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Team Test Load Controller Installation

Warning   Set up the Controller before setting up any agents.

Note   Load controllers cannot be installed on domain controllers.

1. Start setup.exe located in the vs\controller folder.

The Welcome to Setup page appears.

2. Click Next.

The End-User License Agreement and Product Key page appears.

3. Review the End-User License Agreement (EULA) and select I accept the terms of the license agreement, if appropriate.

4. Enter the product key information and then click Next.

The Destination Folder page appears.

5. Click Browse to select a different destination folder, or click Next to use the default folder.

The Service Account page appears.

6. Enter the account name and password for the controller service account and then click Next.

The Ready to Install page appears.

7. Review the installation information and then click Install to continue.

The Installing Components page appears.

8. Upon successful installation, the Setup Completed Successfully page appears. Click Finish to complete the Setup program.

During Setup, you are prompted for the controller service account. The controller service account collects performance counters on other computers during a load test. Use a domain account that can easily be granted access to many computers. Grant the controller user rights to monitor performance on all the systems under test for the built-in performance monitoring capabilities to work.

Setup creates three local groups:

· TeamTestControllerAdmins

· TeamTestControllerUsers

· TeamTestAgentService

Add users who run tests to TeamTestControllerUsers. Add users who administer the test rig to TeamTestControllerAdmins. Agent setup automatically adds the users who Agent Services run as to TeamTestAgentService.

Note The user running the controller setup must be a member of local Administrators group.

The controller runs as a Windows Service on the computers on which it is installed. To view the properties of the service use Control Panel. In Control Panel, choose Administrative Tools and then choose Services. The name of the controller service is the Visual Studio Team Test Controller. The controller services can be started and stopped like other services in Windows.

The controller and agents can be configured and monitored by using the Administer Test Controller dialog box, available on the Test menu. For more information, see “How to: Administer the Rig” in the product documentation.

By default, the controller uses SQL Express to store load test results. SQL Express is license limited to store 4GB of data, which is approximately 10 hours of load test data. If you choose to use another SQL database to store the results, you can set up the Load Test Results Store after you have installed the controller. For more information, see “How to: Configure a Results Store using SQL” in the product documentation.

After you have configured your Load Test Results Store, you must indicate to the controller where the results are to be stored. For more information, see “How to: Select a Load Test Results Store” in the product documentation.

Load Controller Firewall Exceptions

If you are running Windows Firewall, the controller setup adds the following exceptions to your firewall:


If you are running on Windows XP in a work group, you must turn off Simple File Sharing. See this KB for info on how to do that: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307874

Accessing the Controller

After the controller is installed, access to the controller is limited to members of the TeamTestControllerUsers and TeamTestControllerAdmins groups that were created during Setup, and to the Administrators group.
Add appropriate users and/or groups to these groups to allow them to access the controller.
Members of the TeamTestControllerAdmins group or the Administrators group can administer the controller by clicking the Test menu, and then choosing Administer Test Controller in Visual Studio.
Members of the TeamTestControllerAdmins group must also be power users or administrators on the controller computer.

Team Test Load Agent Installation

Warning    Set up the Controller before setting up any agents.

1. Start setup.exe located in the vs\agent folder.

The Welcome to Setup page appears.

2. Click Next.

The End-User License Agreement and Product Key page appears.

3. Review the End-User License Agreement (EULA) and accept the terms of the license agreement, if appropriate.

4. Enter the product key information and then click Next.

The Destination Folder page appears.

5. Click Browse to select a different destination folder, or click Next to use the default folder.

Note   If you are installing the Agent on the same computer as the Controller, the option to choose a new location is disabled.

The Specify Controller page appears.

6. Enter the computer name of the Team Test Load Controller computer and click Next.

Note   You can locate the name of the controller computer by clicking My Computer, right-clicking, choosing Properties and viewing the Computer Name tab.

The Ready to Install page appears.

7. Review the installation information and then click Install to continue.

The Installing Components page appears.

8. Upon successful installation, the Setup Completed Successfully page appears. Click Finish to complete the setup.

Following this, you will be prompted to restart your computer to complete the installation.

Note The user running the agent setup must be a member of local Administrators group and a member of the controller’s Administrators group.

During setup, you are prompted for the name of the controller computer that this agent will be associated with. Agent setup communicates with the controller to add the agent to the controller.

During setup, you are prompted for the Agent user. This user is automatically added to TeamTestAgentService group on the controller. Only Agent Service Users who are a member of this group are allowed to communicate with the controller.

The Agent service is named Visual Studio Team Test Agent. To view the properties of the service use Control Panel. In Control Panel, choose Administrative Tools and then choose Services. The agent services can be started and stopped like other services in Windows. Also the agents can be administered using the Administer Test Controller dialog box, available on the Test menu. For more information, see “How to: Administer the Rig” in the product documentation.

Note   AgentConfigUtil.exe is a command line utility that can be used to assign an Agent to a different Controller, or to add an Agent to a Controller if Agent setup fails to do so.

Load Agent Firewall Exceptions

If you are running Windows Firewall, Agent setup added the following exceptions to your firewall:


If you are running on Windows XP in a work group, you will also need to turn off Simple File Sharing.


Note   To verify the installation, run Visual Studio and launch the Administer Test Controller dialog box (available from the Test menu), connect to the controller, and check the status of the agents.
Agents should be in the Ready state.
If an agent is not in the list of agents, reinstall the agent or run AgentConfigUtil.exe after verifying that the controller is installed correctly.
If the agent is in the Disconnected state, check that the agent service user account has been added to the TeamTestAgentService user group on the controller. Also check the <installdir>\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Test Load Agent\LoadTest\agentConfigUtilSetup*.log file for errors.

“Rig failed to restart for controller <controller computer name>. The following error was reported Cannot open VSTTController service on computer <controller computer name>.”

This error occurs when a user tries to restart the rig from the Administer Test Controller dialog box, but while this user has been added to the TeamTestControllerAdmins group, they have not also been added to the Power User or Administrator group.

posted on 2011-05-11 17:30 大话人生 阅读(422) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 性能测试