
The couple ,who sold baby's goods to us  in the www.taobao.com in three days before ,  came to our commiuty at 1.30 and after several calles to find the way. This is my fifth trade thoungt internet ,which i like more.  They brougt little bed for our baby ,who will say hello in may , and setup it  after   i pick them to our house. Later we found they are professional that they stick their mark  ,whick give our some good image , in every good. She is so glad see the goods that expect that baby can come to the world early. Maybe she is a big baby.
posted @ 2006-04-09 19:50 hehe 阅读(220) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


I am so anxious that to our office to get my score ,when Duxiaoping ,a one of mates who attent the doctor entrance exmine of doHUST's 2006 year ,told me that the score can been found from yesterday 8 o'clock in the psychology meeting  of students.
After opened web site of hust  enrolling information , I am very disappoint  as realizing  that i can't remeber my serial number again. So i came back to enjoying  the meeting  sequentially. It bring me some discourage when Many teachers discuss the qustiones in the test ,when we was  taken a very simple test to got a certificate at  last  in the meeting
We went home with two quilt ,which was provided by meeting organiger After meeting at about 4 o'olock.
I got my score immediaterly when i was back my house, which give me a big surprise about the low score of comptuer networking. Later, I talk it with yaohong ,my friends who give a introduction to the instructor and give a change to have the exmine , about the computer networking test questiones and complained a long time. ThenHe is kind to head it .carefully and give me some advices.
I belive that it will be sunny tomorrow thoug It is a rainy day today.

posted @ 2006-04-08 19:49 hehe 阅读(167) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


I live like a pig now.
We discussed  ardently studnet' study , skip classes , falling in games.and try to find some ways to help them in study and to avoid playing games overabundantly in the meeting which been hold in room 701 in their apart building 52  after going  on a tour with students' apart.
After meeting ,I walk and talk more  with xu ,who is director of 1114042 which is the other  class in our department. The students have many similar problem mentioned above as   haveing  same major and course in his class and my class. We talked about the students problem and what we should to do and realized i must find their interesting to organize several research teams. So It give me many work ,which including designing  topic , finding  and interact with students, to do.
Studing for the entrance  testing  is my major job but all.
It is time for me to catch time.
posted @ 2006-04-07 17:47 hehe 阅读(178) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. No one can deny the fact that  we must learn more to adopt it , as .Net  Web2.0 and Asp.Net come to us.
 It is a serious problem ,recorgnizing  day and day ,that i must update my knowledge as soon as possible as i loss a so many changes that feel that knowledge is out of season.
It's time to study hard。
Remember that.

posted @ 2006-04-06 17:32 hehe 阅读(158) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏