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web打印,web打印控件,dotnet web打印控件,java web打印控件,webprint
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function SetPrintSettings() { 

 // -- advanced features 

 factory.printing.SetMarginMeasure(2) // measure margins in inches 

 factory.SetPageRange(false, 1, 3) // need pages from 1 to 3 

 factory.printing.printer = "HP DeskJet 870C" 

 factory.printing.copies = 2 

 factory.printing.collate = true 

 factory.printing.paperSize = "A4" 

 factory.printing.paperSource = "Manual feed" 

 // -- basic features 

 factory.printing.header = "This is MeadCo" 

 factory.printing.footer = "Advanced Printing by ScriptX" 

 factory.printing.portrait = false 

 factory.printing.leftMargin = 1.0 

 factory.printing.topMargin = 1.0 

 factory.printing.rightMargin = 1.0 

 factory.printing.bottomMargin = 1.0 



 // -- basic features 

 factory.printing.header = "This is MeadCo" 

 factory.printing.footer = "Advanced Printing by ScriptX" 

 factory.printing.portrait = false 

 factory.printing.leftMargin = 1.0 

 factory.printing.topMargin = 1.0 

 factory.printing.rightMargin = 1.0 

 factory.printing.bottomMargin = 1.0 


// -- advanced features 

 factory.printing.SetMarginMeasure(2) // measure margins in inches 

 factory.SetPageRange(false, 1, 3) // need pages from 1 to 3 

 factory.printing.printer = "HP DeskJet 870C" 

 factory.printing.copies = 2 

 factory.printing.collate = true 

 factory.printing.paperSize = "A4" 

 factory.printing.paperSource = "Manual feed" 




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