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The original intention of this topic is to collect the excellent and useful URL address from foreign Website.May this documnetation is deficient.Therefore,come on,guys,let's do this meaningful job together.You can send your favorite site's address behind.And I will check and add it on .3x :-)

<I>News---The News About Linux and Open Source

NewsForgehttp://www.newsforge.com/The online Newspapaer for Linux and open source
LWNhttp://lwn.net/The site which provides comprehensive coverage of development, legal, commercial, and security issues. Its Weekly Edition is weekly summary of what has happened in the free software world.that is Top-notch; And Its front page offers up-to-the-minute coverage.
LXerhttp://lxer.com/Aanother Linux news site.Unlike other sites like Newsforge,linuxtoday with more and more Ads.LXer almost with no Ads.And it have a clean and simple layout.The colum "Today's Big Story" is very interesting.
LinuxTodayhttp://www.linuxtoday.com/Linux News on Internet time.fully and plentiful news on Linux and open source.
LinuxInsiderhttp://www.linuxinsider.com/News reported by many categories.
SlashDothttp://slashdot.org/Source for technology related news with a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source issues
LinuxWatchhttp://www.linux-watch.com/Keep eyes on Linux pengui.Aggregated headlines from Indepedent Linux and open source network
OSNewshttp://www.osnews.com/A site informs you about the latest news on a vast range of operating systems, from the well-known mainstream OSes, down to small embedded (but also very interesting technically) ones.

<II>The entries for Linux Newbies---installtion,Manpages,Documentaion and other useful articals

1>Where to get the Linux CD/DVD ISO images? And Which Linux Distribution I should choose.
http://www.linuxiso.org/Where to get the Linux CD/DVD ISO imgaes? Just Come to here.Of course you can go to The HomePage of The Linux Distributions like "www.debian.org" "www.redhat.org" etc.
But Here is The collection of
almost all of the popular Linux distribution. the distribution recommended are"SuSE ,redhat,ubuntu" for Linux newbies.And some information of them is show as follows.
SuSEhttp://www.suse.comProbalbly the best distribution for unexperimented users.
The Desktop of SUSE is based on KDE.It is not only more Beutiful than the MS Windows',but also very easy to use.And it is belonged to Nevell Corporation.

Fedora http://fedora.redhat.comThe distribution which inhenrited the future of Redhat--easy to install.For its parent is RedHat, you will find the most information on the internet among the distributions.
Ubuntuhttp://www.ubuntu.com/A distribution based on "Debian",pronouced as oo-boon-too”.The most attractive thing on ubuntu is that the ubuntu commutity presents the CD/DVD disks as a giftto Linux users .Really?Yes,I am sure That I have not make fun on you . In fact, I am keeping almost twenty sets of them now.Somebody who wants toentertain ubuntu can attact to me by Tecent qq (273610766)
2>The Linux installtion FAQ

3>where to get the MAN pages ,Documentaion and useful articals
TLDPhttp://tldp.orgTLDP is the abbreviation of "The Linux Documentation Project".It is the first stop to linux users find documentation.
MAN Pageshttp://linux.ctyme.com/The Indexed HTML version of Linux MAN Pages.And it is updated to Redhat fedora.Asorted to nine sections. Including almost all of the linux command MAN pages .
UsingLinux http://www.usinglinux.org/A site with many useful documentations and software.
LinuxDirectory http://www.linux-directory.com/Many books on linux,perl,php,java,open source and etc.And with several linux CD/DVD images for download.
LinuxWorld http://www.linuxworld.com/With both of Documentations and software.
IBM Linux Zone http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/The linux tutorial zone of
IBM. Contains articles related to software development in linux.

4>How to find more cool Linux website.Here is two cool two websites to collect links about linux.
LOLLhttp://loll.sourceforge.net/linux/links/LOLL is the abbreviation of the string "Loads of Linux Links".It have already collect more than 5,000 links on linux and open source already.
Linux Centerhttp://www.linux-center.org/

5>where can I found the free software?

SourceForgehttp://sourceforge.net/The world's largest development and download repository of Open Source code and applications.
FreshMeathttp://freshmeat.netA site maintains the Web's largest index of Unix and cross-platform open source software. Thousands of applications are meticulously cataloged in the database, and links to new code are added daily.
IceWalkers http://www.icewalkers.com/Linux Software. IceWalkers.com provides a vast database of Linux Software. Updated several times a day with new Linux Software release announcements
Tucowshttp://www.tucows.com/Tucows has over 40000 software titles that are tested, rated, reviewed and ready to download. Tucows is your download destination for Linux ,Windows, Macintosh.
LinuxGames http://www.linuxgames.com/Want to player games under linux? Go to LinuxGames site to find your answer.
Scientific App on linuxhttp://gd.tuwien.ac.at:8050/sal1.shtmlContains many Scientific application on linux.
RpmFindhttp://www.rpmfind.net/This site provides the search service.you can use it to find
package by either the name(apache),provides(webserver),
absolute file names(/usr/bin/apache),binaries or shared libraries.

6>How to use theses software in desktop use.
DesktopOS http://www.desktopos.com/

7>General linux sites
Linux Online http://www.linux.org/

8>some interesting sites.
LinuxCounterhttp://counter.li.org/Get yourself and your computer counted among the Linux users.And in this way you can find the Linux users in your same district.
Linushttp://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/torvalds/The homepage of Linux Torvals.
posted on 2006-11-18 11:02 天空 阅读(3408) 评论(14)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 骗子的linux学习


# re: 国外linux相关优秀站点地址【不断完善中】 2007-09-23 20:57 顾栋
qq:411484917  回复  更多评论

# re: 国外linux相关优秀站点地址【不断完善中】 2008-10-21 11:58 shanya
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# re: 国外linux相关优秀站点地址【不断完善中】 2010-04-14 23:32 AlexandraFlores
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# re: 国外linux相关优秀站点地址【不断完善中】 2010-10-10 21:33 fjzhuozl
顶!!!  回复  更多评论

# re: 国外linux相关优秀站点地址【不断完善中】 2011-02-19 15:31 豆豆
http://kerneltrap.org/  回复  更多评论

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