Posted on 2006-12-05 11:23
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web dev
相信很多人知道prototype, 相对于
mootools更为轻便, 提供了可以选择的src
download, 而且集成了很多用prototype+scriptaculous实现的特效. 关于mootools的介绍, 有一段英文写的不错:
mootools is a very compact, modular, Object-Oriented javascript
framework. Its unique design makes it extremely crossbrowser, easy to
use, and a snap to extend with your own code. It comes with a choice of
more than fifteen scripts, plugins and addons, including Effects
(moo.fx) Ajax (moo.ajax), Dom Navigator (moo.dom), Drag and Drop,
Sortable lists, cookies Manager and many more. All the previous moo
scripts have been made better, reorganized and extended to fully take
advantage of the new architecture, even if it retains full
compatibility with scripts written prototype-style. One of the big
differences is The Element Extension: mootools infact, makes it
possible for you to extend HTML elements with your own methods, to make
your life easier, and your coding style alot cooler.
mootools的中文文档(正在翻译, 还没有完成, 谁想和我一起翻译请联系我, 呵呵):
mootools的quick guide: Mootools Primer/Tutorial参考:JavaScript中国社区,