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Burning Crusade Closed Beta

1. MPQ resource files reorganized, locale related resource mpqs are moved into locale sub-directory like "enUS", "enGB", "koKR", "zhCN".
2. Some DBC files fields changed and new fields added.
3. M2 format changes a little.
    a. A int32 is inserted into bone define struct, so the new m2 model can not be used in current wow client.
    b.Rotation quaternion is packed into 8 bytes as:
    struct PACK_QUTERNION  {   int16 x,y,z,w;  }; 
    Extract out float quternion, for exsample:
    PACK_QUTERNION  q = pCompressQuats[i];
    qRotate.x = float(q.x > 0? q.x - 32767 : q.x + 32767)/32767.0f;
    qRotate.y = float(q.y > 0? q.y - 32767 : q.y + 32767)/32767.0f;
    qRotate.z = float(q.z > 0? q.z - 32767 : q.z + 32767)/32767.0f;
    qRotate.w = float(q.w > 0? q.w - 32767 : q.w + 32767)/32767.0f;

Update MyWarCraftStudio to 0.9.5991 for supporting Burning Crusade Closed Beta client, and it should also work for current Wow client and alpha test client.

posted on 2006-10-15 23:43 linghuye 阅读(4457) 评论(23)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: MyWarCraftStudio3D图形学研究


# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

for supporting Burning Crusade Closed Beta client only or all?
2006-10-16 09:03 | kawa11

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

it should work for all
2006-10-16 09:39 | linghuye

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

I can open folders like CREATURES and look at the models. Unfortunately they have no textures (changing the skin in the model submenu doesn't change anything). Any hints on that?
2006-10-16 18:56 | kerrix

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

Maybe because of the changing of the fields of ModelDisplayInfo.dbc? I don't know if MWS will read that file.

If that is the case, I think you have to extract the ModelDisplayinfo.dbc(in 5921 or earlier) and add new rows of new models into it then repack it with model files so that you can view their texture.And always remember to make backups.(sorry for poor english, but i think you'll get it)
2006-10-16 22:14 | xlandhenry

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

Which mpq file did you open? Which wow client did you use, current/TBC alpha/TBC beta? What is your locale, enUS, koKR, enGB? What is your graphic card?

The new version will try to load the new TBC's dbc files in enUS\locale_enUS.mpq first, and load texture from common.mpq/expansion.MPQ.mpq first, it run well in my mathine.
2006-10-17 09:03 | linghuye

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

Client: Current TBC Beta 5991
Locale: enUS

I guess it's the graphic card. Actually my pc is broken and so I have to use an old computer with a Diamond Viper 550 (veeeeery old nVidia Chip).

Just wanted to check if I am the only one with this problem. Damn I hate this pc hehe...
2006-10-17 16:17 | kerrix

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

Diamond Viper 550 uses RIVA TNT!

Could you please create a sub-directory named "Logs" in the main program directory, and run the program, and then send me the GLRealtimeRender_XXX.log file?
It contain useful infos for old graphic cards.
2006-10-17 21:04 | linghuye

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

sure np.
2006-10-17 22:02 | kerrix

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

16:04:12.747 -- Graphic Card: NVIDIA RIVA TNT
16:04:14.009 -- **** OpenGL Information *******************
16:04:14.009 -- GL_ARB_texture_compression is NOT found!
16:04:14.009 -- GL_EXT_framebuffer_object is NOT found!
16:04:14.009 -- GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object is NOT found!
16:04:14.009 -- GL_ARB_vertex_shader is NOT found!
16:04:14.009 -- GL_ARB_fragment_shader is NOT found!
16:04:14.009 -- GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is NOT found!
16:04:14.009 -- *******************************************
2006-10-17 22:04 | kerrix

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

back @ my own pc

works perfect with geforce 4600

thx for the great work
2006-10-18 17:30 | kerrix

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

Link doesn't work :(
2006-10-19 16:53 | Fleming

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

Any way to swap burning crusade models into normal WoW? Ive been trying to swap a bloodelf on to my orc but it hasnt worked.
2006-10-27 09:30 | Wang

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

i have a radeon 9600 pro and i get an error when i try to open item models. i hope this helps.
2006-10-27 23:20 | asd

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

forgot to say that i opened the patch-2 archive, not the expansion one.
2006-10-27 23:23 | asd

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

2006-10-31 09:38 | darkyxd

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

seems to crash alot on certain models for me :(
2006-11-20 19:18 | gnomeproblem_dot_com

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

They changed something in the model format again when patched. So models in patch.mpq or patch-2.mpq are not viewable.
2006-12-11 10:05 | xlandhenry

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

so I am waiting for the final stable tbc version.
2006-12-11 10:46 | linghuye

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

Patch 2.03 for TBC has changed alot of the clients. Now it reads the files for the newly created model swap mpq, but doesn't recognize them.

If anyone have tried to model swap and successful please let me know
2006-12-16 07:03 | Quanlain

# re: Burning Crusade Closed Beta  回复  更多评论   

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #131 (0x85100083) File Corrupt
Program: C:\games\Burning Crusade Closed Beta\WoW.exe
File: Character\Human\Female\HumanFemale.m2

this is the error I get. maybe m2 files are changed again?
2006-12-16 07:11 | Quanlain