










How to update the pkg (FC7 ~>FC8) directly from the DVD/iso

  • Fedora-8-i386.dvd in /net/eog-nas1s/c/iso/FC/Fedora-8-i386/Fedora-8-i386-DVD.iso
  • mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/.iso /media/cdrom
  • back up the two file /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo & /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo
  • vim fedora-updates.repo
    • comment out the 'mirrorlist' line
    • uncomment the baseurl, and change to 'baseurl=file:///media/cdrom'
  • the same operation on fedora.repo

posted @ 2009-02-05 16:47 releng 阅读(238) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Change your Time Zone

  1. Check the current Time Zone *more /etc/sysconfig/clock
  2. tzselect
  3. cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
  4. hwclock

posted @ 2009-02-05 16:46 releng 阅读(240) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

English notes

  1. a kick in the pants 口头警告
             e.g. He was always late for work,so the manager decided to give him a kick in the pants and watch his performance.
  2. obsolete.  adj. 荒废的, 陈旧的
             e.g. This page is somewhat obsolete.
  3. solicit  v.恳求
             e.g. solicit feedback and suggestions.
  4. phony adj. 假冒的 n. 假冒者
             e.g. phony target
  5. top-notch adj 拔尖的
  6. acting  adj. 代理的, 起作用的, 演戏的
             e.g. Engineering Manager (Acting)
  7. whack  vt. 重打, 击败 vi. 重击 n. 尝试
             e.g. we decided to take a whack at spotting the decade's trends.
  8. observe vt. 观察, 观测, 遵守, 评述, 说
             e.g. In honor of US Christmas holiday, the US office will observe the following schedule:
  9. Once in a blue moon 千载难逢地
  10. recipe n.烹饪法; 食谱; 配方; 制法 【医】处方; 照处方配成的药 秘方, 秘诀
  11. poke around v. 闲逛, 调查
  12. bogus adj. <美>假的, 伪造的
             e.g. Bogus job line:
  13. resemble [ri'zembl]  vt. 相似,类似,像
             e.g. He strongly resembles his father.
  14. brew [bru:] v. 酿造,蕴酿
             e.g. brew a plot to overthrow the government.
  15. make sense of:  懂得(了解...的意义)
  16. merit ['merit] n. 功绩,价值,真相
             e.g. a store having the merit of being open late.
  17. pay back v. 偿还(借款), 报答, 报复
  18. delimiter 定界符,分隔符
  19. by means of:  用,凭借
  20. ample: a. 充足的,丰富的
  21. rather 相当 
             e.g. rather cold (瀑布寒的意思)
  22. sibling: n. 兄弟
  23. downward: a. 向下的 ad. 向下
  24. relinquish: v. 放弃,放手,让渡
  25. resume: [ ri'zju:m,'resu'mi ]  v. 再继续,重新开始 n. 简历,履历
  26. auxiliary:   n. 帮助者,辅助物,助动词 a. 附加的,辅助的
  27. moody: [ 'mu:di ]   a. 心情不稳的,易怒的,喜怒无常的
  28. the bulk of: 大多数(大部分) =  most of
  29. reside: [ ri'zaid ]   v. 住,居留,属于
  30. coalesce: [ .k?u?'les ]   v. 合并, 联合,接合
  31. spin: [ spin ]   n. 旋转,疾驰 v. 纺织,旋转,拉长
  32. earnest: [ '?:nist ]   n. 定金,诚挚,认真 a. 认真的,热心的,重要的
  33. It is important 和It is of importance相比,也是前者为公共语,而后者为正式体
  34. shooting star 流星
  35. cursory: [ 'k?:s?ri ]   a. 匆匆忙忙的,草率的,粗略的
  36. Shred: [ '?red ] n. 碎布条,细片,些少  v. 撕成碎片,变成碎片
  37. Shredding:  椽底板条 击碎
  38. root cause 根本原因
  39. staging: [ 'steid?i? ]  分段运输
  40. city for sight-seeing:  游览城市
  41. Drumbeat: [ 'dr?mbi:t ]  n. 鼓声
  42. full-fledged: [ 'f?l'fled?d ]  a. 羽毛丰满的,成熟的
  43. et al:  abbr. (Lat) 以及其他人,等人
  44. Alma Mater:  n. 母校
  45. annotate: [ '?n?teit ]   v. 注解
  46. phase out:  n. 逐渐停止(中止)
  47. shepherd: [ '?ep?d ]   n. 牧羊者,牧师,指导者 v. 看守,领导,指导
  48. Liaise: [ li:'eiz ]   v. 保持连络,担任连络官
  49. conformance: [ k?n'f?:m?ns ]   n. 顺应,一致
  50. dissipate: [ 'disipeit ]   vt. 使...消散(浪费)
  51. pertinent: [ 'p?:tin?nt ]   a. 相关的,中肯的,切题的
  52. promising: [ 'pr?misi? ]  a. 有希望的,有前途的
  53. prevailing: [ pri'veili? ]   a. 盛行很广的,一般的,最普通的 vbl. 获胜,盛行,流行
  54. immersion: n. 浸入(专心)
  55. the said:  该文; 该条例; 该…
  56. assume: vt. 假定,设想,承担
  57. aforesaid: a. 上述的
  58. conformance: n. 顺应,一致
  59. champaign: a. 平坦的 n. 平原,原野
  60. trivial:  a. 琐碎的,不重要的
  61. folks 1. your parents; 2. people in general (often used in the plural)
  62. failover n.【电脑】【数据库】失效备援 (为系统备援能力的一种, 当系统中其中一项设备失效而无法运作时, 另一项设备即可自动接手原失效系统所执行的工作) 
  63. gauge n. 标准尺, 规格, 量规, 量表 v. 测量
  64. sight-seeing
  65. snooty adj. 傲慢的, 自大的, 鄙视别人的
  66. keep sb posted 随时告知
  67. wee a. 很小的, 微小的 n. 一点点
  68. infer vt. 推论出, 推断 vi. 作推论
  69. sunk cost 沉没成本
  70. interim a. 暂时的, 临时的, 间歇的; n. 过渡时期; 【经】 期中, 中期; 暂时的
  71. pro bono【法】 为了利益, 慈善的
  72. hassle: [ 'hæsl ]  n. 激战 vi. 争论 vt. 与...争辩
        It's a hassle to ... XXX是个麻烦事
  73. bad-mouth vi. 苛刻批评
  74. bootstrap *['bu:tstræp] n. 解靴带 【计】 引导程序, 引导自举
  75. instantiate *[in'stænʃieit] vt. 例示
  76. poke around v. 闲逛
  77. carpool 共乘汽车
  78. nudge n. 用肘轻推, 推动, 讨厌家伙
  79. fleeting a. 疾驰的, 短暂的, 飞逝的
  80. fair chance  n : a reasonable probability of success
  81. boilerplate 模板
  82. like a charm 效验如神地
  83. off chance slight possibility 微小的可能性
  84. chore n. 零工, 家务 【经】 零工
  85. imperative n. 命令, 必要的事, 规则, 祈使语气
        a. 命令式的, 急需的, 势在必行的, 强制的
        【医】 难忍的, 强制的
  86. secure a. 无虑的, 安心的, 安全的, 可靠的, 保险的
    vt. 固定, 获得, 保证, 使安全, 掩护, 招致
    vi. 停止操作, 船抛锚
    【经】 保证; 安全的
  87. red tape 官样文章
  88. beef n. 牛肉, 肌肉 vt. 养(牛), 宰(牛) vi. 抱怨, 告发
  89. ramification n. 分枝, 分叉, 枝状物, 支脉, 支流, 衍生物
    【医】 分支, 支状分布
  90. coworker
    n. 共同工作的人, 同事, 合作者
  91. tentative n. 试验 a. 试验性的, 暂时的 【医】 暂定的, 假定的 【经】 试验(性)的, 尝试的, 暂定的

    It thus depends on the use ...
  92. boiler plate 陈腐的文章
  93. honor n. 荣誉, 头衔, 信用, 尊敬, 名誉, 阁下, 勋章 vt. 尊敬, 授予荣誉, 承兑, 实践
  94. indelible [in'delibl] a. 难以消除的, 不能拭除的, 难忘的
  95. irrelevant a. 不恰当的, 无关系的, 不相干的
  96. marginal a. insignificant 微不足道的; 不重要的
  97. fuss n. 大惊小怪, 小题大作, 忙乱 vi. 无事自扰, 焦急, 焦燥, 忙乱 vt. 使激动, 使烦燥
  98. prominent a. 卓越的, 显著的, 突出的, 凸出的
  99. nitty-gritty *['niti'griti] n. 事实真相, 本质
  100. in a bit 过一会儿
  101. introspect 进行反省 【法】 反省, 进行思想反省, 内省

posted @ 2008-11-24 17:12 releng 阅读(421) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

file whoami


         Software Engineer (Sr. Build-Release-CM Engineer)

Candidate will be a key contributor facilitating the building, release and configuration management (CM) of advanced, reliable, high performance server-side applications for the mobile messaging space.

Job Responsibilities and Tasks:

  • Maintenance, Extension, and Operation of build automation system.
  • Source code repository administration.   -- SVN,CVS repos 管理
  • Ensure performance, correctness, security, and maintainability in designing and implementing new product features. ---- 似乎很少涉及
  • Release engineering.
  • Invention, Development, Operation, and Maintenance of engineering automation.   ---- 现在主要是维护
  • Documentation and presentation of release engineering procedures and policies.  ---- 目前没有大规模的做
  • Report status in a timely fashion as requested by manager or project lead engineer, or when problems arise. 

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Experience:

  • Minimum BS in Computer Science, Mathematics, or equivalent experience.  ---- 有相关教育背景
  • Operation or administration of distributed, heterogeneous UNIX hosts.  ---- 之前也算有点点
  • Development or adaptation of software automation used within Engineering, such as:
    • Build and release software.  
    • Backup or archival software releases. 
    • Automated testing or benchmarking suites. ---- 沿用Tom.Huppie的设计
    • Bug or support issue-tracking databases.
  • 4 years in software engineering, including:  ---- 目前只有三年工作经验
    • 2 years experience with release engineering and tools (CVS, Subversion, etc) ---- 来公司之前有半年的CVS初步使用经验
    • 2 years of UNIX system administration.  ---- 没有
  • 2 - 5 years experience with scripting languages: Shell/Perl/Python/etc  ---- 来公司前1年的shell经验 
  • Demonstrated understanding of the software development process.
  • Experience working on large projects and dealing with build, release and CM related issues.
  • Excellent problem solving ability.  ---- 还凑合
  • Ability to analyze build, release and CM requirements of the current and future products.
  • Ability to identify problems and effectively resolve within a development framework.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment balancing efficiency and quality with deadlines.
  • Ability to generate clear and accurate technical documentation given a template and minimal instructions.
  • Ability to review and understand external technical documentation and industry specifications.
  • Ability to communicate effectively to management and peers verbally, electronically(email) and through documentation.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and within development and project teams that require a high-level of interaction between team members.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong organization, communications, and learning skills.
  • Experience with wireless networks and technologies a plus.

posted @ 2008-11-24 16:49 releng 阅读(307) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


         Software Engineer (Sr. Build-Release-CM Engineer)

Candidate will be a key contributor facilitating the building, release and configuration management (CM) of advanced, reliable, high performance server-side applications for the mobile messaging space.

Job Responsibilities and Tasks:

  • Maintenance, Extension, and Operation of build automation system.
  • Source code repository administration.
  • Ensure performance, correctness, security, and maintainability in designing and implementing new product features.
  • Release engineering.
  • Invention, Development, Operation, and Maintenance of engineering automation.
  • Documentation and presentation of release engineering procedures and policies.
  • Report status in a timely fashion as requested by manager or project lead engineer, or when problems arise.

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Experience:

  • Minimum BS in Computer Science, Mathematics, or equivalent experience.
  • Operation or administration of distributed, heterogeneous UNIX hosts.
  • Development or adaptation of software automation used within Engineering, such as:
    • Build and release software.
    • Backup or archival software releases.
    • Automated testing or benchmarking suites.
    • Bug or support issue-tracking databases.
  • 4 years in software engineering, including:
    • 2 years experience with release engineering and tools (CVS, Subversion, etc)
    • 2 years of UNIX system administration.
  • 2 - 5 years experience with scripting languages: Shell/Perl/Python/etc
  • Demonstrated understanding of the software development process.
  • Experience working on large projects and dealing with build, release and CM related issues.
  • Excellent problem solving ability.
  • Ability to analyze build, release and CM requirements of the current and future products.
  • Ability to identify problems and effectively resolve within a development framework.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment balancing efficiency and quality with deadlines.
  • Ability to generate clear and accurate technical documentation given a template and minimal instructions.
  • Ability to review and understand external technical documentation and industry specifications.
  • Ability to communicate effectively to management and peers verbally, electronically(email) and through documentation.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and within development and project teams that require a high-level of interaction between team members.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong organization, communications, and learning skills.
  • Experience with wireless networks and technologies a plus.

posted @ 2008-11-20 16:25 releng 阅读(263) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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