

[翻译]Test Design ConsIDerations

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Introducing Test Design

In this subsection we describe a few types of different tests you can do with Selenium. This may not be new to you, but we provide this as a framework for relating Selenium test automation to the decisions a quality assurance professional will make when deciding what tests to perform, the priority for each of those tests, and whether to automate those tests or not.



What to Test

What parts of your application should you test? That depends on aspects of your project: user expectations, time allowed for the project, priorities set by the project manager and so on. Once the project boundaries are defined though, you, the tester, will certainly make many decisions on what to test.

We will define some terms here to help us categorize the types of testing typical for a web-application. These terms are by no means standard, although the concepts we present here are typical for web-application testing. We’ve created a few terms here of our own for the purposes of categorizing the types of test you may perform on your web application.



Testing for Expected Content

The simplest type of test, a content test, is a simple test for the existence of a static, non-changing, UI element. For instance

    * Does each page have its expected page title? This can be used to verify your test found an expected page after following a link.
* Does the application’s home page contain an image expected to be at the top of the page?
* Does each page of the website contain a footer area with links to the company contact page, privacy policy, and trademarks information?
* Does each page begin with heading text using the <h1> tag? And, does each page have the correct text within that header?

You may or may not need content tests. If your page content is not likely to be affected then it may be more efficient to test page content manually. If, however, your application will be undergoing platform changes, or files will likely be moved to different locations, content tests may prove valuable.



每个页面的是否以H1标签作为第一个文本 ?自然,每个页面的头部是否有正确的文本?


Testing Links

A frequent source of errors for web-sites is broken links and missing pages behind those broken links. Testing for these involves clicking each link and verifying the expected page behind that link loads correctly.

Need to include a description of how to design this test and a simple example. Should that go in this section or in a separate section?




Function Tests

These would be tests of a specific function within your application, requiring some type of user input, and returning some type of results. Often a function test will involve multiple pages with a form-based input page containing a collection of input fields, Submit and Cancel operations, and one or more response pages. User input can be via text-input fields, checkboxes, drop-down lists, or any other browser-supported input.


在你的应用了,应该有特定功能测试,主要是要求用户不同的输入,然后返回不同的结果。通常功能测试会涉及到多个页面,如基于表单, 有大量输入框,提交和取消操作的输入页面或者不止一个的结果页面。

Testing Dynamic Elements

Every web page element has an Identifier, a name that can be use to locate the element. These names can be static - for example, when you enter a search term into Google, the text field in which you type your query is always named ‘q’. These names can also be dynamic - generated fresh, new, and unique for every instance of a web page. For example, some web servers might name a text entry field ‘q1’ on the first instance of a page, and ‘q2’ on the next instance of the same page, etc. This means your test script could be looking at a different field name every time you run the script. Dynamic names are usually on a result page of some given function.

An example would be a result set of data returned to the user. Suppose each data result, in, say for example a list of documents, had a unique Identifier for each specific document. So, for a particular search, the search results page returns a data set with one set of documents and their correponding Identifiers. Then, in a different search, the search results page returns a different data set where each document in the result set uses different Identifiers.

An example will help. Dynamic content involve UI elements who Identifying properties change each time you open the page displaying them. For example,

Dynamic HTML of an object might look as:

<input type="checkbox" value="true" id="addForm:_ID74:_ID75:0:_ID79:0:

This is HTML snippet for a check box. Its ID and name (addForm:_ID74:_ID75:0:_ID79:0:checkBox) are same and both are dynamic (they will change the next time you open the application). In this case





<input type="checkbox" value="true" id="addForm:_ID74:_ID75:0:_ID79:0:


Ajax Tests

Ajax is a technology which supports dynamic real-time UI elements such as animation and RSS feeds. In Ajax-driven web applications, data is retrieved from the application server without refreshing the page.


Verifying Results?

Assert vs. Verify?


When should you use an assert command and when should you use a verify command? This is up to you. The difference is in what you want to happen when the check fails. Do you want your test to terminate or continue and record that the check failed?


Here’s the tradeoff. If you use an assert, the test will stop at that point and not run any subsequent checks. Sometimes, perhaps often, that is what you want. If the test fails you will immediately know the test did not pass. Test engines such as TestNG and JUnit have plugins for commonly used development environments (Chap 5) which conveniently flag these tests as failed tests. The advantage: you have an immediate visual of whether the checks (those using asserts anyway) passed. The disadvantage: when a check does fail, there are other checks which were never performed, so you have no information on their status.

In contrast, verify commands will not terminate the test. If your test uses only verify commands you are guaranteed (assuming no unexpected exceptions) the test will run to completion whether the checks find defects in the AUT or not. The disavantage: you have to do more work to examine your test results. That is, you won’t get feedback from TestNG or JUnit. Rather, you will need to look at the results of a console printout or a log output by your test application. And you will need to take the time to look through this output everytime you run your test. For Java, Logging Selenium (Chap 5) is a convenient logging utility for recording the results of verify commands, however you still need to open the logs and examine the results. If you are running hundreds of tests, each with it’s own log, this will be time-consuming.

Trade-offs: assertTextPresent, assertElementPresent, assertText?

You should now be familiar with these commands, and the mechanics of using them. If not, please refer to Chapter 4 first. When constructing your tests, you will need to decide

    * Do I only check that the text exists on the page? (verify/assertTextPresent)
    * Do I only check that the HTML element exists on the page? That is, the text, image, or other content is not to be checked, only the HTML tag is what is relevant. (verify/assertElementPresent)
    * Must I test both, the element and it’s text content? (verify/assertText)

There is no right answer. It depends on the requirements for your test. Which, of course, depend on the requirements for the application you’re testing. If in doubt, and if the requirements are not clear, you can go with your best guess and can always change the test later. Most of these are easily changed in either Sel-IDE or Sel-RC.

Realize that verify/assertText is the most specific test. This can fail if either the HTML element (tag) OR the text is not what your test is expecting. Sometimes, for instance if HTML changes frequently by your programmers, verifyTextPresent makes more sense. It can check for the content, but will pass the test when the programmers change the HTML used to present that text. Alternatively, perhaps your web-designers are frequently changing the page and you don’t want your test to fail everytime they do this because the changes themeselves are expected periodically. However, assume you still need to check that something is on the page, say a paragraph, or heading text, or an image. In this case you can use verify/assertElementPresent. It will ensure that a particular type of element exists (and if using Xpath can ensure it exists relative to other objects within the page). But you don’t care what the content is, that is, a specific image file, or specific text. You only care that some type of image exists.

Getting a feel for these types of decisions will come with time and a little experience. They are easy concepts, and easy to change in your test, but they do depend do depend on the requirements of your AUT. For some projects the requirements are clear and therefore your tests will be clear. For others, not so much, and you will have to give it your best guess. The purpose of this subsection is to help you anticipate your needs so you can make these decisions more efficiently.

posted on 2010-12-30 22:16 hopesfish 阅读(272) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: selenium
