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Project Server错误代码

Posted on 2006-05-09 14:13 网管地带 阅读(1086) 评论(3)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Project
网上收到的好文Project Server 错误代码,粗略的看了一下感觉比较有用对解决问题。

Error messages and error codes that you may receive in the Microsoft Project Spooler when you use Microsoft Project 2002
Article ID : 840574
Last Review : July 29, 2004
Revision : 1.0
On this Page



This article lists the error messages and the error codes that you may receive in the Project Spooler when you use Microsoft Project 2002. This article also lists the description of each error message.
Microsoft Project Server Spooler error messages
A variety of errors can be reported in the Microsoft Project Server Spooler. The following list describes the most common error messages and their descriptions. Microsoft Project Spooler error messages are listed in numeric order by error code.
• 0x8c040003
Generic error during database access or update

You receive this error message if the Microsoft Project Server Scheduled Process Service did not connect to the Microsoft Project Server database.
• 0x8c040004
Data corruption in Project Server Database

You receive this error message if one of the following conditions is true:
• The MSP_WEB_ADMIN table has been corrupted or it contains more than one record.
• The MSP_WEB_RESERVED_DATA table has been corrupted or it contains more than one record.

• 0x8c040005
MSP_WEB_ADMIN table not initialized

You receive this error message if the MSP_WEB_ADMIN table has been corrupted or it contains more than one record.
• 0x8c04000b
Invalid Resource Name

You receive this error message when the name of the resource that is involved with a publishing operation is not valid.
• 0x8c04000c
Domain validation of Windows account failed

You receive this error message if the Microsoft Windows account that the publishing operation used did not validate with Microsoft Project Server.
• 0x8c04000d
Resource already exists

You receive this error message if a resource account already exists in the Microsoft Project Server database. Duplicate resource accounts are not permitted.
• 0x8c040012
Resource account is inactive

You receive this error message if a resource account in the Microsoft Project Server database is inactive.
• 0x8c040014
Windows authentication only

You receive this error message when you try to add Microsoft Project Server user accounts if Microsoft Project Server is set to permit only Windows authentication.
• 0x8c040015
Project Server authentication only

You receive this error message when you try to add Windows user accounts if Microsoft Project Server is set to permit only Microsoft Project Server user authentication.
• 0x8c040016
All authentication types disallowed

You receive this error message when the following conditions are true:
• Windows user accounts cannot authenticate to the server that is running Microsoft Project Server.
• Microsoft Project Server user accounts cannot authenticate to the server that is running Microsoft Project Server.

• 0x8c040017
Manager not allowed to create a new account

You receive this error message if you try to create a duplicate user account or a user account that is not specified correctly. You may also receive this error message if you try to publish projects to Microsoft Project Server from Microsoft Project Professional while you are in offline mode, or while you are not connected to Microsoft Project Server.
• 0x8c04001e
Confirm and new password not match

You receive this error message if the password does not match the confirm password.
• 0x8c04001f
Password less than min length set by admin

You receive this error message if the password that you typed does not meet the minimum length that the administrator specified.
• 0x8c040027
Beta or evaluation version has expired

You receive this error message if a beta version or an evaluation version of Microsoft Project Server has expired.
• 0x8c040028
Manager requires authentication for Publish operation

You receive this error message if a project manager's user account does not exist in the Microsoft Project Server database, and if you create accounts during publishing. Creating accounts during publishing is not permitted.
• 0x8c040029
Insufficient manager permissions for Publish

You receive this error message if you do not have permission to publish project plans to the Microsoft Project Server database from Microsoft Project Professional.
• 0x8c04002a
Category name already exists

You receive this error message if the category name already exists in the Microsoft Project Server database. Duplicate category names are not permitted.
• 0x8c040031
Windows account already exists

You receive this error message when you cannot create duplicate Windows user accounts in Microsoft Project Server. For all Windows authenticated user accounts, the Windows User Account and E-mail fields must be unique to a single user.
• 0x8c040032
Session has expired

You receive this error message if the connection to Microsoft Project Server was inactive for too long or has been ended.
• 0x8c04003c
Cannot create manager account from Project Professional

You receive this error message if a user has tried to create a manager account but does not have permission to create accounts in the Microsoft Project Server database from Microsoft Project Professional.
• 0x8c04003e
Cannot delete a checked-out enterprise project

You receive this error message if an enterprise project is open and cannot be deleted.
• 0x8c04003f
Cannot publish master project

You receive this error message because Microsoft Project Server can be configured to deny the publishing of master projects to Microsoft Project Server.
• 0x8c040040
Cannot publish non-enterprise resources

You receive this error message because Microsoft Project Server can be configured to only accept projects that have resources assigned to tasks that belong to the Enterprise Resource Pool. The Enterprise Resource Pool is a project that is saved to the Microsoft Project Server database.
• 0x8c040041
Cannot publish non-enterprise projects on this server

You receive this error message because Microsoft Project Server can be configured to only accept projects that are validated against the Enterprise Global Template when it saved to the Microsoft Project Server database.
Additional information
For more information about Microsoft Project Server 2002, see the Microsoft Project Server 2002: Web Administrator's Guide. To obtain the Microsoft Project Server 2002: Web Administrator's Guide, visit the following Microsoft Web site:


# re: Project Server错误代码  回复  更多评论   

2006-05-10 22:26 by terry
如果有中文对照就好了, 呵呵~~~~

# re: Project Server错误代码  回复  更多评论   

2006-05-18 17:00 by panda

# re: Project Server错误代码  回复  更多评论   

2006-06-21 09:41 by 节约光荣