While there is one untrodden tractFor intellect or will.And men are free to think and act,Life is worth living. (奥斯汀)
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厂商     工具名称
Mercury Winrunner
Mercury Quicktest pro
Mercury XRunner
Compuware QARun
Compuware WebCheck
Compuware TestPartner
Parasoft WebKing
IBM Rational Robot
IBM Rational Visual Test
IBM Rational Functional Tester
Segue SilkTest
Segue SilkTest International
Empirix e-Tester
Radview WebFT
AutomatedQA TestComplete
Seapine QA Wizard
RedStone Software EggPlant
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Edition
Minq PureTest
Autotester Autotester
Original Software Testbench400
VEReCOMM TestExpert
Qronus TestRunner
Telelogic TTCN suite
Centerline QC/Replay
AutoTester Web
Software Research eValid
开源 MaxQ
开源 WebInject
开源 Marathon

厂商   工具名称

Mercury LoadRunner
Mercury SiteScope
Mercury Topaz
Compuware QaLoad
Quest PerformaSure/benchmark
Segue Silkperformer
Segue Silkperformer Lite
Segue SilkCentralTM Performance Manager
Empirix e-Load
IBM Rational Robot
IBM Rational Performance Tester
RadView WebLoad
Microsoft Web applicaton stress tool
Microsoft Application center test
Minq PureLoad
Metron Athene APR
facilita ForeCast
Cyrano Impact/Impact for CBT
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory sniffer
开源 Jmeter
开源 openSTA
开源 Siege
开源 StressMark
开源 DBMonster

厂商   工具名称

Parasoft Jtest
Parasoft C++test
Parasoft SOA test
Parasoft .test
Parasoft Codewizard
Parasoft Insure++
Parasoft DataRecon
Compuware Numega devpartner studio
Compuware DevPartnerJavaEdition
Compuware BoundsChecker
Compuware SmartCheck
Compuware DBPartner
Empirix Bean-test
AutomatedQA AQtime
AutomatedQA QESatJava
Unitware Visual Unit
Gimpel Software PC-lint
Macabe Macabe
Borland Optimizeit Suite
Quest Software JProbe Suite
Quest Software Application assurance suite
Quest Software Sql optimizer
ej-technologies JProfiler
cyrano workbench
TeleLogic Logiscope
TeleLogic rulecheck
Macabe Macabe
Segue SilkPerformer Component Test Edition
IBM rational Purifyplus
IBM rational Rational Test Realtime
开源 junit
开源 cactus
开源 Hansel
开源 TestNG
开源 StrutsTestCase
开源 JFCUnit
开源 Httpunit
开源 Dunit
开源 cppunit
开源 Nunit
开源 Xunit
开源 JTR
Linux平台工具 MallocDebug
Linux平台工具 Valgrind
Linux平台工具 Kcachegrind
Linux平台工具 dmalloc
Linux平台工具 ElectricFence
Linux平台工具 LeakTracer
Linux平台工具 memprof
Linux平台工具 ccmalloc
Linux平台工具 mprof
Linux平台工具 yamd
Linux平台工具 njamd
Linux平台工具 mpatrol

厂商   工具名称

Metrowerks codetest
IPL Cantata/cantana++
Reflex Technology IceMaster
Reflex Technology System test
DDC-I scorecast
testquest Testquest
Vector software vectorcast
qronus testrunner
telelogic Logiscope

厂商   工具名称

Mercury TestDirector(QualityCenter)
Compuware QADirector
worksoft certify
aimware Product manager
segue SilkCentral Test Manager
telelogic Doors
empirix e-manager
IBM Rational testmanager
RadView TestView Manager
T-Plan Professional

厂商   工具名称

Mercury TestDirector(QualityCenter)
IBM Rational ClearQuest
Compuware TrackRecord
Seapine TestTrack pro
McCabe TrueTrack
Techexcel Devtrack
IBM Lotus Notes
Segue SilkCentral Issue Manager
Merant PVCS Tracker
Remedy AR System
LealSoft URTrack
Hansky Butterfly
开源 Bugzilla
开源 Mantis
开源 BugFree

厂商   工具名称

IBM Rational ClearCase
Merant PVCS Version Manager
Diamond VCS
Computer Associates AllFusion Harvest Change Manager/CCC Harvest
Borland StarTeam
MKS Source Integrity Enterprise and Integrity Manager
Serena ChangeMan Professional
Perforce Perforce
McCabe TRUEchange
Telelogic SYNERGY CM
Microsoft VSS
Hansky Firefly
开源 CVS
开源 subversion
开源 RCS

posted on 2006-09-12 15:42 VincentQian 阅读(602) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用