A: Can you tell me a little more about your company organization?
B: Certainly. Here is a copy of our company profile for your review. We are devided up into a three tier system. The first tier is ours excutive branch, which includes the CEO and Board of Directors. Below than is our manerial tier, which includes all department heads and supervisors. Lastly, our laborial tier.
A: What percentage of your employees fall under the laborial tier?
B: Nearly 75% of all employees are considered labrial stuff. Now, the laborial stuff category is very broad. It includes maintenance crews, secrectarial stuff, account managers, sales representatives, any other level positions, cafeteria workers(餐厅工人), the janitorial stuff(清洁工)... As you can see, a very large and varied categorization.
A: I see. Now then, how many laborial stuff members do you have working under you?
B: Me personally? Well, I am the lead financial officer, so in our financial department, we have three acountants and one financial secretary.
posted on 2008-10-31 10:25
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