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Posted on 2007-09-07 15:30 vcommon 阅读(1133) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用


    APIHIJACK.CPP - Based on DelayLoadProfileDLL.CPP, by Matt Pietrek for MSJ February 2000.
    Adapted by Wade Brainerd,
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "apihijack.h"

// Called from the DLPD_IAT_STUB stubs.  Increments "count" field of the stub

void __cdecl DefaultHook( PVOID dummy )
    __asm   pushad  // Save all general purpose registers

    // Get return address, then subtract 5 (size of a CALL X instruction)
    // The result points at a DLPD_IAT_STUB

    // pointer math!  &dummy-1 really subtracts sizeof(PVOID)
    PDWORD pRetAddr = (PDWORD)(&dummy - 1);

    DLPD_IAT_STUB * pDLPDStub = (DLPD_IAT_STUB *)(*pRetAddr - 5);


    #if 0
    // Remove the above conditional to get a cheezy API trace from
    // the loader process.  It's slow!
    if ( !IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL( pDLPDStub->pszNameOrOrdinal) )
        OutputDebugString( "Called hooked function: " );
        OutputDebugString( (PSTR)pDLPDStub->pszNameOrOrdinal );
        OutputDebugString( "\n" );

    __asm   popad   // Restore all general purpose registers

// This function must be __cdecl!!!
void __cdecl DelayLoadProfileDLL_UpdateCount( PVOID dummy );


// Given an HMODULE, returns a pointer to the PE header

    PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNTHeader = 0;
        if ( PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER(hModule)->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE )

        pNTHeader = PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS(PBYTE(hModule)
                    + PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER(hModule)->e_lfanew);
        if ( pNTHeader->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
            pNTHeader = 0;

    return pNTHeader;

// Builds stubs for and redirects the IAT for one DLL (pImportDesc)

bool RedirectIAT( SDLLHook* DLLHook, PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImportDesc, PVOID pBaseLoadAddr )
    PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pIAT;     // Ptr to import address table
    PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pINT;     // Ptr to import names table

    // Figure out which OS platform we're on
    osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi);
    GetVersionEx( &osvi );

    // If no import names table, we can't redirect this, so bail
    if ( pImportDesc->OriginalFirstThunk == 0 )
        return false;

    pIAT = MakePtr( PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA, pBaseLoadAddr, pImportDesc->FirstThunk );
    pINT = MakePtr( PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA, pBaseLoadAddr, pImportDesc->OriginalFirstThunk );

    // Count how many entries there are in this IAT.  Array is 0 terminated
    pIteratingIAT = pIAT;
    unsigned cFuncs = 0;
    while ( pIteratingIAT->u1.Function )

    if ( cFuncs == 0 )  // If no imported functions, we're done!
        return false;

    // These next few lines ensure that we'll be able to modify the IAT,
    // which is often in a read-only section in the EXE.
    DWORD flOldProtect, flNewProtect, flDontCare;
    // Get the current protection attributes                           
    VirtualQuery( pIAT, &mbi, sizeof(mbi) );
    // remove ReadOnly and ExecuteRead attributes, add on ReadWrite flag
    flNewProtect = mbi.Protect;
    flNewProtect |= (PAGE_READWRITE);
    if ( !VirtualProtect(   pIAT, sizeof(PVOID) * cFuncs,
                            flNewProtect, &flOldProtect) )
        return false;

    // If the Default hook is enabled, build an array of redirection stubs in the processes memory.
    DLPD_IAT_STUB * pStubs = 0;
    if ( DLLHook->UseDefault )
        // Allocate memory for the redirection stubs.  Make one extra stub at the
        // end to be a sentinel
        pStubs = new DLPD_IAT_STUB[ cFuncs + 1];
        if ( !pStubs )
            return false;

    // Scan through the IAT, completing the stubs and redirecting the IAT
    // entries to point to the stubs
    pIteratingIAT = pIAT;

    while ( pIteratingIAT->u1.Function )
        void* HookFn = 0;  // Set to either the SFunctionHook or pStubs.

        if ( !IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL( pINT->u1.Ordinal ) )  // import by name
            PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME pImportName = MakePtr( PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME, pBaseLoadAddr, pINT->u1.AddressOfData );

            // Iterate through the hook functions, searching for this import.
            SFunctionHook* FHook = DLLHook->Functions;
            while ( FHook->Name )
                if ( lstrcmpi( FHook->Name, (char*)pImportName->Name ) == 0 )
                    OutputDebugString( "Hooked function: " );
                    OutputDebugString( (char*)pImportName->Name );
                    OutputDebugString( "\n" );

                    // Save the old function in the SFunctionHook structure and get the new one.
                    FHook->OrigFn = reinterpret_cast<void*>(pIteratingIAT->u1.Function);
                    HookFn = FHook->HookFn;


            // If the default function is enabled, store the name for the user.
            if ( DLLHook->UseDefault )
                pStubs->pszNameOrOrdinal = (DWORD)&pImportName->Name;
            // If the default function is enabled, store the ordinal for the user.
            if ( DLLHook->UseDefault )
                pStubs->pszNameOrOrdinal = pINT->u1.Ordinal;

        // If the default function is enabled, fill in the fields to the stub code.
        if ( DLLHook->UseDefault )
            pStubs->data_call = (DWORD)(PDWORD)DLLHook->DefaultFn
                                - (DWORD)(PDWORD)&pStubs->instr_JMP;
            pStubs->data_JMP = *(PDWORD)pIteratingIAT - (DWORD)(PDWORD)&pStubs->count;

            // If it wasn't manually hooked, use the Stub function.
            if ( !HookFn )
                HookFn = (void*)pStubs;

        // Replace the IAT function pointer if we have a hook.
        if ( HookFn )
            // Cheez-o hack to see if what we're importing is code or data.
            // If it's code, we shouldn't be able to write to it
            if ( IsBadWritePtr( (PVOID)pIteratingIAT->u1.Function, 1 ) )
                pIteratingIAT->u1.Function = reinterpret_cast<DWORD>(HookFn);
            else if ( osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS )
                // Special hack for Win9X, which builds stubs for imported
                // functions in system DLLs (Loaded above 2GB).  These stubs are
                // writeable, so we have to explicitly check for this case
                if ( pIteratingIAT->u1.Function > 0x80000000 )
                    pIteratingIAT->u1.Function = reinterpret_cast<DWORD>(HookFn);

        if ( DLLHook->UseDefault )
            pStubs++;           // Advance to next stub

        pIteratingIAT++;    // Advance to next IAT entry
        pINT++;             // Advance to next INT entry

    if ( DLLHook->UseDefault )
        pStubs->pszNameOrOrdinal = 0;   // Final stub is a sentinel

    // Put the page attributes back the way they were.
    VirtualProtect( pIAT, sizeof(PVOID) * cFuncs, flOldProtect, &flDontCare);
    return true;

// Top level routine to find the EXE's imports, and redirect them
bool HookAPICalls( SDLLHook* Hook )
    if ( !Hook )
        return false;

    HMODULE hModEXE = GetModuleHandle( 0 );

    PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pExeNTHdr = PEHeaderFromHModule( hModEXE );
    if ( !pExeNTHdr )
        return false;

    DWORD importRVA = pExeNTHdr->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory
    if ( !importRVA )
        return false;

    // Convert imports RVA to a usable pointer
                                                    hModEXE, importRVA );

    // Save off imports address in a global for later use
    g_pFirstImportDesc = pImportDesc;  

    // Iterate through each import descriptor, and redirect if appropriate
    while ( pImportDesc->FirstThunk )
        PSTR pszImportModuleName = MakePtr( PSTR, hModEXE, pImportDesc->Name);

        if ( lstrcmpi( pszImportModuleName, Hook->Name ) == 0 )
            OutputDebugString( "Found " );
            OutputDebugString( Hook->Name );
            OutputDebugString( "...\n" );

            RedirectIAT( Hook, pImportDesc, (PVOID)hModEXE );
        pImportDesc++;  // Advance to next import descriptor

    return true;

