurChannel = CString("");
     m_strHostIPAddress = CString("");
     m_strServerName =  CString("");
     m_strMyNickName =  CString("");

     m_strClientMsg =  CString("");
     m_strRecvMsg = CString("NULL");


     if(m_pSocket != NULL)
      delete m_pSocket;
      m_pSocket = NULL;


    void CMsnLoginClient::Init()

     //build the socket link
     //FileLog("Socket connect :[%s,%d]",m_strServerName,6667);
     if( !ClientConnectSocket(m_strServerName,1863) )  //connect the default server
      FileLog("Socket connect  Error");

     if(m_pSocket == NULL) return;



    void CMsnLoginClient::DoPrivmsg(LPCSTR lpszWho,LPCSTR lpszMessage)
     char buf[512];
     int  iTem;

     //the message len is must less 510
     if(strlen(lpszMessage) > 510)
      buf[510] = '\0';
      buf[511] = '\0';

     //check the lpszWho , if the string is: "#chinese"  --> "chinese"

     if(m_pSocket == NULL) return;
     sprintf(buf, "PRIVMSG %s :%s",lpszWho,lpszMessage);
     iTem = strlen(buf);
     buf[iTem] = 0x0d;
     buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a;
     buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
     m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));


    BOOL CMsnLoginClient::ClientConnectSocket(LPCTSTR lpszHostname,UINT nPort)
     char buf[512];
     int  iTem;
     int     iConTimes=0;
     m_pSocket = new CMsnSocket(this);

     FileLog("->开始连接到服务器[%s,%d] ...... ",lpszHostname,nPort);
     if (!m_pSocket->Create())

      //??? 1998-07-21 closesocket();
      delete m_pSocket;
      m_pSocket = NULL;
      FileLog("CMsnLoginClient::ClientConnect ->SocketSocket Create Error");
      return FALSE;
     while(!m_pSocket->Connect(lpszHostname, nPort) )
      FileLog("->尝试第%d次连接到服务器[%s,%d] ......",iConTimes,lpszHostname,nPort);
      //一但不成功,server 端的 nPort 口就被占用而 cbkcomsrv cannot startup ?????
      if (AfxMessageBox("ReConnect again?",MB_YESNO) == IDNO)
       //??? 1998-07-21 closesocket();
       delete m_pSocket;
       m_pSocket = NULL;
       CString strTmp;
       strTmp.Format( "Socket connect[%s:%d] fail!",lpszHostname, nPort) ;
       return FALSE;


     //AfxMessageBox("Socket connect successfully");

     m_pSocket->m_pFile = new CSocketFile(m_pSocket);
     m_pSocket->m_pArchiveIn = new CArchive(m_pSocket->m_pFile,CArchive::load);
     m_pSocket->m_pArchiveOut = new CArchive(m_pSocket->m_pFile,CArchive::store);

     //Connect the host:
     //send the nickname:
     sprintf( buf,"VER %d MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0",m_iSendXh);
     iTem = strlen(buf);
     buf[iTem] = 0x0d;
     buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a;
     buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
     m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

     CString strTemp;
     //m_pSocket->GetSockName( m_pSocket->m_strIPAddress, m_pSocket->m_uPort );
     return TRUE;

    void CMsnLoginClient::ParseRecvedStr(CString strMsg)
     CString strPrefix,strCommand,strParams;
     CString strTem,strTem2;
     CString strChannel,strWhoTalkToMe;

     char buf[500];
     int  iTem;
     char alTmp0[1000],alTmp1[100],alTmp2[100],alTmp3[100],alTmp4[1000],alTmp5[1000],alTmp6[1000],alTmp7[1000];
     unsigned int i=0;
     //MSN Messenger命令使用纯ASCII码。对非ASCII码字符使用URL编码。
     //[ ]内是可选项。最简单的命令没有流水号和参数。
     //为了方便起见,下面讨论时用" "代表<SP>,"\r\n"代表<CRLF>,
     //USR 18 TWN I example@hotmail.com\r\n

     strCommand = strMsg.Mid(0,3);
     if(strCommand == CString("VER"))
      sprintf(buf, "CVR %d 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS %s",m_iSendXh,(LPCTSTR)m_strMyNickName);
      iTem = strlen(buf);
      buf[iTem] = 0x0d; buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a; buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));
     else if(strCommand == CString("CVR"))
      sprintf(buf, "USR %d TWN I %s",m_iSendXh ,(LPCTSTR)m_strMyNickName);
      iTem = strlen(buf);
      buf[iTem] = 0x0d; buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a; buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));
     else if(strCommand == CString("XFR"))
      //XFR 3 NS 0
      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s %s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3,alTmp4,alTmp5,alTmp6);
      FileLog("XFR: %s %s %s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3,alTmp4,alTmp5,alTmp6);
      unsigned int ilLen=strlen(alTmp4);

      for( i=2; i < ilLen ; i++ )
       if( alTmp4[i]== ':' ) break;


      if( memcmp(alTmp3,"NS",2 ) == 0 )
       FileLog("PostMessage(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)");
       AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->PostMessage( WM_MY_MESSAGE, 0, 0 );
      else if( memcmp(alTmp3,"SB",2 ) == 0 )
       FileLog("XFR SB  返回分配SS请求的应答");
       if( m_iXfrSbUserNo < m_iCountUser )
        FileLog("XFR SB:NS->[联系人: i=[%d](%s) ...]", m_iXfrSbUserNo,(LPCTSTR)m_MsnUser[m_iXfrSbUserNo]->m_strEmail );
     else if(strCommand == CString("USR"))
      //USR 7 TWN S lc=1033,id=507,tw=40,fs=1,ru=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,ct=1116208791,kpp=1,kv=6,ver=2.1.6000.1,tpf=3dc9e50a9b371f27a912e60c0fa95a62

      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3,alTmp4,alTmp5);
      FileLog("USR : %s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3,alTmp4,alTmp5);
      //USR 7 OK tcpip_2005@126.com tcpip_2005@126.com 1 0 \r\n
      if( memcmp( alTmp3 ,"OK", 2) == 0 )
       FileLog("MSN Login OK !");
       m_strNick.Format("%s", alTmp5 );
        sprintf(buf, "SYN %d 0",m_iSendXh );
        iTem = strlen(buf);
        buf[iTem] = 0x0d; buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a; buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
        m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

       return ;
      else if( memcmp( alTmp3 ,"TWN", 3) == 0 )
       FileLog("MSN 通过SSL的认证 ... ");


      int ilRet;
      ilRet = DoHTTPSAuthentication(alTmp5,alTmp4);
      if( ilRet == 0 )
        sprintf(buf, "USR %d TWN S %s",m_iSendXh,alTmp4 );
        iTem = strlen(buf);
        buf[iTem] = 0x0d; buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a; buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
        m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

     else if(strCommand == CString("SYN"))
      FileLog("SYN ...");
      // CHG+9+NLN+268435492%0d%0a]
      sprintf(buf, "CHG %d NLN 268435492",m_iSendXh );
      iTem = strlen(buf);
      buf[iTem] = 0x0d; buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a; buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

     else if(strCommand == CString("CHG"))

      sprintf(buf, "BLP %d BL",m_iSendXh );
      iTem = strlen(buf);
      buf[iTem] = 0x0d; buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a; buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

     else if(strCommand == CString("CHL"))
      FileLog("CHL 服务器发出验证要求..");
      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3 );
      FileLog("CHL : %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3 );
      DoMD5( alTmp3, alTmp4 );
      sprintf(buf, "QRY %d PROD0038W!61ZTF9 32\r\n%s",m_iSendXh ,alTmp4);
      iTem = strlen(buf);
      buf[iTem] = 0x00;
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

     else if(strCommand == CString("LSG"))
      FileLog("LSG :获取联系人(组列表)请求的应答!");
     else if(strCommand == CString("LST"))
      DoLST( strMsg );
      FileLog("LST :获取(联系人列表)请求的应答!");
     else if(strCommand == CString("BLP"))
      FileLog("BLP :BLP设置保密策略请求的应答!");
      sprintf(buf, "PNG\r\n");
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));
     else if(strCommand == CString("QNG"))
      FileLog("QNG :PNG(ping)请求的应答!");
     else if(strCommand == CString("QRY"))
      FileLog("QRY :CHL服务器验证通过!");
      sprintf(buf, "PNG\r\n");
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

      DoUserInput("AddUser sim_m_s_n@hotmail.com",9999);

      DispMainPage(); /*显示*/
     else if(strCommand == CString("MSG"))
      //MSG Hotmail Hotmail 499
      FileLog("MSG:NS服务器发出消息数据 ...");
      int iLen;
      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3 ,alTmp4);
      iLen = atoi( alTmp4 );
      FileLog("MSG : %s %s %s ,Len=%d",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3 ,iLen);
      m_iBytesForCmd = iLen;
     else if(strCommand == CString("ILN"))
      //ILN 10 NLN tcpip_2005@126.com 动力通信工作组 1073791020
      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3 ,alTmp4,alTmp5,alTmp6,alTmp7);
      FileLog("ILN:NS->[联系人: %s %s %s Status:%s]",alTmp4,alTmp5,alTmp6, alTmp3);
      for( int i=0;i<m_iCountUser; i ++ )
       if( !m_MsnUser[i]->m_strEmail.CompareNoCase(alTmp4) )
        FileLog("ILN:NS->联系人 i=[%d](%s) ,更新状态完成!", i,(LPCTSTR)m_MsnUser[i]->m_strEmail );

      DeCodeBuf( alTmp7 , strlen(alTmp7)) ;
      FileLog("ILN:NS->[联系人:%s]",alTmp7 );
     else if(strCommand == CString("REA"))
       FileLog("REA:NS-> OK!");
     else if(strCommand == CString("REM"))
      FileLog("REM:NS-> 删除联系人OK!");
     else if(strCommand == CString("NLN"))
      //NLN BSY  tcpip_2005@126.com 动力通信工作组 1073791020
      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s %s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp3 ,alTmp4,alTmp5,alTmp6,alTmp7);
      FileLog("NLN:NS->[联系人: %s %s %s Status:%s]",alTmp4,alTmp5,alTmp6, alTmp3);
      for( int i=0;i<m_iCountUser; i ++ )
       if( !m_MsnUser[i]->m_strEmail.CompareNoCase(alTmp4) )
        FileLog("NLN:NS->联系人 i=[%d](%s) ,更新状态完成!", i,(LPCTSTR)m_MsnUser[i]->m_strEmail );

      if( i == m_iCountUser )
       CString strTmp1;
       //[LST tcpip_2005@126.com 动力通信工作组 11 1]
       strTmp1.Format("LST %s %s 11 0",alTmp4,alTmp5);
      DeCodeBuf( alTmp7 , strlen(alTmp7)) ;
      FileLog("NLN:NS->[联系人:%s]",alTmp7 );
     else if(strCommand == CString("FLN"))
      //FLN @sina.com.cn
      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s ",alTmp3 ,alTmp4);
      for( int i=0;i<m_iCountUser; i ++ )
       if( !m_MsnUser[i]->m_strEmail.CompareNoCase(alTmp4) )
        FileLog("FLN:NS->联系人 i=[%d](%s) ,更新状态完成!", i,(LPCTSTR)m_MsnUser[i]->m_strEmail );

     else if(strCommand == CString("RNG"))
      //RNG 17149548 CKI 1116489150.3878  acd@sina.com.cn
      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3 ,alTmp4,alTmp5,alTmp6,alTmp7);
      FileLog("RNG:NS->[联系人: %s(%s) 发出私聊session请求 ...]",alTmp6, alTmp7);
      for( int i=0;i<m_iCountUser; i ++ )
       if( !m_MsnUser[i]->m_strEmail.CompareNoCase(alTmp6) )
        FileLog("RNG:NS->[联系人: i=[%d](%s) ...]", i,(LPCTSTR)m_MsnUser[i]->m_strEmail );
     else if(strCommand == CString("ADD"))
      //09:59:18:323 S->C 0046 [ADD 0 RL 0 abc@sina.com.cn %e5%a4%8f%e4%bb%a4%e9%9d%99
        //09:59:28:448 C->S 0063 [ADD 13 AL abc@sina.com.cn %25e5%25a4%258f%25e4%25bb%25a4%25e9%259d%2599
        //09:59:28:748 S->C 0061 [ADD 13 AL 1 abc@sina.com.cn abc@sina.com.cn
        //09:59:42:147 C->S 0065 [ADD 14 FL abc@sina.com.cn %25e5%25a4%258f%25e4%25bb%25a4%25e9%259d%2599 0
        //09:59:42:478 S->C 0049 [ADD 14 FL 1 abc@sina.com.cn %e5%a4%8f%e4%bb%a4%e9%9d%99 0
        //09:59:42:668 S->C 0304 [ILN 14 NLN abc@sina.com.cn %e5%a4%8f%e4%bb%a4%e9%9d%99 1073795116 %

      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3,alTmp4,alTmp5);
      FileLog("USR : %s %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3,alTmp4,alTmp5);
      //USR 7 OK tcpip_2005@126.com tcpip_2005@126.com 1 0 \r\n
      if( memcmp( alTmp3 ,"RL", 2) == 0 )
       //09:59:28:448 C->S 0063 [ADD 13 AL abc@sina.com.cn
        sprintf(buf, "ADD %d AL %s %s\r\n",m_iSendXh,alTmp5,alTmp5 );
        iTem = strlen(buf);
        buf[iTem] = 0x00;
        m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

       return ;
      else if( memcmp( alTmp3 ,"AL", 2) == 0 )
        sprintf(buf, "ADD %d FL %s %s 0\r\n",m_iSendXh,alTmp5,alTmp5 );
        iTem = strlen(buf);
        buf[iTem] = 0x00;
        m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

       return ;
      else if( memcmp( alTmp3 ,"FL", 2) == 0 )
       FileLog("ADD %s  FL OK !" , alTmp5);
       return ;
      FileLog("Error! Command[%s]",(LPCTSTR)strCommand);


    void CMsnLoginClient::ParseInputCommandStr(CString strText)

     int iEnd;
     CString strCommand,strParams;
     char buf[50];
     int  iTem;
     //this input is a command
     //get the command:
     iEnd   = strText.Find(_T(' '));
     if(iEnd == -1)
      //the input command like: '/list'
      strCommand = strText.Mid(1,strText.GetLength());
      strParams = CString(_T(""));
      strCommand = strText.Mid(1,iEnd);
      strParams = strText.Mid(iEnd+1,strText.GetLength());


     if( strCommand == CString(_T("JOIN")) )
      //DoJoin( LPCSTR(strParams) );
     else if( strCommand == CString(_T("LIST")) )
      if(m_pSocket == NULL) return;
      if( iEnd != -1 ) sprintf( buf, "LIST %s",LPCSTR(strParams));
      else strcpy(buf,"LIST");
      iTem = strlen(buf);
      buf[iTem] = 0x0d;
      buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a;
      buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

     else if( strCommand == CString(_T("CLEAR")) || strCommand == CString(_T("CLS")) )
    //  DoClear();
      if(m_pSocket == NULL) return;
      if( iEnd != -1 ) sprintf( buf, "%s %s",LPCSTR(strCommand),LPCSTR(strParams));
      else sprintf( buf, "%s",LPCSTR(strCommand));
      iTem = strlen(buf);
      buf[iTem] = 0x0d;
      buf[iTem+1] = 0x0a;
      buf[iTem+2] = 0x00;
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));

    void CMsnLoginClient::DoXFR()
      delete m_pSocket;
      m_pSocket = NULL;

    int CMsnLoginClient::DoHTTPSAuthentication(char *alTmp3, char *alTmp4)
     FileLog("DoHTTPSAuthentication:NS给出的信息(S:Subsequent)[%s]", alTmp3);

     CInternetSession session("My Session");
     CHttpConnection* pServer = NULL;
     CHttpFile* pFile = NULL;
     char szLogin[] = "https://login.passport.com/login2.srf?lc=1033";
      char szHeaders[2000];
     //char szBuf[1024];
     //Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in=example%40passport.com,pwd=password, lc=1033,id=507,tw=40,fs=1,ru=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,ct=1073355862,kpp=1,kv=5,ver=2.1.0173.1, tpf=ed1c2f217a21c191c61251eb8b73bb60 \r\n
     sprintf( szHeaders,"Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%%3A%%2F%%2Fmessenger%%2Emsn%%2Ecom,sign-in=%s,pwd=%s, %s \r\n", (LPCTSTR)m_strMyNickName,(LPCTSTR)m_strPassword,alTmp3 );
     FileLog( "szHeaders=[%s]",szHeaders);
        CString strServerName;
        CString strObject;
        INTERNET_PORT nPort;
        DWORD dwRet;

        FileLog("session.GetHttpConnection(%s,%d) ...",(LPCTSTR)strServerName, nPort);
        pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(strServerName, nPort);
        pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET,strObject,0,1,0,0,dwHttpRequestFlags);
      unsigned long ContentStrLen = 4023;
      char alText[4024];
      pFile->QueryInfo(HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_TEXT ,alText,&ContentStrLen);
      FileLog("QueryInfo=[%d] %s",ContentStrLen,alText);
      //HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF             22  // special: all headers
       ContentStrLen = 4023;
      FileLog("QueryInfo all headers:[%d] \n%s",ContentStrLen,alText);

      //Authentication-Info: Passport1.4 da-status=success,from-PP='t=6i74VouBNHsO1Z5RJNulJBswkNts5lPEiTXvqZaOuh8fPTvhncTY5FKZZZfch4pXCmyclLdkYpUgeWczNmzu1*3FGWUU5pRU3Gvs*472Oi!y3SkGWzuy!Gxc1qWW2gHxYx6oFxID57eng$&p=6hQ!wH4YGFc!nnfg2kyLEs0N!6HWbEeXo8sHmcWXB6uJXAHPHtyvtLauKmUA9h472zg4CfaJLUVUKXVM5ibNfwzOtcpM1RHs85D4NZseNiXYd1b3jwwPtqo268KVKdICylCyiiPSKcznYawOMc5lUkyH0AvS85rFKi1YCkYD2mpsJVT0FyovDk8Q$$',ru=http://messenger.msn.com
      unsigned int i=0,iBegin=0,iEnd=0;
      for( i = 10; i< ContentStrLen; i++ )
       if( memcmp(  alText + i , "from-PP='",9 ) == 0 ) iBegin= i+9;
       else if( memcmp(  alText + i , "',ru=",5 ) == 0 )
        iEnd = i ;
      FileLog("Authentication-Info: %d %d",iBegin,iEnd);
      if( iEnd > iBegin )
       memcpy(alTmp4,alText+iBegin, iEnd-iBegin );
        if (dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_OK)
         FileLog("http ret=[%d]",dwRet);
         UINT nRead = pFile->Read(szBuf, 1023);
         while (nRead > 0)
          FileLog("http ret=[%d],%s",nRead, szBuf );//read file...
          HexLog(szBuf, nRead);
        else FileLog("http Err ret=[%d]",dwRet);
        delete pFile;
        delete pServer;

     //catch (CInternetException* pEx)
     catch (CException* pEx)
        FileLog("CException: %s",alTmp4  ); //catch errors from WinInet
     FileLog("DoHTTPSAuthentication:从认证服务器得到的(入场券)[%s]", alTmp4);
     return 0;

    int CMsnLoginClient::DoMD5(char *aIn, char *aOut)
     //Client ID string Client ID code
     //msmsgs@msnmsgr.com Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5
     //PROD0038W!61ZTF9 VT6PX?UQTM4WM%YR
     //PROD0058#7IL2{QD QHDCY@7R1TB6W?5B
     FileLog("Client ID string=[PROD0038W!61ZTF9],Client ID code=[VT6PX?UQTM4WM%YR]");
     FileLog("CHL challenge =[%s]", aIn );
     int iLen = strlen(aIn );
     memcpy( aIn + iLen , "VT6PX?UQTM4WM%YR",  16 );
     aIn[ iLen + 16 ] = 0x00;
     FileLog("CHL challenge + Client ID code  =[%s]", aIn );

     MD5String( aIn,  aOut);
        FileLog("QRY MD5 string=[%s]", aOut );
     return 0;

    int CMsnLoginClient::DoTimerPNG()
     char buf[10];
     if( m_pSocket == NULL) return -1;
     if( m_iLoginOk==0 ) return -2;
     sprintf(buf, "PNG\r\n");
     m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));
     return 0;

    int CMsnLoginClient::DoLST(CString aIn)
     //[LST tcpip_2005@126.com 动力通信工作组 11 1]

      char alTmp0[1000],alTmp1[300],alTmp2[300],alTmp3[300],alTmp4[1000];
      unsigned int i=0;
      sprintf(alTmp0,"%s", (LPCTSTR)aIn);
      sscanf(alTmp0,"%s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3 );
      FileLog("LST : %s %s %s",alTmp1,alTmp2,alTmp3 );
      m_MsnUser[m_iCountUser] = new CMsnUser();
      m_MsnUser[m_iCountUser]->m_iUserNo = m_iCountUser ;

      m_iCountUser ++;

      return 0;

    int CMsnLoginClient::DispMainPage()
     //int ilPageName,ilPageStatus,ilPageUser,ilPageEnd;
     char alTmp1[4048];
     int ilBytes;
     CFile fLog;
     CString sFile;
     CString strBuf;
     if( !fLog.Open(sFile, CFile::modeRead))
      FileLog("Failed to read %s.", sFile );
      ilBytes = fLog.Read(alTmp1,4040);
      FileLog("Read Bytes: %d ",ilBytes);

     FileLog( " DispMainPage() ... " );
     strBuf.Format("%s", alTmp1 );
     strBuf.Replace("_VAR_Status","<option value=\"NLN\" selected>Online</option>");
     ilBytes = 0 ;

     int iIn=strBuf.Find("_VAR_Users");
     for( int i=0;i<m_iCountUser; i ++ )
      sprintf(alTmp1+ilBytes,"<img border=\"0\" src=\"%s.jpg\" ><a href=\"http://sim.msnmessenger.com.cn/OpenUser.asp?UserNo=%d\">%s(%s)</a><br>\n",

     if( !fLog.Open(sFile, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite))
      FileLog("Failed to write %s .", sFile );
      FileLog("Write Bytes: %d",strBuf.GetLength());
     FileLog("PostMessage(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam DispMainPage)");
     LPARAM lpTmp= 1;
     AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->PostMessage( WM_MY_MESSAGE, 0, (LPARAM)lpTmp );

     return 0;

    int CMsnLoginClient::DoUserInput(const  char *aInCmd, int iInUserNo)
     if( memcmp( aInCmd, "REA" , 3 ) == 0 )
      //C->S 0076 [REA 14 free_2005@sina.com.cn %25e5%25ae%25
      char buf[300];
      if( m_pSocket == NULL) return -1;
      if( m_iLoginOk==0 ) return -2;
      sprintf(buf, "REA %d %s %s\r\n",m_iSendXh,

      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));
     else if( memcmp( aInCmd, "OpenUser" , 8 ) == 0 )
      if( m_pSocket == NULL) return -1;
      if( m_iLoginOk==0 ) return -2;
      return DispUserPage(iInUserNo);
     else if( memcmp( aInCmd, "AddUser" , 3 ) == 0 )
      //[ADD 13 FL tcpip_2005@126.com tcpip_2005@126.com 1%0d%0a]
      char buf[300];
      if( m_pSocket == NULL) return -1;
      if( m_iLoginOk==0 ) return -2;
      sprintf(buf, "ADD %d FL %s %s 0\r\n",m_iSendXh,

      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));
     else if( memcmp( aInCmd, "DelUser" , 3 ) == 0 )
      //20050529 10:00:49:540 [768] : C->S 0037 [REM 14 FL tcpip_2005@126.com 1%0d%0a]
      //20050529 10:00:49:870 [768] : S->C 0039 [REM 14 FL 1 tcpip_2005@126.com 1%0d%0a]
         char buf[300];
      if( m_pSocket == NULL) return -1;
      if( m_iLoginOk==0 ) return -2;
      sprintf(buf, "REM %d FL %s 0\r\n",m_iSendXh, aInCmd+8 );

      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));
     return 0;

    int CMsnLoginClient::DispUserPage(int iInUserNo)
    //int ilPageName,ilPageStatus,ilPageUser,ilPageEnd;
     char alTmp1[2048],alTmp2[300];
     int ilBytes;
     CFile fLog;
     CString sFile;
     CString strBuf;
     if( !fLog.Open(sFile, CFile::modeRead))
      FileLog("Failed to read %s.", sFile );
      ilBytes = fLog.Read(alTmp1,2040);
      FileLog("Read Bytes: %d ",ilBytes);

     sprintf( alTmp2,"%d_user_left.htm", iInUserNo );
     strBuf.Format("%s", alTmp1 );

     sprintf( alTmp2,"%d_user_bottom.htm", iInUserNo );

     if( !fLog.Open(sFile, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite))
      FileLog("Failed to write %s .", sFile );
      FileLog("Write Bytes: %d",strBuf.GetLength());

     if( !fLog.Open(sFile, CFile::modeRead))
      FileLog("Failed to read %s.", sFile );
      ilBytes = fLog.Read(alTmp1,2040);
      FileLog("Read Bytes: %d ",ilBytes);

     sprintf( alTmp2,"%d", iInUserNo );
     strBuf.Format("%s", alTmp1 );


     if( !fLog.Open(sFile, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite))
      FileLog("Failed to write %s .", sFile );
      FileLog("Write Bytes: %d",strBuf.GetLength());

     FILE     *fp;
        char    fname1[300];

     if (( fp = fopen(fname1,"w")) != NULL)
      fprintf( fp,"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">");
      fprintf( fp,"<title>UserPages</title></head><body>");
      fprintf( fp,"<p><font face=\"宋体\" size=\"2\">" );
      fclose( fp );

     FileLog("PostMessage(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam DispMainPage)");
     LPARAM lpTmp= iInUserNo+100;
     AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->PostMessage( WM_MY_MESSAGE, 1, (LPARAM)lpTmp );

     return 0;

    int CMsnLoginClient::DoUserXfrSB(int iInUserNo)
      char buf[300];
      if( m_pSocket == NULL) return -1;
      if( m_iLoginOk==0 ) return -2;
      sprintf(buf, "XFR %d SB\r\n",m_iSendXh);
      m_pSocket->Send( (void*)buf, strlen(buf));
      return 0;

  • posted on 2005-06-02 10:00 动力通讯工作组 阅读(5882) 评论(82)  编辑 收藏 引用


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