分析了一下编译器的错误提示,原来是该工程以来一个叫wxWidgets的东西!去了wxWidgets的网站了解一下,原来wxWidgets是一个类似MFC的东东,但wxWidgets是夸平台的!而且功能更复杂得多。问了问linghuye,linghuye说:“很多玩open source的人都恶心M$的东西…………”
解决掉wxWidgets的相关问题,终于编译通过了…… 接着看了看WOW模型的Animation的代码,比起WarCraft3的Animation来WOW的动化手段要更复杂点了:
1) Skeleton Animation
What is 'Weight' in Skeleton animation:
A blending weight, sometimes called a beta weight, controls the extent to which a given
world matrix affects a vertex. Blending weights are floating-point values that range
from 0.0 to 1.0, encoded in the vertex format, where a value of 0.0 means the vertex
is not blended with that matrix, and 1.0 means that the vertex is affected in full by
the matrix.
2) Texture Animation
在我的印象里Wc3没有使用到Texture Animation,或许是因为Wc3的模型要简单得多。WOW里面的怪物
有使用到这个。Texture Animation非常简单, 但可以表现出许多骨骼动画表现不出的动画。
posted on 2006-06-13 11:01
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