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Isinteg.exe (Information Store Integrity)
信息存储完整性检查程序 (Isinteg.exe) 在应用程序级别查找并消除公用文件夹数据库和邮箱数据库中的错误。Isinteg 并非作为日常信息存储维护的一部分使用;提供该工具是为了帮助进行灾难恢复。由于 Isinteg 工具在逻辑架构级别工作,所以它能够恢复 Exchange Server 数据库实用程序 (Eseutil.exe) 无法恢复的数据。这是因为在物理架构级别对 Eseutil 工具有效的数据在逻辑架构级别的语义可能是无效的。

Isinteg 通常在运行 Eseutil 修复操作后使用。Isinteg 工具执行以下两项主要任务:

  • 从脱机备份还原后修补信息存储。
  • 测试信息存储中的错误,并有选择地进行修复。

Isinteg 可以在应用程序级别修复信息以及邮箱、文件夹、邮件和附件之间的关系。

Common mistake... which i use to see on most of the customer environment who use to run hard repair... may be this could be causing...

When we run hard repair major 3 steps procedure
eseutil /p
eseutil /d
isinteg -fix

Once we do eseutil /p  run eseutil /mh and confirm your database status should be clean shutdown..
Then run eseutil /d and then run eseutil /mh and confirm the status...

Now  it's a time to mount the database (where the major mistake happen)
Client use to forget that then need only keep the .edb and stm and rest of the files like log files, chk, temp etc need to moved out because those log file have old signature and our database will new signature.

Second think before you mount the database make sure you check the option "this database can be overwritten with the previous version"

Then dismount the database and run isinteg -fix
posted on 2008-12-08 14:41 joyclear 阅读(770) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Exchange