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Posted on 2006-11-03 14:40 D主 阅读(707) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Lotus办公自动化
         默认安装之后,Notes是不支持直接点击信件里的链接打开浏览器窗口的。如果你点击链接会看到错误窗口提示:“Web Navigator Retrieval Process is not running”。需要按以下步骤进行设置:

1. Click on the "Office" button on the bottom right hand corner of your Lotus Notes screen (gray area next to the picture of the key). This is your "location document".

2. Select Edit Current

3. Click the Internet Browser button

4. For Internet Browser, select Notes with Internet Explorer

5. You should see a new field pop up: 'Retrieve/open pages'

6. Make sure that field says from Notes workstation

7. Go back to Internet Browser and select Microsoft Internet Explorer

8. You will notice that the 'Retrieve/open pages' field becomes hidden

9. Click on Save and Close

10. Close out Lotus Notes and try opening the message again. See if the problem goes away.

打开Notes遇到“encountered a problem”之类的问题而无法打开



# re: 关于Notes页面链接和重启问题  回复  更多评论   

2007-08-03 17:13 by 一个用notes的人

# re: 关于Notes页面链接和重启问题  回复  更多评论   

2008-10-17 09:44 by 另一个用Notes的人
You are so nice and cool.
I love you!