MIDlet Message是超分(SuperDistribution)中间出现的最重要的概念之一。它定义了MIDlet suites在超分时候的传输格式。
1.在OMA的Implementation Best Practices for OMA DRM v1.0 protected MIDlets的文档5.3章里面明确的指出
It is a JAR file that contains a JAD file and a JAR file in the DCF].
2.The container JAR file is created as per the ZIP archive format specification and also the JAR file specification.
Compression is not used for container JAR file.也就是说做成无压缩的jar文件,但是zip的格式必须遵循。
3.The container JAR file is always contains
exactly one JAD file and
exactly one JAR file in the DCF file.
4.The MIME type of the container JAR file is application/java-archive.好像这条对于实装没有什么用。
5.The manifest of the JAR file(named "
manifest.mf") is placed to the
META-INF directory.值得注意的是用Sun的jar工具作出来的jar都是自动把manifest.mf变成了大写MANIFEST.MF。而OMA的文档里面特别将说明和例子里面的manifest.mf都用的是小写。不知道有何用意。总之,准备用[该部分的作成时候用小写写入,读入文件的时候无论大小写都可以接受]的方案来实现。
6.The manifest file contains the following attributes.
Distribution-Package: x.y(Midlet Message的版本号,对于本文档而言是1.0
Distribution-Descriptor-Filename: xxx.jad(The name of the jad file with the full path inside the container jar file感觉全路径是废话,因为在message文件里面jad没有上部文件夹
Distribution-Content-Filename: xxx.dcf(The name of the jar file in the DCF
7.When creating MIDlet message, JAD and DCF files are placed to the
root of the container JAR file, not in any folders.
8.Names of JAD and DCF files inside the MIDletMessage can be obtained from
上面的两属性 9.The software that deals with unpacking of MIDlet Message should
support any order of files.也就是说读取文件的时候不能按顺序解析。需要找寻索引得到文件名,然后对应解析.
10.Note, that t
he MIDlet Message format can also be used for forwarding of MIDlet suites that are
not OMA DRM protected.(if the device allows so).文件变成manifest,jad,jar的格式???
Note also, the MIDlet Message format is not intended for delivery of MIDlet suites OTA.也就是说在现行的midp对应的jar直接安装里面要能够分析出来这种情况的文件,而不能导致异常的出现。
posted on 2006-10-16 17:00
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