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 title = "Tecgraf",
    org = "Computer Graphics Technology Group, PUC-Rio",
    url = "http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/",
    contact = "Waldemar Celes",

3.a.Metatables allow us to change the behavior of a table.
  b.Each table in Lua may have its own metatable.
  c.Lua always create new tables without metatables.
  d.use setmetatable to set or change the metatable of any table
  e.Any table can be the metatable of any other table.
  f.A group of related tables may share a common meta.
  g.A table can be its own metatable.
  h.__add: +
    __mul: *
    __sub: -
    __div: /
    __unm: 取负
    __pow: 次方
    __concat: ..
    __eq: equality
    __lt: less than
    __le: less or equal

  i:If the first value has a metatable with an __add field, Lua uses this value as the metamethod, independently of the second value; (2) otherwise, if the second value has a metatable with an __add field, Lua uses this value as the metamethod; (3) otherwise, Lua raises an error.
4.将light user data作为指针使用,并在脚本环境中维护一个以lightuserdata为key的table,value为对应的lua对象,则有,key为C++对象,value为lua对象.
6.userdata可以有metatable,意味着其可以完成完整的C++对象语义. 检查userdata的metatable(luaL_checkudata)以确保该userdata是所期望的内存对象.
7.Remember that a:size() is equivalent to a.size(a). Therefore, we have to arrange for the expression a.size to return our getsize function. The key mechanism here is the __index metamethod. For tables, this metamethod is called whenever Lua cannot find a value for a given key. For userdata, it is called in every access, because userdata have no keys at all.

posted on 2007-11-12 20:49 linghuye 阅读(1906) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 游戏理论和技术
