
ferment (CONFUSION) /"f3:.ment/ US /"f3`:-/ noun LITERARY
a state of confusion, change, and lack of order or fighting:
The resignation of the president has left the country in ferment.

galvanize , UK USUALLYgalvanise/"g{l.v@.naIz/verb
to cause someone to suddenly take action, especially by shocking or exciting them in some way:
Western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people.
The prospect of his mother coming to stay galvanized him into action and he immediately set about cleaning the house.

'skin %flick noun US SLANG
a film that shows sexual acts in a way that is intended to cause sexual excitement but that would be considered unpleasant and offensive by many people:
It's a cheap movie house that only shows skin flicks.

(of behaviour) happening because of a very old natural and basic habit from the distant past, not because of a conscious decision or present need or usefulness:
an atavistic fear of the dark


brinkmanship /"brINk.m@n.SIp/ noun
the activity, especially in politics, of trying to get what you want by saying that if you do not get it, you will do something dangerous:
The talks have collapsed and both sides have resorted to brinkmanship.

gambit (CLEVER ACTION) /"g{m.bIt/ noun

1 a clever action in a game or other situation which is intended to achieve an advantage and usually involves taking a risk:
Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage.
Their promise to lower taxes is clearly an election-year gambit.

2 SPECIALIZED a way of beginning a game of chess, in which you intentionally lose a pawn (= game piece) in order to gain some other form of advantage later

chafe (BE ANNOYED) /tSeIf/ verb
to be or become annoyed or lose patience because of rules or limits:
We have been chafing under petty regulations for too long.

easily annoyed and complaining in a childish and rude way

"Well, he didn't invite me to his party so I'm certainly not inviting him to mine!" she said petulantly.

hit a snag

to experience a difficulty. Our plans for Patty's surprise party hit a snag when we discovered she would be away that weekend.

posted on 2007-10-22 15:41 三言两语 阅读(250) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用









