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Wow Burning Crusade

//  To open the new patch.mpq 
//  Error if mpq file is bigger than 2G

fseek();     //  or
lseek();     //  or
::SetFilePointer(hFile, dwHashTablePos,  0 , FILE_BEGIN);

//  Correct

_lseeki64();    //  or

=  dwHashTablePos;
::SetFilePointer(hFile, li.LowPart, 
& li.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN);

So change the every fseek/SetFilePointer in stormlib or libmpq in WowModelViewer source code and recompile, we can open the new patch.mpq in WoW BC which is 2.7G. The mpq format is NOT changed, I am a fool to decode a new format from the begining.

1.Fix the bug when reading Burning Crusade's patch.mpq
2.Fix bugs when displaying model on ATI graphic cards
3.M2Import.dli is a 3D Max import plugin for importing m2 file, but only meshs now, no texture, no skeleton animation. I am learning how to write a 3D Max import plugin, this is a byproduct.

posted on 2006-09-02 00:57 linghuye 阅读(4836) 评论(16)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: MyWarCraftStudio3D图形学研究


# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

I can't open the archive.
2006-09-08 19:52 | Warel

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

Please refer to http://www.7-zip.org which is a free compress/decompress software project.

But I think you can also extract .7z with popular WinRAR or WinZip.

And I found googlepage's download is not stable recently, if that file corrupt, please download again, sorry for that inconvenience.
2006-09-08 21:56 | 平民程序

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

I've tried to download it a lot of times, it doesn't solve the problem :(
2006-09-09 00:23 | Warel

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

UPD: Thanks for .rar archive ;) It works perfect now.
2006-09-09 00:27 | Warel

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

anyone know the link to the BC Alpha?
2006-09-10 01:10 | zeba

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   


Ok, I got the program, but where to find the Blood elves inside the archives?
2006-09-10 12:03 | My

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

what about 2 write a 3ds 2 m2 plugin for editing the m2 file?
2006-09-11 11:37 | kawa11

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

i just downloaded this off the internet along with other stuff i hear it is meant to make skins of blood evlves and that kinda stuff, how does it work i cant find any files
2006-09-14 13:48 | question

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

model.mpq中的物品模型都是透明的 没有贴图 正常吗?

这个程序很棒 请继续加油
2006-10-06 03:25 | 谢谢

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

2006-10-06 11:27 | 安柏霖

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

资料片的Beta测试已经开始了,我也下载了客户端。Beta的MPQ少了很多,打开没有问题,但是一看模型就会出错~其他的格式都正常。我用的是MyWarcraftStudio 0.9版本。


2006-10-12 20:58 | xlandhenry

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

downloading and testing, very slowly...
2006-10-12 22:12 | linghuye

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   

do i need the EU version of tbc beta?
2006-11-12 19:30 | böa

# re: Wow Burning Crusade  回复  更多评论   


2006-11-20 01:46 | count

# YMMD with that asenwr! TX  回复  更多评论   

YMMD with that asenwr! TX
2011-05-23 03:51 | Alyn