Between two devices a MIDlet suite(as a MIDlet message or a DCF file) is
saved to and then
read from the RMSD.
①The user of the sending device selects the suite to be placed on the RMSD
②The device makes a decision on the format to be used for superdistribution
③The suite is placed to the RMSD(as a MIDlet Message or as a DCF file)
④The user of the sending device passes the RMSD to the user of the receiving device
⑤The user of the receiving device inserts the RMSD into the device and
uses the device UI access the suite(as a MIDlet Message or as a DCF file)
⑥The suite is installed on the receiving device
posted on 2006-10-19 11:02
Yama的家 阅读(1677)
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DRM, 网络安全,security