这个警告不会影响数据库的访问 但是当有大量的这种日志产生的时候数据库之前的错误信息 就会很难去查询了。连接数越多,产生报警日志的频率越高。数据库的alert.log中,我们经常会出现下面的警告:IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolutionIP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution问题产生的原因:出现错误的原因是MYSQL Server在本地内存中维护了一个非本地的Client TCP cache,这个cache中包含了远程Client的登录信息,比如IP地址,hostname等信息。如果Client连接到服务器后,Mysql首先会在本地TCP池中根据IP地址解析客户端的hostname或者反解析,如果解析不到,就会去DNS中进行解析,如果还是解析失败就是在error log中写入这样的警告信息。解决的办法:1.可以通过两个参数来disable这个功能,在MYSQL的配置文件中[mysqld]中加入下面的参数:[mysqld]--skip-host-cache--skip-name-resolve重新授权,将所有访问数据库服务器的授权方式都改成IP形式的。grant all on *.* to ‘root’@’’identified by ‘123456’;2.添加授权。将所有访问数据库服务器的授权方式都改成IP形式。不同的用户用不同的用户名和密码。grant all on *.* to ‘user_68’@’’identified by ‘pwd_68’;grant all on *.* to ‘user_67’@’’identified by ‘pwd_67’;....
然后去 mysql数据库下面的 user表 和db表 下面删除掉那些含有含有主机名字的权限记录。
2.要么在赋予权限的时候 直接用ip地址,去掉那些用主机名字的权限。
posted on 2013-11-15 17:42
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