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1. 增加一个“影子”设备:/dev/shadow_irrp。所有接收到的按键码都一式两份分别发送到/dev /venus_irrp和/dev/shadow_irrp。
2. 提供一个sysfs接口:/sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/bypass,用于封锁或解锁/dev/venus_irrp。所谓封锁就是遥控器按键码不再发送到/dev/venus_irrp。当然任何时候“影子”设备都能接收到按键码(转发按键除外)。
封锁方法:echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/bypass
解锁方法:echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/bypass
3. 提供一个sysfs接口:/sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/fakekey,用于发送“伪造”的按键码到/dev/venus_irrp,从而实现转发。
echo 'aa557f80' > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/fakekey







English Translation Follows:
It is usually desirable that customized firmware is able to interact with the remote control, so that we could  control the customized features from the remote, like starting/stopping download. There were a couple of methods floating around various forums, here I'd like to introduce an implementation at the kernel level.

Before we start, let's talk a little bit about how remote control works. There is an IR receiver driver in the kernel, it's job is to receive key press from the remote and buffer it for application to read. Every key on the remote has a 32-bit key code, each time the driver receives a key press, it puts 2 32-bit integers in a buffer(kernel fifo), the 1st int is the key code, the 2nd is a repeat flag(1 means it's a repeated key, 0 otherwise). Application reads the key code and repeat flag from a character device: /dev/venus_irrp. This device supports ioctrl as well, application can set some driver parameters through the ioctrl interface, like the IR protocol, driver mode etc.

By modifying the IR driver, we can:

1. Add a shadow device: /dev/shadow_irrp. Every key code the driver receives is sent to both /dev/venus_irrp and /dev/shadow_irrp.
2. Provide a sysfs interface: /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/bypass, through which we can select to bypass /dev/venus_irrp or not. Under any circumstance, the shadow device always receives the key codes(except fake keys, which we'll talk about later).
to bypass venus_irrp: echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/bypass
back to normal: echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/bypass
3. Provide a sysfs interface: /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/fakekey, through which we can send fake keys to /dev/venus_irrp, the so called key-forwarding.
Take the key code 'aa557f80' as an example, to forward the key:
echo 'aa557f80' > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/fakekey

With the new driver, we can implement 2 remote control modes: Parallel Mode and Key-forwarding Mode

In parallel mode, both /dev/vensu_irrp and /dev/shadow_irrp receive the same key code sequence, the dvdplayer uses vensu_irrp and our own script/application uses shadow_irrp, without interfering each other. While in key-forwarding mode, key codes are only sent to the shadow device, after being processed by our own application, it's at the app's disposition to forward it or not. We can choose to use one of the two modes, or to switching in between at any time.
We know that the venus_ir driver was built into the kernel, we may have to replace the whole kernel to use the new driver. However, replacing kernel is a bit complicated for average users, it requires re-flash the firmware, and the kernel source code we have may not be the same as the official one, there is a risk of incompatibility, we have to find some other way. My trick is to compile the new driver as module, when the module initialize itself, it first looks up the kernel symbol table(kallsyms) to find and call the cleanup function of the built-in driver: venus_ir_cleanup_module(), after that it continues its own initialization, thereby the built-in driver is replaced.

new driver source code: venus_ir_new.tar.zip
the compiled kernel module: venus_ir_new.ko.zip

When compiling from source, you may need to modify the KERNELDIR in Makefile to where the kernel source is located.

NOTE: The new driver module must be loaded before starting dvdplayer, otherwise dvdplayer may have already opened /dev/venus_irrp which could prevent the built-in driver from being replaced. You may want to place the module loading command in /usr/local/etc/rcS, just before starting dvdplayer.
posted on 2010-05-14 00:00 gouzhuang 阅读(10854) 评论(38)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 嵌入式Linux


# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-05-14 06:50 ogutsua@gmail.com
Could you translate this to english?

It would be of help. I'm not sure but maybe you're doing what i need to do with the remote of the venus realtek system.

Thank you in advance  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-05-14 09:41 老顽童
you can try google translate:-)


Custom Firmware is usually hope to receive the remote control button input, so you can remote to control certain functions such as start / stop downloads. Present in various forums already have a number of ways, I introduced a kernel-level implementation method.

First briefly about how to work the remote control. There is a kernel driver infrared receiver, its task is to receive and buffer the supply of remote control button to read with the procedure. Each remote control button corresponds to a 32-bit code, called the key code. Each driver receives a button, will be stored in the buffer zone of two 32-bit integers: the first is the key code, the second is the repeated symbol (1 for repeat button, 0 is not). Applications through character device /dev/venus_irrp to read the remote control button code and repeat signs. /dev/venus_irrp also supports ioctrl, the application can set the number of drivers ioctrl parameters, such as remote control protocol type, driving mode.

By modifying the IR receiver driver, you can achieve the following functions:

1. Add a "shadow" Device: /dev/shadow_irrp. All the key code is received in duplicate were sent to /dev/venus_irrp and /dev/shadow_irrp.
2. Provides a sysfs interface to: /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/bypass, used to block or unlock /dev/venus_irrp. The so-called embargo is no longer the remote control key code is sent to /dev/venus_irrp. Of course, any time a "shadow" device can receive the key code (except for forward button).
Blocking method: echo 1> /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/bypass
Unlock method: echo 0> /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/ bypass
3. Provides a sysfs interface to: /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/fakekey, for sending "fake" the key code to the /dev/venus_irrp, in order to achieve forward.
Forward approach to key code "aa557f80" as an example:
echo 'aa557f80'> /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/fakekey

Through the new driver, you can achieve two remote mode: parallel mode and filter forwarding mode.

Parallel mode is /dev/venus_irrp and /dev/shadow_irrp while receiving the same key code, dvdplayer use vensu_irrp, developed their own script or program to use shadow_irrp, independent of each other. The forward mode filter is blocked venus_irrp, key code is only sent to the "shadow" device, filtered through the program later forwarded to vensu_irrp. We can choose according to different needs of both custom one, you can switch between two modes at any time.

We know that the receiver driver is incorporated into the official firmware in the kernel, so to use the new drive should be to replace official kernel. Consider replacing the kernel more complex operations, need to re-brush the firmware, and we now have in hand the official kernel source is likely different, the compatibility of potential risks, we need to open a new path. My strategy is to compile the new driver module, the module initialization by the kernel symbol table found in the driver out of the original clean-up function venus_ir_cleanup_module () the address, then call this function to clean up it, then the new initialize the driver started to complete the driver of dynamic replacement.

Driver source code: venus_ir_new.tar.zip
Compiled module: venus_ir_new.ko.zip

When compiling source code need to modify the Makefile in the KERNELDIR variable for your kernel source directory.

Note: the new driver module must start before the dvdplayer loads, or dvdplayer has opened /dev/venus_irrp equipment, the replacement driver will fail. Therefore proposed that the module load command on the /usr/local/etc/rcS start dvdplayer before.  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遙控器(Total Remote Control)[未登录] 2010-05-14 16:12 初学者
能不能提供一下未修改前的venus_ir.c和venus_ir.h, 方便比较分析, 谢谢.  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-05-14 17:49 gouzhuang
  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-05-16 08:23 ogutsua@gmail.com
Thank you so much.

In fact, you're doing what I needed and I've to say that this is a good work.

I'm trying to recompile this and other modules by myself but when I try to load them the system says to me that symbols disagree with the one in my system.

Problem is that I'm using different kernel sources to recompile.

Could you give a link to the sources you're using? (Your compiled module works well for me, but I would like to be able to recompile it from sources if I need to make modifications)

Thanks again  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-05-16 14:52 gouzhuang
In fact I had the same "symbols disagree" problem on my first attempt to compile a module. Later I found the key to circumvent it: disable Module versioning support, i.e. unset CONFIG_MODVERSIONS in .config.

I believe the kernel source I have is NOT exactly the same as the player vendor's, I got it from Asus at the following link:
ftp://ftp.asus.com/pub/ASUS/Digital_Media_Player/HDP-R1/SourceCode/OPlay_HDP-R1_GPL_SourceCode.zip  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-05-17 09:04 gouzhuang
for unknown reason, some of your replies were lost. I have sent a message to the administrator, hoping he/she could help to look into this issue. Anyway, if that happens again, you could send email to gouzhuang (at) gmail.com.  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-05-16 19:53 ogutsua@gmail.com
Thanks again gouzhuang. Will try what you said and if I get some advances in my hacks I'll give you my sources here.

I've an Sveon SPM3000, but in fact is the same system Realtek venus with mipsel arch. Trying to add some basic features to it but I needed the IR one :)
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# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-08-20 15:06 易吧软件
谢谢,解决了我一个X6双核心切换难题。  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control)[未登录] 2010-08-26 19:17 Tom

Very nice and impressive work. Just one question by the way: how do you deactivate the original venus_irrp driver that is embedded into the kernel?

Many thanks,
Tom  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-08-27 08:54 gouzhuang
Here's the code that does the trick:

--------- CODE BEGIN --------------
typedef void cleanup_fn (void);

static int __init venus_ir_new_init_module(void) {
int result;

struct device_driver *old_driver;
cleanup_fn *venus_ir_cleanup_module;

old_driver = driver_find("VenusIR", &platform_bus_type);
if(old_driver) {
kobject_put(&old_driver->kobj); /* decrease reference count */
printk(KERN_DEBUG "Old VenusIR driver found at %p\n", old_driver);

venus_ir_cleanup_module = (cleanup_fn*)kallsyms_lookup_name("venus_ir_cleanup_module");
if(venus_ir_cleanup_module) {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "Found venus_ir_cleanup_module() @ 0x%p\n", venus_ir_cleanup_module);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "venus_ir_cleanup_module() called\n");
} else {
printk(KERN_WARNING "venus_ir_cleanup_module() not found!\n");
return -ENOENT;
} else {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "Old VenusIR driver NOT found, no need to clean up\n");

/* module initialize code follows */
---------- CODE END -------------------

In venus_ir_new_init_module(), I first use driver_find() to search the embedded driver by name, if found, then lookup its cleanup function venus_ir_cleanup_module() in kernel symbol table and call that function to let the old driver cleanup itself. After that, we can go on the normal initialization work.  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control)[未登录] 2010-08-30 16:50 Tom
Hi gouzhuang,

Thanks a lot for the hint!

  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-09-27 09:10 t2000
谢谢!  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-09-30 10:15 fourcute
insmod /path-to/module-name.ko


能否说说如何操作加载等细节呢,谢谢.  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-09-30 10:47 gouzhuang
/sbin/insmod /path/to/venus_ir_new.ko

影子驱动是通用的,支持好几种摇控器通讯协议。  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-10-13 23:13 ccbcfan

想知道:如果换用其他不同厂家1073机器的播放内核(Dvdplayer,遥控器各键的键值码是不一样的),对使用原遥控器操作有更好的办法吗??比如其他方法是建立remote_key文件。  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-10-14 10:20 gouzhuang
1. 搞清楚不同遥控器之间的键码对应关系,也就是准备好一张你的遥控器到要模拟的遥控器之间的键码映射表。
2. 让影子驱动工作在转发模式
echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/bypass
3. 写一个脚本或程序从影子设备/dev/shadow_irrp读取键码,然后根据映射表转换成新的键码转发到/dev/venus_irrp设备
echo "新键码" > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/fakekey  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-10-14 23:36 ccbcfan


无意中发现1073机器中存在以下几个驱动模块,应该分别是usb鼠标、usb键盘等驱动模块,难道1073本来是可以支持usb鼠标和键盘的?只是未启用? 听说1283是支持的!


我测试过,插入usb鼠标后,lsmod 显示成功自动加载了usbmouse.ko,说明内核驱动正常,但电视界面没出现鼠标,鼠标各项操作也没反应。准备再找个USB键盘试试。
从台湾卡巴熊网站了解到的信息显示:Realtek SDK4 for 1073DD / C+ 1283DD /C+ / 1085 将支持Opera瀏覽器、Flash, 估计肯定会加上USB键鼠的支持!!不知你有兴趣先研究一下吗?

  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-10-27 15:14 ccbcfan
remote_key的方法就是将第二播放内核Dvdplayer文件中的/dev/venus_irrp修改为不存在的/tmp/venus_irrp ,然后利用remote_key根据遥控器的按键码直接转换成模拟键盘按键管道输出到Dvdplayer!好处是不需要知道第二内核遥控器键码,可以应对各种不同的内核遥控;但存在反应较慢和管道容易断开的问题。我现在使用用这种管道方法就存在比较严重的按键重复情况,即按一次键,有时会连续反应二-三次!还没找到有效的解决办法!
管道输出:/usr/local/etc/remote_key| ./RootApp DvdPlayer&
remote_key :
while :
key=`dd if=/dev/venus_irrp bs=4 count=1 2> /dev/null | hexdump -e '"%02x"'`

if [ "$key" != "$last_key" ] ; then

#1 数字键1
if [ "$key" = "f6096b86" ] ; then
#42 系统设置
elif [ "$key" = "a05f6b86" ] ; then


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# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-10-27 17:03 gouzhuang

另外你说的Realtek SDK,没找到哪里可以下载,似乎并非免费提供的。  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-10-28 23:16 ygao
  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-11-09 09:43 Tim
请问在 console 怎样模拟遥控发送代码到 /dev/venus_irrp?

#f40bbd00 QUERY_STRING="W"
printf "\x00\xbd\x0b\xf4\n" >> /dev/venus_irrp


printf "W" >> /dev/venus_irrp

还有其他方法吗?  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-11-09 09:54 Tim

请问在 console 怎样模拟遥控发送代码到 /dev/venus_irrp?

#f40bbd00 QUERY_STRING="W"
printf "\x00\xbd\x0b\xf4\n" >> /dev/venus_irrp


printf "W" >> /dev/venus_irrp

还有其他方法吗?   回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-11-12 09:08 gouzhuang
echo "0xf40bbd00" > /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/fakekey  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-11-12 10:27 Tim

Thanks  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control)[未登录] 2010-11-18 22:27 c
请问海信800h如何使用组合键?移植其他播放程序后有些键位没法实现,如暂停这些重要的键位。  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2010-11-19 09:55 gouzhuang
我不了解如何使用组合键(恐怕遥控器并不支持),你可以用4个彩色键之一来替代。  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2011-02-09 17:50 interdev

比如说我想按一下遥控器的某个键,显示 ps 命令的结果到TV上,该怎么写脚本呢,RK有没有开放这样的API或脚本调用的接口?

  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2011-02-10 10:41 gouzhuang
Reaktek确实没有公开API。不过我知道有一个开源项目正在开发中:http://sourceforge.net/projects/ketlaer/。它的目标是实现一个开源的媒体播放器,目前已经有了可用的雏形。它的GUI是基于华硕发布的二进制库的,因此底层的硬件控制部分是没有源码的。有兴趣可以研究一下。  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2011-02-11 11:32 interdev

不知道输出控制设备调用的是/dev/ 里哪个设备?
bootloader 是一断很小的代码,开机进度信息和升级进度信息就可以显示在tv上...,我觉得找到输出设备是哪个就可以实现输出了。但我现在还没找到......

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# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2011-05-17 22:29 那年17岁
我的播放器是迪优美特S9刷了美如画R5固件后遥控器失灵 想学习遥控器跨厂移植 谁能帮我 谢谢
加我QQ:249931209  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2011-06-15 22:59 max32002
ir source code:

GPL-source Code-RTD1185 download URL:

When the linuxKernel is jupiter, irfake not work.

additional information:
linuxKernel: jupiter
CPU: realtek 1185 (500 mhz)  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control)[未登录] 2011-07-19 00:09 kk
你好,我的是1185芯片机型,为什么我运行时会出现 Error to open device: /sys/devices/platform/VenusIR/powerkey_irrp_new   回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2011-09-08 23:32 Nike
不错的模块 感谢share Realtek SDK4 for 1073DD / C+ 1283DD /C+ / 1085 将支持Opera瀏覽器、Flash, 估计肯定会加上USB键鼠的支持  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2012-01-05 02:24 galpal
Hi gouzhuang,
I have a player that is poorly supported, and I use the firmware from another player (SoC RTD1283). Unfortunately this firmware does not support front panel buttons.
Do you know which kernal module is responsible for the analysis of these buttons and send the codes to the DVDPlayer application?
Is there any possibility to enable this functionality in some clever way?  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2012-01-05 13:23 gouzhuang
It's the venus_vfd module. source code path: arch/mips/realtek-boards/drivers. My mplayer doesn't have a front panel, so I don't have a chance to test it.  回复  更多评论

# re: 完全接管遥控器(Total Remote Control) 2012-01-06 02:34 galpal
I installed the original firmware with support for the front panel buttons. I added irfake and activated monitoring by irfake4 -c command.
On the console were displayed only the codes from the IR.
Then I turned normal mode: irfake4 -f ./Irfake.conf
In config file I inserted only one line with one IR code.
DVDPlayer respond to all keys from the front panel and the only one defined in the config.
This may indicate that support for these front buttons isn't implemented in venus_IR. Could it be a separate module that scans the state of keys?
I assume that DVDPlayer does not it.
What else can I check ?
Is the source taken from another player may not contain the button module?
Or rather, the SDK contains everything, and only to configure before compiling?
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