I installed one linux system (Fedora 5) in my computer a few days before. There are some questions I have enquatered, and here I list some as below. I maybe update they.
BTW, I only know how to do, but don't know why!
1. Mouse can't be seen but it works actually
Q: I can't see the icon of my mouse, but when you click it, it will do the according actions.
A: edit file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" as follow:
Section "Device"
# add the following line in this section
Option "HWCursor" "off"
2. Network configuration can't take any effect
Q: In net configuration, I set the information correctly, but the net work can't starts normally.
A: Actually, the key is the hardware. I use one mainboard integrated with net card.
Until now, I knew some persons had encountered this same question. And we resolve the question using the same way -- leave it alone, and try other ways go to internet.
That is, I added another net card on my computer, and the system recognized the net card automatically.
3. I can't input chinese
Q: After I change my system language setting from english. I can't find method to input chinese. I can see that there is one item on my system [SCIM input setup], but it is no use too.
A: do as following
mkdir ~/.xinput.d
ln -s /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/scim ~/.xinput.d/default
4. Open new tab in firefox when click links
Q: When click links, firefox always open one new window, I want open one tab default. In the [setting] -> [preferences], I can't resolve it.
A: Firefox have one configure method, you can input "about:config" in the address and the configuration sheet will be open.
0: open new link in current page.
1: open new link in new application
3: open new link in new tab
posted on 2006-09-23 17:28
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