XIZAO2011-The Garden of XiangDragon

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The research and applications of health information integration component based on APIHOOK

Abstract Plenty of heterogeneous, legacy systems, which is without opened interface for accessing internal data, or without enough docs to special these opened interface how to use, exist in hospitals now due to many reasons. This leads to new problems that the communication among these systems is very difficult. It becomes a challenge for total health information Integration. To solve this problem, this paper has developed a universal health-information integration component, which employs the API HOOK techniques in Windows systems. A real case study shows that the valid Integration among the heterogeneous system can be obtained.

Key wordsAPI HOOK; heterogeneous systems; information integration

correspondence author:xizao2008@gmail.com

posted on 2008-11-01 10:53 XIZAO2011-The Garden of XiangDragon 阅读(85) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用
