






SRAM design flow

SRAM  Design Flow:
(1) Specification
(2) Kick off
(3) Architecture report
(4) Design  report
(5) Layout  View
(6) Postsim
(7) Tapeout  report

1, Specification Stage
a. Build work directory and environment.
b. Write script which is used during design cycle.
c. Evaluate MOSFET  Idsat, Model  Charteristic.
d. Evaluate Miniarray Layout.
e. Evaluate Read and Write  Speed.
f.  Read correlative patent and database.

2, Kick off  Stage
a, Build DSM_Kits  File.
b, Write  Project  execute  plan and manpower list.
c,  Make schematic tast list. confirm the designers who take charge and check. 
d. Write Kick off  review PowerPoint.

3. Architecture  Stage
a, Evaluate  xydecoder                                                                                                                                         
b, Evaluate YMUX Circuit
c, Evaluate  Eq&Precharge Current
d. Signal Place and Routing

4. Design report
a. Interface Control  Design
b. XYDecoder  Design
c. WLDrv    Design
d. Tracking mechanism Design
e. YMUX  Design
f.  Sense  Amplifier Design
g. Eq&EqDrv  Design
h. Array  BL/BLB Twist  mechanism 
i.  IO Driver Design

5. Layout Review
a. Layout  Plan
b. Power  Plan

6. Postsim
a.  extract  lpe
b.  Run  post  simulation
c.  Check  function and  performance

7. Tape out  Review
a. Write  Tape out  review  PowerPoint
b. Write  Test  document
c.  Write  tape out  tooling  form.


posted on 2006-05-07 16:06 洪七 阅读(728) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 技术


# re: SRAM design flow[未登录] 2010-01-19 13:01 wg

very good
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