Push方案的快捷方法,可以用于Windows 2000/XP下的SMS网关、MMS网关、WAP Push网关以及多媒体消息中心。
1: 下载并安装NowSMS
2: 配置SMS/MMS Gateway以支持发送SMS和MMS
4: 配置MMSC以支持发送MMS功能,并且配置可以使用MMSC的手机号列表.
5: 发送MMS以确保正确配置了MMSC
6: 配置手机上的MMSC以实现彩信上行功能
1. 配置GSM Modem
NowSMS requires a connection to an SMSC to interface with SMS
and MMS networks. A SMSC connection can be a GSM Modem - A GSM modem
or phone connected to a PC serial port (or to a USB port).
(可通过红外与笔记本连接,我的配置是Nokia 6610 + Dell Inspiron 600m)
The first step is to configure SMSC settings, which tell
the gateway how it connects to the GSM network to send SMS.
3. The Now SMS/MMS Gateway installs as a Windows service.
The MMSC runs as a separate service process from the gateway.
(建议把service配置成手工启动的,因为如果系统启动后没有发现GSM Modem,系统将无法工作)
Without the MMSC, you will still be able to "Send MMS Notifications"
where the MMS content is stored on a separate web server, but you
won't be able to use the "Send MMS Message" feature of the "web menu
5. The MMSC supports sending MMS messages
between mobile phones, and also
supports sending and receiving
MMS messages between mobile phones and
standard internet e-mail
The gateway PC must be accessible
via the internet in order to use its MMSC. When a mobile phone sends
or receives an MMS message, it makes an HTTP connection to an MMSC
(usually through a WAP gateway). The MMSC contains an integrated
HTTP server to process these connections.
(Some operator WAP
gateways have firewalls which prevent them from connecting to
content servers that are installed on ports other than the default
HTTP port of 80. Use caution when configuring the MMSC for a port
other than 80, as this may prevent MMS messages from being received
via some services.)
7. MMSC配置
Local Host Name or IP
specifies the local host name or IP address of the
computer that is running the MMSC service. The name or address
specified here will be used to construct URLs when sending MMS
messages to mobile phones.
Domain Name for MMS EMail / SMTP Relay Host
It is possible
to operate the MMSC without the e-mail link, leaving the "Domain
Name for MMS E-Mail" and "SMTP Relay Host" fields blank.
To define a MMSC user , you must define a phone
number using international format
Note that for a mobile phone
user to use the simple MMSC integrated with this
gateway, the
mobile phone user must configure their MMSC to point to the address
of the MMSC, and include their user name and password in the MMSC
URL. Example:
http://x.x.x.x/username=passwordThe username
can be either the user alias name or phone number.
Specify an IP address for the WAP gateway of
(this is a gateway at the Now Wireless offices).
11. GSM Modem
1) An external modem device, such as the
Siemens MC35 or Wavecom FASTRACK.
2) A PC Card installed in a
laptop, such as the Sierra Wireless Aircard 750
3) A standard
GSM mobile phone with the appropriate cable and software driver to
connect to a serial port or USB port on your computer.
phone that supports the "extended AT command set" for
sending/receiving SMS messages can be supported by the Now SMS/MMS
A dedicated GSM modem (external or PC Card) is usually
preferable to a GSM
mobile phone. This is because of some
compatibility issues that can exist with
mobile phones.
12. SMS User / MMSC User
The “SMS Users” defines user
accounts that are allowed to submit SMS and MMS messages through the
gateway. (Note: Mobile phone users that connect to the MMSC to send
and receive MMS messages are configured under the “MMSC Users”)
13. Long SMS
If the text message is longer than 160
characters, the gateway will automatically use concatenated SMS
(“long SMS”) message support to send the entire message.
Send MMS Notification
The MMS Notification is sent to the
recipient independent of the MMSC built-in to the
gateway. The
message recipient will fetch the message directly from the URL
specified. As the message is not routed through the MMSC, the MMSC
cannot provide dynamic content adaptation and conversion services.
14. Send WAP OTA Bookmark
“Send WAP OTA Bookmark” allows
bookmarks to be sent to compatible mobile phones. Simply specify the
WAP URL, a title for the bookmark, and a phone number to
the bookmark should be sent.
15. Send SMS URL
To send a
text message via SMS, use the following URL format: Use either the local phone number format, or the
international phone number format .
2) If the international
phone number format is used, note that you must substitute
for the “+” character, because of URL escaping restrictions.
16. WAP Push
WAP Push messages are specially formatted
SMS messages that display an alert
message to the user, and give
the user the option of connecting directly to a particular URL via
the mobile phone’s WAP browser.
Note that there are two types of
“WAP Push” messages, “Service Indication (SI)” and “Service Load
(SL)”. The “SL” format can be selected by including "WAPSL=1" as a
URL parameter, and does not support a “Text” parameter, while the
“SI” format does. (By specification, the “SL” format was designed to
tell the browser to connect to a URL without user intervention.
However, for security reasons, mobile phones will always display a
prompt before connecting to a URL. Therefore, the lack of a text
parameter makes the “SL” format considerably less user-friendly than
the “SI” format, and in practice, most users will exclusively use
the “SI” format.)
17. 2-Way SMS
The “2-Way”
configuration contains settings relevant to the creation of 2-way
applications that can receive SMS messages, and return a response
based upon the content of the received SMS message. When an SMS
message is received, the gateway will evaluate the content of the
message, and can either execute a program, or connect to an HTTP
URL, based upon the content of the message.
NOWSMS连接到Operator MMSC
By default, the
Now SMS/MMS Gateway will act as an MMSC and perform direct
delivery of MMS messages to recipients using a combination of
1. 通过运营商的MMSC接收/发送MMS
NowSMS can use a GSM/GPRS modem to send and receive MMS messages
via an operator MMSC. The NowSMS sends and receives MMS messages
using the same protocol that is used by the MMS client in a mobile
phone, so it simply requires that the SIM card in your mobile phone
be provisioned by your mobile operator for MMS support.
1) 发送MMS
When sending an MMS message, the NowSMS initiates a GPRS
connection to the mobile operator, it then makes a connection to the
operator WAP gateway, and submits the MMS message over this WAP and
GPRS connection to the mobile operator’s MMSC.
2) 接收MMS
receiving an MMS message, the gateway first receives an MMS
message via SMS. When this special notification
message is received, the
gateway initiates a GPRS connection to
the mobile operator, and a connection
to the operator WAP
gateway over GPRS, in order to retrieve the content of the
message from the mobile operator’s MMSC.
Note: When a GSM phone
or GSM modem receives an MMS message, what it actually
is an MMS notification message. The MMS notification message arrives
via an SMS message (usually two concatenated SMS messages). The MMS
notification message contains header information about the MMS
message, plus a URL pointer (e.g.,
http://host/path/file.mms) to the actual MMS
Note that you can still not use an MMS compatible phone
as a GSM modem if you want to be able to receive MMS messages
through the gateway. This is because an MMS compatible phone
intercepts the MMS notification and tries to process it
automatically, never forwarding it to the gateway. You must use a
GSM/GPRS modem device to take advantage of this feature.
The reason that it would not work in many installations
is that the operator MMSCs were either firewalled off so that they
were inaccessible from the internet, or they were on private IP
addresses within the operator network.
3. 配置信息
You will
need to determine the GPRS APN (Access Point Name), the IP address
of the WAP gateway, and the MMSC Message Server URL that are used
for sending/receiving MMS via your operator network.
1) “WAP
Gateway IP Address” should contain the IP address of the operator
WAP gateway which will act as a proxy for connections to the MMSC.
4. MMSC路由
MMSC Routings can use MM1 – A binary format
for transmitting MMS messages using HTTP POST. This is the protocol
that is used for phone to phone MMS, so if you are routing messages
to an operator MMSC over a GPRS connection.
The “Route
messages to this account for recipient phone number(s)” field is an
address mask for defining which recipient phone numbers should be
routed to this account. For example, “+44*” would route all messages
for the UK country code (44) to this connection. When multiple
address masks are defined, they should be separated by a comma only
(,) and no white space characters.
Note that when you are
using MM1 to connect with an operator MMSC over GRPS, this “Server
address” is the “MMS Server URL” that would normally be configured
on a mobile phone to connect with the operator MMSC.
When you send an MMS message with NowSMS, this can be done
using either of the following configurations:
1. Direct MMS
In this configuring, NowSMS is an MMSC. The MMS
message content is stored on the NowSMS, and the gateway publishes a
dynamic URL for access to the MMS message content. The gateway
generates an MMS notification message to the recipient device which
is sent over SMS, and this notification includes a URL pointer back
to the MMS message content on the NowSMS server.
2.Send the
message through the operator MMSC.
NowSMS supports all of the
major MMS related protocols, including MM7, MM4, MM1 and EAIF for
this purpose. But most frequently, what we see is the use of MM1
where NowSMS makes a GPRS connection over a GSM/GPRS modem, connects
to the operator WAP gateway that is designated for MMS usage by the
operator, and submits the message to the operator MMSC via the WAP
gateway over the GPRS connection.
(The operator MMS gateway then
generates the dynamic URL and MMS notification message that is
ultimately received by the recipient device.)
message file format consists of an MMS message binary header,
followed by a multipart MIME message where the multipart message is
encoded in a binary multipart format as defined by the WAP Wireless
Session Protocol (WSP) specification. This binary MMS message file
is stored on a web server using a MIME type of
application/vnd.wap.mmsmessage and an MMS message type of
m-retrieve-conf. A subset of the binary MMS header is sent as an MMS
notification message (MMS message type mnotification-ind) via SMS to
the mobile device together with a URL pointer to the location of the
complete message.
Once an MMS message file has been built
and published via a web server, the
MMS notification message can
be sent by the gateway using the following URL
format: sending the MMS notification message, the gateway
will validate that the MMS message file is of the MIME type
application/vnd.wap.mms-message, and is of the MMS message type
The MMSCOMP utility is provided to assist in
the creation of MMS message files.
1. 查看NOWSMS日志信息
Modem”出错,需要在SMSC中执行“Remove Service”,并重新添加"GSM Modem";
gateway always logs when its services are started and stopped.
Additionally errors are reported to the event log if a particular
SMSC interface fails to initialize, and when a user account exceeds
their defined message quota for sending messages.)
3. 查询MMS发送情况
SMPP (Short Message Peer to Peer) 短消息点对点协议,网关与短消息中心之间使用SMPP
CMPP (China Mobile Peer to Peer) 中国移动点对点协议,网关与SP之间使用CMPP协议
OMA (Open Mobile Alliance)
(3G Partnership Project) 3G伙伴计划