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1976 TECMAC and TMACS a pair of "TECO-macro realtime editors." by Guy Steele, Dave Moon, Richard Greenblatt, Charles Frankston, et al. | | 1976 EMACS by Richard Stallman, Guy Steele, EINE (EINE Is Not EMACS) and Dave Moon. by Dan Weinreb. Merger of TECMAC and TMACS, plus for MIT Lisp Machine. a dynamic loader and Meta-key cmds. First Emacs written in Lisp. Ran on ITS and TWENEX (Tops-20) | written in TECO and PDP 10 assembly. | | | 1978 Multics Emacs ZWEI (ZWEI Was EINE Initially) by Bernie Greenberg. by Dan Weinreb and Mike McMahon. written in MacLisp; | also used Lisp as its | extension language. | 1980 ZMACS (direct descendant of ZWEI) on Symbolics LM-2, LMI LispM, and later, TI Explorer (1983-1989) 1981 Gosling Emacs : by James Gosling : written in C; with "Mocklisp" as its extension language. / | 1983 / | Hemlock (early 83) / | by Rob MacLachlan, / Unipress Emacs (6-may-83) Skef Wholey, et al. / $395 commercial product. written in Spice Lisp / (CMU Common Lisp) 1985 GNU Emacs 13.0? (20-mar-85) by Richard Stallman. initial public release? | GNU Emacs 15.10 (11-apr-85) | GNU Emacs 15.34 (07-may-85) | GNU Emacs 16.56 (15-jul-85) (Gosling code expunged for copyright reasions) | | GNU Emacs 16.60 (19-sep-85) (contained first patches from the net, including preliminary SYSV support) | | GNU Emacs 17.36 (20-dec-85) (included TeX manual; first version that worked on SYSV out of the box) | | 1986 GNU Emacs 18.24 beta (02-oct-86) | 1987 GNU Emacs 18.41 (22-mar-87) | GNU Emacs 18.45 (02-jun-87) | GNU Emacs 18.49 (18-sep-87) | 1988 GNU Emacs 18.50 (13-feb-88) | GNU Emacs 18.51 (07-may-88) | GNU Emacs 18.52 (01-sep-88) | 1989 GNU Emacs 18.53 (24-feb-89) | \ | \________________________________________________ | \ GNU Emacs 18.54 (26-apr-89) \ | \ GNU Emacs 18.55 (23-aug-89) | | | \ | | | \________________________________________ | | | \ | | | Epoch 1.0 (14-dec-89) | | by Simon Kaplan, | | Chris Love, et al. | | | | | Epoch 2.0 (23-dec-89) | | | | | | 1990 | | Epoch 3.1 (06-feb-90) | \ | | \ | | \ Epoch 3.2 (11-dec-90) | \ | | \____ (sporadic work on | | GNU Emacs 19 begins) | | | | | | Epoch 4.0 (27-aug-90) | | | 1991 GNU Emacs 18.57 (??-jan-91) | | | | | GNU Emacs 18.58 (??-???-91) | | | |____ | | | \ | | | \ | 1992 | | Lucid Emacs 19.0 (??-apr-92) | | | by Jamie Zawinski et al. | | | | | | | Lucid Emacs 19.1 (04-jun-92) | | | | | GNU Emacs 18.59 (31-oct-92) | Lucid Emacs 19.2 (19-jun-92) | | | | | | / Lucid Emacs 19.3 (09-sep-92) | | / | | 1993 | / Lucid Emacs 19.4 (21-jan-93) | | ______________/ | | | / Lucid Emacs 19.6 (09-apr-93) | | / | | GNU Emacs 19.7 beta (22-may-93) | /| first public v19 beta | / | | | / | GNU Emacs 19.8 beta (27-may-93) | / | | \ | / | | \________________ | ___________________/ | | \ | / | | Lucid Emacs 19.8 (06-sep-93) | | (Epoch merger, preliminary | | I18N support) | | | | GNU Emacs 19.22 beta (28-nov-93) | | | | | 1994 | Lucid Emacs 19.9 (12-may-94) / | (scrollbars, Athena) / | | / GNU Emacs 19.23 beta (17-may-94) | / | \ | / | \____________ | ___________________/ | \ | / | Lucid Emacs 19.10 (27-may-94) | last JWZ release. | | GNU Emacs 19.24 beta (16-may-94) | | | | XEmacs 19.11 (13-sep-94) | Lucid Emacs -> XEmacs renaming. | now maintained by Chuck Thompson | and Ben Wing. | | GNU Emacs 19.27 beta (14-sep-94) | | | GNU Emacs 19.28 (01-nov-94) | first official v19 release. | | | 1995 | XEmacs 19.12 (23-jun-95) | (tty support) \ GNU Emacs 19.29 (21-jun-95) | \ | | (work on 20.x begins) GNU Emacs 19.30 (24-nov-95) | : | \ | : | \_____________ | | \ | | XEmacs 19.13 (01-sep-95) 1996 GNU Emacs 19.31 (25-may-96) | | XEmacs 19.14 (23-jun-96) GNU Emacs 19.34 (21-aug-96) | \ 1997 | XEmacs 20.0 (09-feb-97) \ | now maintained by \ | Steve Baur. | | | XEmacs 19.15 (26-mar-97) | | | | XEmacs 20.1 (15-apr-97) | | | | | XEmacs 20.2 (16-may-97) | GNU Emacs 20.1 (17-sep-97) | | | | | GNU Emacs 20.2 (20-sep-97) | | | | XEmacs 19.16 (31-oct-97) | | | XEmacs 20.3 (21-nov-97) | | | | 1998 | XEmacs 20.4 (28-feb-98) | first reasonably stable | release with MULE support. | XEmacs "core" and "packages" | now packaged separately. | | | | | XEmacs 21.0-pre5 (18-jul-98) | Numbering scheme goes wonky due to | switch to stable + unstable branches. GNU Emacs 20.3 (19-aug-98) | | | | XEmacs 21.0.60 (10-dec-98) | / \___________________ | / \ 1999 | / XEmacs 21.2.9 (03-feb-99) | / (trunk / unstable branch) | / | | XEmacs 21.1.3 (26-jun-99) | | (stable / maintenance branch) | | maintained by Vin Shelton. | | | | GNU Emacs 20.4 (12-jul-99) | | | | | 2000 | | XEmacs 21.2.27 (18-jan-00) | | | | XEmacs 21.1.9 (13-feb-00) | | | | GNU Emacs 21.1 (20-oct-01) | XEmacs 21.2.36 (04-oct-00) | | | 2001 | XEmacs 21.1.14 (27-jan-01) | | (branch retired) | | XEmacs 21.2.40 (08-jan-01) | ____________________/ | | / | | / XEmacs 21.5.0 (18-apr-01) | / (trunk / unstable branch) | / | | XEmacs 21.4.0 (16-apr-01) | | (stable / maintenance branch) | | Maintained by Stephen Turnbull. | | Shipped by Red Hat, Debian, | | Mandrake, etc. | | | | 2002 GNU Emacs 21.2 (16-mar-02) | XEmacs 21.5.6 (05-apr-02) | | | | XEmacs 21.4.7 (04-may-02) | | | | 2003 | XEmacs 21.4.12 (15-jan-03) | | first "stable" 21.4 | | | | GNU Emacs 21.3 (19-mar-03) | | | | XEmacs 21.4.13 (25-may-03) | maintained by Vin Shelton. | | XEmacs 21.5.14 (01-jun-03)
posted on 2005-09-04 19:30 xlmo 阅读(220) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Emacs