A JavaScript Fancier


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今天看liveDocs学习FLASH AS,看到了Using variables in an application一部分。
To compare undefined and defined variables being passed to a function:
Drag a Button component to the Stage from the Components panel.
Open the Property inspector and type bad_button into the Instance Name text box.

Type the following code on Frame 1 of the Timeline.// Does not work
function badClickListener(evt:Object):Void {
    var targetUrl:String = "http://www.adobe.com";
bad_button.addEventListener("click", badClickListener);

Select Control > Test Movie, and notice that the button does not work (it doesn't open the web page).

按照示例说明俺就去画瓢了,没想到这瓢还真没那么好话,按下ctrl+enter控制台就报错了:“语句必须出现在 on/onClipEvent 处理函数中”,郁闷了,按照示例去做还能有错?难道adodb的示例没有做过试验就贴出来了?不太可能!
posted on 2008-05-22 10:57 Yemoo'S JS Blog 阅读(5051) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 其它技术文章