

Stunning CSS3-Charpter 1





go over的翻译存在问题,但想不到特别适合的词


what is css3?

CSS3 is an extension of CSS 2.1 that adds powerful new functionality, but it’s no longer a single specification. Instead, it’s been divided up into several modules. Each module is a standalone specification for a subsection of CSS, like selectors, text, or backgrounds. Every module has its own set of authors and its own timetable. The advantage of this is that the entire CSS3 specification doesn’t have to be held up waiting for one little bit to get worked out—the module that that little bit is in can wait, while the rest moves forward.





move forward的翻译可以更好


You can see a list of all the modules, plus their current status on the path towards being finalized, at www.w3.org/Style/CSS/current-work. We’ll discuss the status of these modules later in this chapter, but for now let’s get right into what’s new and exciting in CSS3.






overview of what’s new

Much of CSS3 is a repeat of CSS 2.1, of course. But there are many

additions and revisions. What follows isn’t an exhaustive list of differ-

ences—there are far too many changes to list here—but an overview of

the best-supported, popular, and useful changes to CSS from level 2.1

to level 3.







l  Image-free  visual  effects. CSS3 contains a lot of new properties that allow you to create visual effects that previously could be accomplished only with images (or sometimes scripting), such as rounded corners, drop shadows, semitransparent backgrounds, gradients, and images for borders. Many of these new properties are in the Backgrounds and Borders module; others are in the Colors and Image Values modules. We’ll go over many of these effects in Chapter 2, and use them again in later chapters.

l  非图片式的视觉特效。CSS3包含了大量新属性,来实现之前只有通过图片或者脚本才能做到的视觉特效,如圆角,阴影,半透明背景,渐变和图片边框等。大部分新属性来自背景和边框模块,其他则来自颜色和图像模块。本书在第二章节会学习这类的大量特效,并在随后章节运用他们。

Images Values翻译成图像是否好


l  Box transformations.    Another category of visual effects that CSS3 makes possible are those that manipulate the box’s position and shape in two- or three-dimensional space, such as rotating, scal-ing, or skewing it. These effects are called transforms, and are covered in the 2D Transforms and 3D Transforms modules. You’ll learn about transforms in Chapter 2.


l  弹性盒模型。不管是控制盒子容器位置,还是用旋转,缩放或倾斜等改变其二维或三维外观,有一类CSS3视觉特效都能实现。这种称之为变形的特效由2D变形和3D变形模块提供。你可以在第二章节学习到变形。

l  Unique  fonts. The Fonts module introduces the @font-face rule that allows you to link to a font file on your server and use it to display the text on your page, instead of being limited to the fonts on your users’ machines. This makes beautiful typography so much more attainable. You’ll learn about @font-face in Chapter 3.

l  嵌入字体。字体模块提供了@font-face这个规则,让你可以使用在服务器的字体库来显示网页文本,进而摆脱字体必须依赖用户系统的限制。使用好看的印刷字体将成为现实。你可以在第三章学习到@font-face
Unique  fonts 嵌入字体似乎是网络流行术语
so much more attainable翻译成为现实,合适?


l  Powerful selectors. CSS3 introduces over a dozen new selectors, mostly pseudo-classes and attribute selectors. They allow you to target specifc pieces of your HTML without needing to add IDs or classes, streamlining your code and making it more error-proof.These selectors are included in the Selectors module, naturally. You’ll learn about some of them in Chapters 4 and 5.

l  强大的选择器。CSS3提供了一大批新的选择器,大部分是伪类和属性选择器。你就可以不用通过标识或者样式定位到指定的HTML元素,从而优化代码而减低出错的可能性。这些选择器自然包含在选择器模块里。你可以在第四和第五章节学习到其中一些选择器


l  Transitions and animations. CSS3 transitions, covered in a module of the same name, are a simple type of animation that allow you to ease the change from one style on an element to another, such as gradually and smoothly changing the color of a button when you hover over it. Full-fledged CSS3 animations, again covered in a module of the same name, can make more complicated style changes and movements possible without needing Flash or JavaScript. Both are covered in Chapter 5.


l  转换和动画。和模块名字一样的转换特性,以简单的动画自然地改变元素外观,例如鼠标滑过按钮时,按钮的颜色平滑的改变颜色。同样和模块名一样的CSS3动画标准一旦完全推广,开发者就可以不通过Flash或者Javascript来实现复杂的外观和位置的变化。你可以在第五章节学习到这两项知识点。



l  Media queries. The Media Queries module introduces syntax for feeding styles based on the capabilities of the user’s display or device, such as the viewport width, screen resolution, and how many colors it can display. Media queries are a great tool for creating mobile-optimized web sites. You’ll learn about them in Chapter 6.


l  媒体查询。媒体查询提供了一个可以根据用户显示器或者设备的性能应用不同样式的规则,例如视窗的宽度,屏幕的分辨率,以及可显色彩范围。它是创建最优移动WEB站点的强大工具。你可以在第六章学习到相关内容。



l  Multiple-column layouts. CSS3 introduces a few new modules that make multi-column layouts easier to create. The Multi-column Layout module deals with flowing the text of a single block into multiple columns, similar to newspaper layout; we’ll cover this in Chapter 6. The Flexible Box Layout module deals with making blocks align horizontally or vertically with each other and making them more flexible to the available space than floats or positioning can be. There are also more experimental layout modules called Template Layout and Grid Positioning. We’ll cover these last three layout systems in Chapter 7.


l  多列布局。CSS3提供一些新模块,可以方便的创建多列布局。在第6章会说明如何通过多列布局模块将一个块状容器的文本由流式渲染变成报纸布局那样多列渲染。灵活的盒子布局模块可以渲染盒子容器成水平对齐或者垂直对齐,让他们比流式布局或者绝对定位更容易适应可用空间。另外还有一些处于试验性质的布局模块如模板布局和网格定位。之前提到的三个布局方式都会在第七章节讨论。

where css3 stands

So just how soon is all this cool new CSS3 stuff going to be finalized so we can use it??, I can hear you asking. As I mentioned before, each module is on its own timetable, and you can see the status of each at www.w3.org/Style/CSS/current-work。The table lists the status, usually called a maturity level but sometimes called a stability status by the W3C, of the current version of the module as well as the next version, with links to each document.





The levels the W3C uses are, from least mature to most mature:



1.  Working Draft. The first publicly available version of the specification, published for review by the community, in order to solicit further changes. A module or specification can go through several working drafts.


1.  草案。第一份公开发布,并用于开发社区讨论的版本,用于征集意见。一个模块或者一份标准会经过多次草拟。


2.  Last Call. A working draft with a deadline for final comments. It indicates the working group thinks the module does what it should—though it usually receives significant changes after this point—and is probably planning to advance it to the next level.




3.  Candidate   Recommendation. The working group believes the module meets requirements, is stable, and should be implemented by browsers and put into everyday use by web developers, in order to see how implementable it is. Browsers are allowed to drop their vendor prefixes. Changes are still possible after this point, but not many and not major.



4. Proposed Recommendation. A mature, well-reviewed document that has been sent to the W3C Advisory Committee for final endorsement. There are rarely changes after this point.

4. 提案。一个完善并经过认真复审的文档会被提交到W3C咨询委员会做最后的确认。这版之后就已经极少修改。


5.  Recommendation. Complete and finalized. Normally referred to as a “standard.”

Hopefully it’s clear from this list that we web developers are not only allowed to use W3C specifications long before they are complete and finalized Recommendations, but that we are expected to. In fact, if you look at the list on the W3C site, shown in Figure 1.1, you may notice that only the SVG module, at the very bottom of the list, is at Recommendation status (at the time of this writing). Even CSS 2.1, which we’ve been using for many, many years, is still a Candidate Recommendation, not even a Proposed  Recommendation. Thus, even though it is not a finalized standard, we can use much of CSS3 now.


5. 推广。修订完成版本,通常就认为这就是标准。但愿我们期望的这个列表能尽快完成,不然网页开发者们就不能在W3C修订完成并推广前使用他们。事实上,当你查看W3C站点上的列表,如图例1.1,会发现仅有在列表最下方的SVG模块已经是处于发布状况(在这本书编写的时候)。就连已经被使用很多年的CSS2.1,也仍然处于候选推荐状态,还不能做为提案。因此,即使这还不是一个最终版本,我们已经使用很多CSS3特性。


Hopefully it’s clear from this list that翻译的质量似乎不是最佳


use css3 now

A couple of CSS3 modules are at Candidate Recommendation status, indicating they should be used, but it’s also fine to use some pieces that are still in Working Draft status. While you should wait to use properties and techniques that are still undergoing change and have poor browser support, there’s no need to wait to use the better-supported and stable parts of CSS3 in appropriate situations.





Not until new CSS techniques get put to work can we discover the real-world challenges of using them so that the W3C can address these challenges. Using new CSS techniques now in real situations helps the web development community uncover shortcomings, discrepancies, and holes in the specification, and introduces new ideas for how the specification can be improved, extended, or clarified. We can help CSS3 become better by testing it out while we still have a chance to change it, rather than waiting until the specification is finalized and missing our chance.




Using these somewhat cutting-edge techniques also shows the browser vendors which pieces of CSS3 are the most popular and useful to web developers. In effect, it pressures those vendors to support the new pieces of CSS and move forward.




So, using new CSS early is an essential part of the process towards getting that new CSS to be standard CSS. It will never get finalized if it never gets used.




I’m not saying that everything that’s listed on the W3C site is fair game to use right now. Not all new properties and techniques are ready to be used now, or to be used on every project. You should use only those pieces of CSS3 that are fairly stable and won’t harm non-supporting browsers by their lack. And you should use them wisely! Don’t add CSS3 just because you can—decide if it makes sense for the site’s goals and its users, and add it where appropriate.




Some pieces of CSS3 are not at Candidate Recommendation level yet, but have stable syntax that has not changed for a long time and probably won’t change in the future. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know what these pieces are by looking at the W3C site alone. Instead, you have to rely on other articles and books to fill you in on the history and stability of a particular property or technique. In this book, we’ll deal almost entirely with pieces of CSS3 that are stable and practical to use now; in the rare exceptions when we do delve into the more experimental, I’ll always give you a heads-up.




the state of browser support

Another consideration that will usually go into whether or not you use a piece of CSS3 is how well-supported it is by major browsers, or the browsers of your particular users. While there are times when you may the add more experimental and poorly supported CSS, perhaps as a little Easter egg for a particular browser, usually it’s not practical to spend time adding CSS that will be seen by only a tiny sliver of your audience.But in order to know which pieces of CSS3 are going to be seen by a good chunk of your audience, you need to know what browsers are currently in wide use.





browser market share

Browser usage is always changing and hard to establish with  certainty, but Figure 1.2 shows the most used browsers in October 2010, rounded to the nearest percentage. These figures come from the well-trusted and broadly-sourced statistics from

Net Applications 

(http://marketshare.hitslink.com/browser-market-share.aspx? qprid=0).

For statistics from many other sources, visit the Wikipedia page “Usage share of web browsers” at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers.



浏览器使用率时刻在变化,很难锁定在特定几个,图例1.2就显示了2010年10月经常被使用的浏览器,这和目前比例差不多。这些图例来自可信度较高,采样数据宽泛的互联网应用(http://marketshare.hitslink.com/browser-market-share.aspx? qprid=0) 。你还可通过很多其他数据渠道了解统计率,例如维基百科页面“Usage share of web browsers” ,地址是 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers.







posted on 2011-04-06 18:30 hopesfish 阅读(364) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: javascript
