2008/05/19/14:28, there is one eathquake in sichuan province.
When I called my family, the first word of my mother is "have you donated?". Yes, I have, while I don't say it, to my mother, nor to my girlfriend. I am a person who don't like to express. (maybe I should change it. my mother critise me today for that i didn't say bless her on the telephone to her on the mother day). I didn't donate much, but i did, and it is the expression of mine.
o, it is time to go to bed now, I use to go to bed very late, but I have to be early today. will continue next day.
bless everyone in the earthquake, bless the people of china!
posted on 2008-05-18 21:49
wing 阅读(197)
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