I was so stupid today that I mixed up "Alpha Conversion" with "Lowercase letters allowed". Am I getting older and losing my memory? Even for which I manually fixed in PSA a couple months ago? It is a shame! Obviously I can not afford to being on bench any more, an I really need to be assigned to a project right now.
To be or not to be? For me, it is the question of "BW or SEM?". Actually, I am trying hard to keep the banlance between my knowleadge of BW and SEM. Is it not possible to keep both growing? And I also find that it is hard to decide my direction by myself; what if I were assigned to a pure BW project for a quite long period when I make up my mind to go SEM way in the rest of my career?
I have read a blog of SAPer recently, which is about his story of landing a BW job in USA. I think I have a long way to go to be a proffessional like him or Disya, not mention to be a guru, which is one of my long term goals.
Having a rest for neally a month, it is time to go back to trace now. Live is not tough for me though, I still need to work more harder to keep my dream alive!
posted on 2006-07-28 22:03
Jonathan Ji 阅读(917)
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