ITU H.450.6 建议描述了在基于包交换网络(H.323)上实现呼叫等待附加服务的处理程序和信令协议
Busy, busy condition: 当User B正在忙于一个或多个通话的时候,有另外的incoming call.
Camp-on: The incoming call应该给user b 一个提示.
user B,the served user: 在相应的h323终端上激活SS_CW呼叫等待服务的用户.
User C, calling user: User C is the user who has originated a call to user B that causes the SS-CW to be invoked.
User A: User A is a user who is engaged in a call with user B.

FIGURE 1/H.450.6 - Operational Model

FIGURE 2/H.450.6 Signalling Flow