此命令行工具可以分析林中一个或所有域控制器的状态,并报告任何问题以帮助进行疑难解答。DCDiag.exe 由各种测试组成,这些测试可以单独运行,也可以作为套件的一部分来验证域控制器的健全性。以下是对带详细信息输出的文件作注解:
Domain Controller Diagnosis 域控制器诊断
Performing initial setup: 初始化安装:
* Verifying that the local machine GDST01, is a DC. 检验目标主机GDST01,是一台DC
* Connecting to directory service on server GDST01. 连接GDST01的目录服务
* Collecting site info. 收集站点信息
* Identifying all servers. 识别所有服务器
* Identifying all NC cross-refs.
* Found 3 DC(s). Testing 1 of them. 找到三台DC,并检测其中一台
Done gathering initial info. 完成初始化信息收集
Doing initial required tests 执行初始化测试
Testing server: YM-site\GDST01 测试服务器:ym-site\GDST01
Starting test: Connectivity 开始测试:连通性
* Active Directory LDAP Services Check 活动目录LDAP服务检测
* Active Directory RPC Services Check 活动目录RPC服务检测
......................... GDST01 passed test Connectivity GDST01连通性检测通过
Doing primary tests 执行主要测试
Testing server: YM-site\GDST01 测试服务器:ym-site\GDST01
Starting test: Replications 开始测试:复制
* Replications Check 复制检测
* Replication Latency Check 潜在性复制检测
Latency information for 1 entries in the vector were ignored.
1 were retired Invocations. 0 were either: read-only replicas and are not verifiably latent, or dc's no longer replicating this nc. 0 had no latency information (Win2K DC).
Latency information for 1 entries in the vector were ignored.
1 were retired Invocations. 0 were either: read-only replicas and are not verifiably latent, or dc's no longer replicating this nc. 0 had no latency information (Win2K DC).
Latency information for 1 entries in the vector were ignored.
1 were retired Invocations. 0 were either: read-only replicas and are not verifiably latent, or dc's no longer replicating this nc. 0 had no latency information (Win2K DC).
Latency information for 1 entries in the vector were ignored.
1 were retired Invocations. 0 were either: read-only replicas and are not verifiably latent, or dc's no longer replicating this nc. 0 had no latency information (Win2K DC).
Latency information for 1 entries in the vector were ignored.
1 were retired Invocations. 0 were either: read-only replicas and are not verifiably latent, or dc's no longer replicating this nc. 0 had no latency information (Win2K DC).
* Replication Site Latency Check
......................... GDST01 passed test Replications
Test omitted by user request: Topology
Test omitted by user request: CutoffServers
Starting test: NCSecDesc
* Security Permissions Check for
(NDNC,Version 2)
* Security Permissions Check for
(NDNC,Version 2)
* Security Permissions Check for
(Schema,Version 2)
* Security Permissions Check for
(Configuration,Version 2)
* Security Permissions Check for
(Domain,Version 2)
......................... GDST01 passed test NCSecDesc
Starting test: NetLogons 开始测试:网络登录
* Network Logons Privileges Check 网络登录检测
......................... GDST01 passed test NetLogons GDST01通过网络登录测试
Starting test: Advertising 开始测试:宣告
The DC GDST01 is advertising itself as a DC and having a DS. 域控制器宣告自己是一台域控制器同时拥有目录服务
The DC GDST01 is advertising as an LDAP server 域控制器宣告是一台LDAP服务器
The DC GDST01 is advertising as having a writeable directory 域控制器宣告拥有可写的目录
The DC GDST01 is advertising as a Key Distribution Center 域控制器宣告自己是一台密钥分发中心(KDC)
The DC GDST01 is advertising as a time server 域控制器宣告自己是一台时间服务器
The DS GDST01 is advertising as a GC. 域控制器宣告自己是一台全局编录服务器
......................... GDST01 passed test Advertising GDST01通过宣告测试
Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders 开始测试:角色分配
Role Schema Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=GDST01,CN=Servers,CN=YM-site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL
Role Domain Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=GDST01,CN=Servers,CN=YM-site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL
Role PDC Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=STYM02,CN=Servers,CN=YM-site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL
Role Rid Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=STYM02,CN=Servers,CN=YM-site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL
Role Infrastructure Update Owner = CN=NTDS Settings,CN=STYM02,CN=Servers,CN=YM-site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL
......................... GDST01 passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders GDST01通过角色分配测试
Starting test: RidManager 开始测试:Rid管理
* Available RID Pool for the Domain is 4103 to 1073741823 域控制器可用的RID地址池从4103至1073741823
* stym02.zy-st.local is the RID Master Stym02为RID主机
* DsBind with RID Master was successful 与RID主机绑定成功
* rIDAllocationPool is 3103 to 3602 RID分配地址池从3103至3602
* rIDPreviousAllocationPool is 1103 to 1602 RID之前分配池从1103至1602
* rIDNextRID: 1578 RID下一个分配地址是1578
* Warning :There is less than 5% available RIDs in the current pool 警告:自定义地址池可用数少于5%
......................... GDST01 passed test RidManager GDST01通过RID管理测试
Starting test: MachineAccount 开始测试:机器帐户
* SPN found :LDAP/GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL/zy-st.LOCAL
* SPN found :LDAP/GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL
* SPN found :LDAP/GDST01
* SPN found :LDAP/GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL/zy-st
* SPN found :LDAP/cf76e6a0-2966-4da7-8f31-327b5f6fed1f._msdcs.zy-st.LOCAL
* SPN found :E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2/cf76e6a0-2966-4da7-8f31-327b5f6fed1f/zy-st.LOCAL
* SPN found :HOST/GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL/zy-st.LOCAL
* SPN found :HOST/GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL
* SPN found :HOST/GDST01
* SPN found :HOST/GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL/zy-st
* SPN found :GC/GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL/zy-st.LOCAL
......................... GDST01 passed test MachineAccount GDST01通过机器帐户测试
Starting test: Services 开始测试:服务
* Checking Service: Dnscache
* Checking Service: NtFrs
* Checking Service: IsmServ
* Checking Service: kdc
* Checking Service: SamSs
* Checking Service: LanmanServer
* Checking Service: LanmanWorkstation
* Checking Service: RpcSs
* Checking Service: w32time
* Checking Service: NETLOGON
......................... GDST01 passed test Services GDST01通过服务测试
Test omitted by user request: OutboundSecureChannels 测试用户请求:对外安全通道
Starting test: ObjectsReplicated 开始测试:对象复制
GDST01 is in domain DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL
Checking for CN=GDST01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL in domain DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL on 1 servers
Object is up-to-date on all servers.
Checking for CN=NTDS Settings,CN=GDST01,CN=Servers,CN=YM-site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL in domain CN=Configuration,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL on 1 servers
Object is up-to-date on all servers.
......................... GDST01 passed test ObjectsReplicated GDST01通过对象复制测试
Starting test: frssysvol 开始测试:SYSVOL目录的文件复制服务
* The File Replication Service SYSVOL ready test SYSVOL目录的文件复制服务准备测试
File Replication Service's SYSVOL is ready SYSVOL目录的文件复制服务准备就绪
......................... GDST01 passed test frssysvol GDST01通过SYSVOL目录的文件复制服务测试
Starting test: frsevent 开始测试:文件复制服务的日志
* The File Replication Service Event log test 文件复制服务的日志测试
......................... GDST01 passed test frsevent GDST01通过文件复制服务的日志测试
Starting test: kccevent 开始测试:KCC日志
* The KCC Event log test KCC日志测试
Found no KCC errors in Directory Service Event log in the last 15 minutes. 15分钟之内在目录服务日志中未发现KCC错误
......................... GDST01 passed test kccevent GDST01通过KCC日志测试
Starting test: systemlog 开始测试:系统日志
* The System Event log test 系统日志测试
Found no errors in System Event log in the last 60 minutes. 1小时内在系统日志中未发现错误
......................... GDST01 passed test systemlog GDST01通过系统日志测试
Test omitted by user request: VerifyReplicas 忽略用户请求:复制校验
Starting test: VerifyReferences 开始测试:校验参考
The system object reference (serverReference) CN=GDST01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL and backlink on CN=GDST01,CN=Servers,CN=YM-site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL are correct.
The system object reference (frsComputerReferenceBL) CN=GDST01,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL and backlink on CN=GDST01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL are correct.
The system object reference (serverReferenceBL) CN=GDST01,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL and backlink on CN=NTDS Settings,CN=GDST01,CN=Servers,CN=YM-site,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=zy-st,DC=LOCAL are correct.
......................... GDST01 passed test VerifyReferences GDST01通过校验参考测试
Test omitted by user request: VerifyEnterpriseReferences 忽略用户请求:企业参考校验
Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones 运行分区测试在:森林DNS区域
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones 运行分区测试在:域DNS区域
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
Running partition tests on : Schema 运行分区测试在:架构
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
Running partition tests on : Configuration 运行分区测试在:配置
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
Running partition tests on : zy-st 运行分区测试在:zy-st
Starting test: CrossRefValidation
......................... zy-st passed test CrossRefValidation
Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
......................... zy-st passed test CheckSDRefDom
Running enterprise tests on : zy-st.LOCAL 运行企业测试在:zy-st.Local
Starting test: Intersite 开始测试:内部站点
Skipping site YM-site, this site is outside the scope provided by the command line arguments provided.
Skipping site C3-site, this site is outside the scope provided by the command line arguments provided.
......................... zy-st.LOCAL passed test Intersite
Starting test: FsmoCheck 开始测试:FSMO检测
GC Name: \\GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL 全局编录名
Locator Flags: 0xe00001fc 位置标志
PDC Name: \\stym02.zy-st.LOCAL PDC主机名
Locator Flags: 0xe00003fd 位置标志
Time Server Name: \\GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL 时间服务器名
Locator Flags: 0xe00001fc 位置标志
Preferred Time Server Name: \\stym02.zy-st.LOCAL 首选时间服务器名
Locator Flags: 0xe00003fd 位置标志
KDC Name: \\GDST01.zy-st.LOCAL 密钥分配中心名
Locator Flags: 0xe00001fc 位置标志
......................... zy-st.LOCAL passed test FsmoCheck zy-st.LOCAL通过FSMO检测
posted on 2007-06-18 14:34
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