1. MPQ resource files reorganized, locale related resource mpqs are moved into locale sub-directory like "enUS", "enGB", "koKR", "zhCN".
2. Some DBC files fields changed and new fields added.
3. M2 format changes a little.
a. A int32 is inserted into bone define struct, so the new m2 model can not be used in current wow client.
b.Rotation quaternion is packed into 8 bytes as:
struct PACK_QUTERNION { int16 x,y,z,w; };
Extract out float quternion, for exsample:
PACK_QUTERNION q = pCompressQuats[i];
qRotate.x = float(q.x > 0? q.x - 32767 : q.x + 32767)/32767.0f;
qRotate.y = float(q.y > 0? q.y - 32767 : q.y + 32767)/32767.0f;
qRotate.z = float(q.z > 0? q.z - 32767 : q.z + 32767)/32767.0f;
qRotate.w = float(q.w > 0? q.w - 32767 : q.w + 32767)/32767.0f;
Update MyWarCraftStudio to 0.9.5991 for supporting Burning Crusade Closed Beta client, and it should also work for current Wow client and alpha test client.