MenMon> help
H Print help
IOI Scan for BIOS devices
NBOOT [<opts>] Boot from Network
DEC21MEDIA <clun> <med> Select Ethernet Medium
DBOOT [<clun>] [<dlun>] [<opts>] Boot from Disk
RBOOT [<opts>] Boot from shared RAM
LS <clun> <dlun> [<opts>] List files/partitions on device
DSKRD <args> Read blocks from RAW disk
DSKWR <args> Write blocks to RAW disk
BIOS_DBG <mask> set MMBIOS debug level
I [<D>] List A12 Info
EEPROSPEED <clun> <med> Select Ethernet Speed
EE[-xxx] [<arg>] serial EEPROM commands
DIAG [<arg>] System diagnose
RTC[-xxx] [<arg>] Real time clock commands
WDOG[-xxx] [<arg>] Watchdog (SMS24) commands
RST Reset board
SERDL [<passwd>] Update flashes using YModem protocol
NDL [<opts>] Update flashes from network
ERASE <D> [<O>] [<S>] Erase flash sectors
PFLASH <D> <O> <S> [<A>] Program flash
AS <addr> [<cnt>] Assemble memory
DI [<addr>] [<cnt>] Disassemble memory
GO [<addr>] Jump to user programm
S[RFO-] [<addr>] Single step
BO [<addr>] [<opts>] Call OS-bootstrapper
B[DC#] [<addr>] Set/display/clear breakpoints
.C[RFM] name CPU User Register Change
.[RFM?] [name] CPU User Register Display
ACT [<addr>] [<size>] execute a HWACT script
C[BWLLN#] <addr> [<val>] Change memory
D [<addr>] [<cnt>] Dump memory
FI <from> <to> <val> Fill memory (byte)
MC <adr1> <adr2> <cnt> Compare memory
MO <from> <to> <cnt> Move (copy) memory
MS <from> <to> <val> Search pattern in memory
MT[BWLFD] <from> <to> Memory test
PCID[+] <dev> [<bus>] [<func>] PCI config register dump
PCIC <dev> <addr> [<bus>] [<func>] PCI config register change
PCIR List PCI resources
PCI-VPD[-] <devNo> [<busNo>] [<capId>] PCI Vital Product Data dump
PCI PCI probe
EE-NETIP [<ip:sm>] IP address and subnet mask
of target in VxW bootline (e.g.
EE-NETGW [<ip>] Gateway IP address in VxW bootline
EE-NETHOST [<ip>] Host IP address in VxW bootline
EE-NETNAME [<name>] Network name of this machine in VxW bootline
So should I use Etherboot/32 or Etherboot/16?
If you are using etherboot to load Linux, then you probably want Etherboot/32 because Etherboot/16 is a subset. It only loads tagged images. It can load to extended memory if running on a 286 or above. On a 8086/8 loading to extended memory will silently fail.
If you want to make Etherboot/16 ROMs, you need to change the ETHERBOOT variable in src/Config.
autonegotiation complete: link is up, 100BaseTX FD
Etherboot/32 version 4.2.5b for [EEPRO100][E1000][Tulip]
Searching for server (BOOTP) ...................................................
*** Netboot failed: read error