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 cp dhpc***.tar.gz /tmp
   tar xvzf dhcp***.tar.gz
   cd dhcp***
   make install
   cp server/dhcpd.conf  /etc/
   /etc/init.d/dhcdbd start

 chkconfig --add dhcdbd
  chkconfig --level  2345 dhcdbd on

vi /etc/dhcpd.conf

  #option domain-name "example";

 ddns-update-style ad-hoc

 option domain-name-servers;

 default-lease-time 600;
   max-lease-time 7200;


subnet netmask {
            option routers;



 需要一个DHCP Client database

dhcpd.leases - DHCP client lease database


hen dhcpd is first installed, there is no lease database.   However,
dhcpd requires that a lease database be present before it will start.
To make the initial lease database, just create an empty file called
DBDIR/dhcpd.leases.   You can do this with:
        touch DBDIR/dhcpd.leases


 /var/state/dhcp/ 目录下面新建一个dhcpd.leases

 touch /var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases

另在/tmp/dhcp***/README 中找到一段在LINUX下安装DHCP服务器的说明

If you are running a recent version of Linux, this won't be a problem,
but on older versions of Linux (kernel versions prior to 2.2), there
is a potential problem with the broadcast address being sent

In order for dhcpd to work correctly with picky DHCP clients (e.g.,
Windows 95), it must be able to send packets with an IP destination
address of  Unfortunately, Linux changes an IP
destination of into the local subnet broadcast address
(here, that's

This isn't generally a problem on Linux 2.2 and later kernels, since
we completely bypass the Linux IP stack, but on old versions of Linux
2.1 and all versions of Linux prior to 2.1, it is a problem - pickier
DHCP clients connected to the same network as the ISC DHCP server or
ISC relay agent will not see messages from the DHCP server.   It *is*
possible to run into trouble with this on Linux 2.2 and later if you
are running a verson of the DHCP server that was compiled on a Linux
2.0 system, though.

It is possible to work around this problem on some versions of Linux
by creating a host route from your network interface address to   The command you need to use to do this on Linux
varies from version to version.   The easiest version is:

        route add -host dev eth0

On some older Linux systems, you will get an error if you try to do
this.   On those systems, try adding the following entry to your
/etc/hosts file: all-ones

Then, try:

        route add -host all-ones dev eth0

Another route that has worked for some users is:

        route add -net dev eth0

If you are not using eth0 as your network interface, you should
specify the network interface you *are* using in your route command.

                        LINUX: IP BOOTP AGENT

Some versions of the Linux 2.1 kernel apparently prevent dhcpd from
working unless you enable it by doing the following:

              echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_bootp_agent

                      LINUX: MULTIPLE INTERFACES

Very old versions of the Linux kernel do not provide a networking API
that allows dhcpd to operate correctly if the system has more than one
broadcast network interface.  However, Linux 2.0 kernels with version
numbers greater than or equal to 2.0.31 add an API feature: the
SO_BINDTODEVICE socket option.  If SO_BINDTODEVICE is present, it is
possible for dhcpd to operate on Linux with more than one network
interface.  In order to take advantage of this, you must be running a
2.0.31 or greater kernel, and you must have 2.0.31 or later system
headers installed *before* you build the DHCP Distribution.

We have heard reports that you must still add routes to
in order for the all-ones broadcast to work, even on 2.0.31 kernels.
In fact, you now need to add a route for each interface.   Hopefully
the Linux kernel gurus will get this straight eventually.

Linux 2.1 and later kernels do not use SO_BINDTODEVICE or require the
broadcast address hack, but do support multiple interfaces, using the
Linux Packet Filter.

                    LINUX: 802.1q VLAN INTERFACES

If you're using 802.1q vlan interfaces on Linux, it is necessary to
vconfig the subinterface(s) to rewrite the 802.1q information out of
packets received by the dhcpd daemon via LPF:

        vconfig set_flag eth1.523 1 1

Note that this may affect the performance of your system, since the
Linux kernel must rewrite packets received via this interface.  For
more information, consult the vconfig man pages.

It is possible to work around this problem on some versions of Linux
by creating a host route from your network interface address to   The command you need to use to do this on Linux
varies from version to version.   The easiest version is

  route add -host dev eth0

On some older Linux systems, you will get an error if you try to do
this.   On those systems, try adding the following entry to your
/etc/hosts file: all-ones 

 在一些老的版本的LINUX 可能会出现错误.所以我们得编辑
 加入下面一行 all-ones (这个名字可以自己定义,方便记忆.你也可以写成255.255.255.255 dhcp.)


  route add -host all-ones dev eth0;

Another route that has worked for some users is:

        route add -net dev eth0
If you are not using eth0 as your network interface, you should
specify the network interface you *are* using in your route command.


 Some versions of the Linux 2.1 kernel apparently prevent dhcpd from
working unless you enable it by doing the following:

              echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_bootp_agent


          echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

  echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_bootp_agent






posted on 2008-06-18 00:37 network 阅读(445) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 學習心得