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: in this. 此中,与此。
Unfair competition mentioned in this Law refers to such acts of business operators as contravene the provisions hereof, with a result of damaging the lawful rights and interests 'of other business operators, and disturbing the socio-economic order.
Business operators mentioned here refer to such legal persons, other economic organizations and individuals as engage in the trading of goods or profit-making services (hereafter called Goods including services).
(1)unfair competition:不正当竞争
(2)mentioned in this Law: 本法所称
(3)contravene the provisions hereof: 违反本法规定
(4)damage the lawful rights and interests of other business operators:损害替他经营者地权益
(5)disturb the socio-economic order: 破坏社会经济秩序
(6)business operators mentioned herein: 本法所称经营者
(7)engage in the trading of goods or profit-making services:从事商品经营或营利性服务

This Law is' hereby formulated and prepared in order to develop the foreign trade, maintain the foreign trade order and promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy。
Foreign trade mentioned here,shall cover the import and export of goods, technology and the international trade in services。
(1)this Law is hereby formulated and prepared: 兹制定本法
(2)maintain the foreign trade order: 维护对外贸易秩序
(3)promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy 促进社会主义市场经济地健康发展
为了发展对外贸易,维护对外贸易只秩序 促进社会主义市场经济地健康发展,兹制定本法。本法所称对外贸易,是指货物经出口,技术进出口和国际服务贸易。

The term "company" mentioned herein refers to such a limited liability company or such a company limited by shares as are established within then territory of China in accordance with this Law.
(1)mentioned herein: mentioned in this Law 本法所称
(2) limited liability company: 有限责任公司
(3)company limited by shares: 股份有限公司
(4) within the territory of China: 在中国境内

Illegal gains from the crimes as specified in this Decision shall, if any, be confiscated, Where those commit crimes against the provisions herein, with their illegal gain to be confiscated, a fine imposed on, their property forfeited and a civil compensation assumed bye, and their property and assets are insufficient for the payments of all the above items, they shall first be liable for the civil compensation.
(1)illegal gains: 违法所得
(2)shall be confiscated:应当予以没收
(3)a fine imposed on: 判处罚金
(4)property forfeited: 没收财产
(5)a civil compensation assumed by: 承担民事赔偿责任


Unless otherwise expressly provided for herein if all disputes, controversies or differences arising out of or in relation to the execution of this Agreement between the Parties hereto, or any
breach or default of the provisions hereof (including but not limited to, a dispute concerning the existence or continued existence of this Agreement, and the validity of the Arbitration Clause ) fail to be settled amicably, the disputes, controversies or differences in question shall be Submitted for arbitration.
(i) unless otherwise expressly provided for herein: 排除另有明确表示

: hereinafter: later in the arum Contract.以下 在下文

in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and the Contract signed by and between_______Co.( hereinafter referred to as Party A and_________Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party B), the articles of association hereby is formulated and prepared.
(1) in accordance with: under 根据
(2) Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures:中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法
(3) articles of association: 合营公司章程

Financial institutions with foreign capital mentioned in these Regulations refer to the following financial institutions that are established and operate in China upon approval in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China:
(1) subsidiary banks incorporated by foreign capital whose head offices are in China
(2) branches of foreign bank in China
(3) banks incorporated jointly by foreign and Chinese financial institutions
(4) finance companies~ incorporated by foreign capital whose head offices are in China
(5) finance companies incorporated jointly by foreign and Chinese financial institutions
(一) 总行在中国境内地外国资本银行
(二) 外国银行在中国境内地分行
(三) 外国地金融机构同中国地金融机构在中国境内合资经营地银行
(四) 总公司在中国境内地外国资本地财务公司
(五) 外国地金融机构同中国地金融机构在中国境内合资经营地财务公司

These Regulations are formulated and prepared in accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Company Law) in order to affirm the qualifications of enterprise legal persons of companies and standardize the registration activities of companies~
(1) these Regulations are formulated and prepared: 指定本条例
(2) the Company Law of the People's Republic of China《中华人民共和国合同法》
(3) to affirm the qualifications of enterprise legal person:
of companies: 确认公司地企业法人资格
(4) standardize the registration activities of companies: 规范公司地登记行为
posted on 2011-04-18 02:29 我的翻译博客 阅读(3871) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 引用