A JavaScript Fancier


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1、MooTools Mocha UI(基于MooTools和Canvas构建)
Mocha is a MooTools user interface class made with canvas tag graphics. This is an on going exercise to help me become more familiar with both MooTools and the canvas tag. See the windows to the right for more information。

ModalBox is a JavaScript technique for creating modern (Web 2.0-style) modal dialogues or even wizards (sequences of dialogues) without using conventional popups and page reloads. It's inspired by Mac OS X modal dialogues. And yes, it may also be useful for showing bigger versions of images. :)

Basically, ModalBox is based on GrayBox technique by Amir Salihefendic. But you can find a lot of similar techniques around the web: Lightbox JS, Lightbox gone wild, ThickBox etc.

There also a clone of ModalBox, the MOOdalBox, written on great and lightweight Mootools Framework.

Windoo is a javascript class based on Mootools framework which allows you to create draggable and resizable inline windows on your HTML page.

Windoo also includes the following standalone extensions:

Drag.Multi is Drag.Base extension which gives the ability to change multiple styles for multiple elements at the same time according to the mouse movement
Drag.Resize is Mootools extension which applies drag handles to an element to make it resizable in 8 directions

resizable in 8 directions (fully customizable)
works on Firefox, Opera, Safari, and IE 6, 7
support custom and container element limits for resize
fully customizable Windoo themes
preserve aspect ratio option
multiple window managers
support iframe overlay for IE (fixes <select> bug) and FF (speed-up rendering)
generates valid XHTML strict code
modular source code with custom download builder
posted on 2007-11-22 13:45 Yemoo'S JS Blog 阅读(1423) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Js框架组件