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Posted on 2006-10-30 21:42 网管地带 阅读(8179) 评论(8)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Project

    Project Server 2003版本中嵌入了一个专用的插件,用来与Outlook协作。这个插件可以直接通过Project Server下载。插件下载后在本地安装,当重新启动Outlook时,插件已经与Outlook绑定。通过这个插件,用户可以利用Outlook从Project Server下载任务,在Outlook中执行任务后可以将实际的进度更新到Project Server。
    利用“浏览器”登录Project Server,在“主页”的右边区域有一个蓝色的链接“使用Outlook”,单击“立即下载”按钮,将其下载到本地,该插件的名称为“mpsaddin.exe”。双击该可执行程序以后,插件可以自动安装完成。用户再次启动Outlook后该插件就可以开始使用了。
    在正式使用之前需要设定访问Project Server的账户信息。用户在Outlook中选择菜单【工具】/【选项】,在出现的对话框中选择“Project Web Access”选项卡,在该选项卡中单击 “输入登录信息”按钮,设定Project Serve的URL与用户名,以上设置完毕后,可以开始使用Outlook与Project Server协作。在一定程度上Outlook代替了浏览器的功能,而且可以方便的把任务保存到本地。
    · 导入新的工作分配
    · 更新Project Web Access
    验证通过后,Outlook将该资源的任务从Project Server上下载下来并且按照时间分配到该资源Outlook中的日历当中去。
    进度更新后,单击“立即更新”按钮,Outlook将此任务的更新情况发布到Project Server。项目经理利用“浏览器”登录Project Server可以看到资源发送的更新请求,项目经理查看到资源的更新请求后,可以按照正常的方式进行“是否接受”的更新等操作。
    通过这一专用的插件,很多习惯使用Outlook的用户可以很平滑的接受Project Server的项目管理方式,可以自动完成任务的下载和进度的更新。

摘自:http://highfar.mypm.net/     张会斌的博客


# re: Project与Outlook的整合  回复  更多评论   

2006-11-01 12:01 by e商

# re: Project与Outlook的整合  回复  更多评论   

2006-11-01 15:23 by 天天影院

# re: Project与Outlook的整合  回复  更多评论   

2008-03-21 15:07 by shirw
张会斌您好,看了你写的“Project与Outlook的整合”,感触很深,我现在遇一个问题,想请教你一下。不知可否赐教,我现在遇到的问题是,我服务器端用的是project server 2007,是用域环平璄搭建的。服务器是放在外网上的。客户端用outlook 2007访问project server,显示"无法联系url处的project server",请问是怎么回事,请赐教?谢谢!

# re: Project与Outlook的整合  回复  更多评论   

2008-04-12 17:31 by haoxishuai
遇到的问题是:我服务器端用的是project server 2007,使用域环境(没有用活动目录AD)搭建。服务器是放在内网上的,内网和外网均可访问PWA网页(使用Windows账户登陆)。我是严格按照您所说的方法和PWA网站上的提示进行Outlook 与project Web Access集成安装设置的,安装也很顺利,但启动Outlook进行连接时出现:首先采用“使用Windows用户帐户(W)”已成功连接服务器,但是登陆尝试失败”。不得已,再试用“使用Project Server帐户(P)”还是一样出现“已成功连接服务器,但是登陆尝试失败”。
问题2:为何只有采用“使用Project Server帐户(P)”测试连接时,需要输入用户“登陆账户”和“密码”呢?

# re: Project与Outlook的整合  回复  更多评论   

2008-07-23 15:23 by wwt

# re: Project与Outlook的整合  回复  更多评论   

2008-09-04 16:23 by 陈峰
我也遇到了楼上同样的问题,一切都连接好了,网页能登陆, 但是用outlook同步的时候,就说连接成功,但是登陆失败,这是什么原因呢?
忘能给答复 谢谢啦!

# re: Project与Outlook的整合  回复  更多评论   

2009-07-30 11:15 by lgc
In setting up an Office Project Server 2007, you need the Outlook add-in in order to sync your tasks or calendar between Outlook and Project Web Access. The problem is I and several others out there were having a heck of a time getting authentication to work.

First, I would get an error aboout an invalid URL, even though I know the URL works perfect in a browser and in Project Professional. The error would be “The Project Server URL seems to be invalid. Please check the spelling of the Project Server URL.” There are two fixes for this. Enable Anonymous Access to the root of the project website in IIS (this is safe - users will still need to authenticate to gain access), or enable Windows Authentication and make sure your computer’s username and password match your server’s username and password. To verify everything is working, you should be able to browse to http://yourserver.domain.com/pwa/_vti_bin/psi/LoginForms.asmx and get a description about the LoginForms web service.

Once that problem was solved, I would get errors such as “Login Failed” or “The server was successfully contacted, but the login attempt failed.” Using the IIS Logs, I noticed that when you configure the add-in to use a Project Server Account, it is using this URL:


But when you use a Windows Account, it uses this URL:


So, it seems that when “Use a Project Server Account” is selected it is actually trying to use Forms Authentication, which is disabled by default. That gives you two options - enable Forms Authentication, or make sure your username and password match between the computer and the server. If your username and password match, then check the “Use Windows User Account” option.

Update: I’ve also discovered another strange behavior. After a reboot, I get an authentication error. But, after using Internet Explorer and log in to Project Web Access, then I can use the plug-in in Outlook. Seems like a bug to me.

Update 2: Got it working, finally. The documentation says to put your Project Web Access URL into your Internet Explorer’s Trusted Sites security zone. It needs to go into your Local Intranet security zone. This allows for Integrated Authentication for fully-qualified websites (effectively, any URL with a dot in it). Second, you need to un-check Enable Protected Mode for the Local Intranet security zone. Now all is working and I have some happy customers.

Update 3: Not so fast. I had to put Project Web Access URL back in the Trusted Sites zone, otherwise Project Pro doesn’t like it. But this time I adjusted the security of the zone and checked "Automatic logon with current username and password". I also had to go back and disable anonymous authentication in IIS.

This plugin is just a mess. Clearly not much thought was put into the development of it.

# re: Project与Outlook的整合[未登录]  回复  更多评论   

2013-05-23 17:00 by 过客
2.在web工具栏(如没有,可在工具栏右键菜单中选择“Web”)的url处输入project server url
4.剩下的,你知道的。good Luck!