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自定义Exchange Server系统退信内容的几个工具 自定义Exchange Server邮箱配额的警告信息 如何在Exchange 2007中自定义未送达报告(NDR)

自定义Exchange Server系统退信内容的几个工具

自定义Exchange Server邮箱配额的警告信息

如何在Exchange 2007中自定义未送达报告(NDR)

posted @ 2009-08-06 13:41 nicktang 阅读(506) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏




posted @ 2009-08-03 15:34 nicktang 阅读(398) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏





IMF Add On Tool 安裝及操作說明




IMF Companion


posted @ 2009-07-29 16:57 nicktang 阅读(327) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏




posted @ 2009-07-28 20:42 nicktang 阅读(453) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

File system auditor 文件监控系统

File System Auditor 安装全程截图

File System Auditor 设置截图

posted @ 2009-07-28 20:35 nicktang 阅读(988) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


Update Rollup 9 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 has been released

Update Rollup 9 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 has been released

We have released Update Rollup 9 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (KB 970162) to the download center. The release of the rollup via Microsoft Update will happen on July 28.

The majority of changes in this rollup are bug fixes. Here are a few that I would like to call out:

  1. KB 969911 - This is bug likely to affect customers who have deployed the Messaging Records Management feature and have specified a storage limit for a managed folder. After a move mailbox, the property which marks the folders as managed is not preserved.
  2. KB 968621 - Store stops responding under certain conditions when scheduled backup is canceled and online maintenance is in progress.
  3. KB 945877 - Performance improvements to eseutil when it verifies the checksum of transaction logs.
  4. Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controllers in the environment (Note: Exchange Server 2007 itself is not supported to be installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 system.
  5. KB 968715 - This bug is likely to affect customers who have deployed CAS-CAS proxying. When a user selects This is a public or shared computer or This is a private computer on the Outlook Web Access logon page, this value is not maintained  between the CAS servers when the request is proxied. This bug will most likely affect customers with Internet facing CAS sites which proxy the requests to internal sites. Now the bug was that we defaulted to private access irrespective of the option selected by the user. Outlook Web Access has the following features which allow the administrator to control access of users depending on the logon type.:

After deploying this rollup, the logon type will now be correctly maintained between CAS servers if the request is proxied.
Administrators should watch out for scenarios where they have configured different behavior based on the logon type and required users to select the private computer option to access files, but users were able to access files without selecting the private computer option due to this bug. These users will now be unable to do so because we fixed the bug.

KB 970162 has more details about this release and a complete list of all fixes included in this rollup.

The release of Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) is just around the corner (slated for release in this quarter). SP2 will include all fixes in this Update rollup as well as the fixes contained in all prior rollups. We'll be posting more information on when future update rollups can be expected for Exchange 2007 SP2 as well as information about the patching improvements these rollups will bring.

Finally, I would like to call out our Exchange Software Updates forum. The forum is available to provide answers to questions about fixes contained in this rollup, help if you encounter issues when deploying the rollup, or if you just want to ask other forums users if you should take the plunge and install the rollup. We have engineers monitoring the forum to assist you.

- Exchange Customer Experience team

posted @ 2009-07-24 11:30 nicktang 阅读(332) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

转:"ViewState值已被截断"导致[HttpException (0x80004005): 无法验证数据。]

"ViewState值已被截断"导致[HttpException (0x80004005): 无法验证数据。]

有何见解,可以来此论坛 http://www.weiw.com/bbs/

开发平台是DOTNET  B/S  .NET Framework 1.1



错误信息“Viewstate is invalid for this page”(此页的视图状态无效)没有为解决此问题提供足够信息
在微软网站要查到这个异常的解释(http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;zh-cn;831150),说建议安装Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1。
项名称:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v1.1.4322
SP值为0,表明没有装Framework 1.1 Service Pack,
然后去微软网站下载了.NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1和.NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 ASP.NET 安全更新 - Windows Server 2003

异常详细信息: System.Web.HttpException: 无法验证数据。
[HttpException (0x80004005): 无法验证数据。]
[HttpException (0x80004005): Authentication of viewstate failed.  1) If this is a cluster, edit <machineKey> configuration so all servers use the same validationKey and validation algorithm.  AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.  2) Viewstate can only be posted back to the same page.  3) The viewstate for this page might be corrupted.]
再回到831150那篇文章看:“应用此修复程序后,视图状态错误信息标题将变成“Unable to Validate Data”。尽管新的错误信息格式没有对问题进行具体描述,但它比以前的错误信息格式提供了更多信息。”

5)将负载均衡设置修改了一下,只开放一台WEB Server。测试后,发现不出现那个异常。三台机分别测试,均无异常。
经再次的仔细检查,发现负载均衡Pool的Persistence Type(进程延续)为None,也就是说服务端不保持连接状态。这样,每次服务端事件被触发时,就会导致"ViewState值已被截断"。于是将Persistence Type(进程延续)的值改为Simple,Timeout设为600秒。


附:负载均衡一般设三个地方来保证进程延续。首先启动负载均衡,然后设置“Enable Connection Rebind”为true.最后Persistence Type一般设为Simple再加上超时时间。

posted @ 2009-07-24 09:45 nicktang 阅读(1156) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏















posted @ 2009-07-20 14:55 nicktang 阅读(310) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


RichCopy – Microsoft’s High Performant File Copy Application

RichCopy is a utility that helps you to copy or move files at a greater speed. In 1996, the first version of RichCopy was developed. The main idea was to utilize the network resources in a very minimal way and perform file copy in a better way. The tool when developed was available only for the Microsoft guys and hence none of the public was aware of it. But today, Microsoft has removed the accessibility limitations for this tool and has made it available as public downloadable software.


RichCopy was completely designed and developed by Ken Tamaru, a Microsoft fellow. Unlike other copy mechanism, the RichCopy tool is capable of copying multiple files simultaneously. RichCopy performs the copy operation eight times faster than XCOPY command. Also it is faster than the most popular RoboCopy tool. RichCopy has the most powerful features to copy the files which none of the other copy utilities have.

The following are the features available in RichCopy Utility

  1. The latest version, RichCopy 4.0, is more performant than any other copy tool
  2. There is an option for the user to save the desired settings with a profile name and choose any profile for copy process. This helps the user to maintain the state for different copy process and multiple instances of RichCopy can be used with different settings. This would allow us to complete the copy process in a minimal time.
  3. The latest version of the utility, RichCopy 4.0, allows us to choose multiple source locations. This enables us to copy files from different locations to the same destination in a single copy process.
  4. The number of thread that can be spanned off is configurable. There can be more 256 threads running using RichCopy, provided we have a high end machine which allows us to have as many threads as required.
  5. RichCopy 4.0 is capable of filtering the files based on the date time and based on the filter result,the files can either be copied to the destination folder or we can opt to leave it as it is.
  6. In addition to the GUI, the tool supports command line usage too. This would really help all the business users to invoke this tool internally and perform the copy process with no tension.
  7. RichCopy can be used against various storage devices without any problem.
  8. The suspend and resume feature in RichCopy is absolutely useful. When the network is down, we can peacefully suspend the copy operation and resume it back after sometime. This reduces the pain of copying the files again from the beginning.

RichCopy is a very useful tool for everyone irrespective of domestic or business requirements. The tool completely suffices the need of those people who are involved in blob migration. The tool when used in a low bandwidth network would show us high performing results.Try out and check if this tool is useful for you.

posted @ 2009-04-19 20:27 nicktang 阅读(482) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

RichCopy bulk file copy tool released – get it here


People have been asking me for years in my presentations what that icon on my desktop called “RichCopy” was.  I would of course tell them all about it.  That was always followed by a request for the utility.  Well, it only took nine years to fulfill that request, but it’s finally here.

I didn’t even know we were going to release it, so I was pleasantly surprised to see it prominently displayed right at the top of the April TechNet Magazine.  The cover pic on the website is too small for you to see the box next to the TechNet name, but fear not.  Head on over to the column from Joshua Hoffman called, “Utility Spotlight: RichCopy

Joshua gives you some of the background, history, and other information in the column.  But you’ll want to head right to the download link and grab one of my favorite utilities. Here’s a screenshot of this bad boy in action.  In the job below, I am uploading the content for the Interop Road Show to a server in Seattle.  RichCopy has ten upload threads going and as you can see, I am uploading the very beginning of the self extracting archive.


This brings me to an important point.  If you are supplying people a big fat .ISO image or zip file, please rethink your strategy.  WinRAR from RARLabs is a great archive utility and when combined with a tool like RichCopy, it’s a match made in heaven.  With WinRAR, I took the entire set of content and archived it into 100MB chunks.  People that use multi threaded download tools like RichCopy are going to love me for that. 

My team standard for FTP is the wonderful FileZilla.  Like RichCopy, FileZilla is also multi threaded.  I have never used RichCopy for FTP because until the public release, you were required to be connected to our corporate AD forest to use it.  And the last thing I want is a FTP client that is running across the VPN connection.  That has all changed now, so I need to run some tests with both of them and see if there’s a clear winner.  Today I am using RichCopy for SMB and FileZilla for FTP.  Using a single util for both may make more sense now.

Get RichCopy @ http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/d/0/fd05def7-68a1-4f71-8546-25c359cc0842/HoffmanUtilitySpotlight2009_04.exe.

posted @ 2009-04-19 20:26 nicktang 阅读(781) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏