Posted on 2005-06-08 01:16
Kylin Bell 阅读(1388)
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Redhat Enterprise Linux 4.0 AS
Kernel 2.6.9-5.0.5.EL i686-smp
然后到寻找对应的内核补丁。比如我的系统,需要在下载Kernel 2.6.9-5.0.5.EL i686-smp 对应的补丁。
通常我在挂载Windows分区时会指定为readonly模式,正如Linux-NTFS Project的文档上所说:
How to write to NTFS. If you are using a dual-boot machine and just need NTFS write support to transfer files from Linux to Windows, you can instead use a Windows driver for ext2/ext3 and, while running Windows, read the files from the Linux partition instead. This way, using two read-only drivers, you can still copy files from one file system type to the other.
使用只读方式,无疑会更加安全可靠。而通过在Windows下使用TotalCommander访问Linux Drives,在Linux下挂载Windows分区,我们同样能够实现几乎完全的文件共享和互相访问。