
Dream have no limit



good link



这个是关于关于主程序与弹出窗口之间传递数据的,原文( This example consists of a custom mxml component that extends TitleWindow, and a test app that uses it as a non-modal popup window.  It demonstrates various ways to pass data between the main application and the pop up window.  This example does NOT use events.

The test app pops up the window, passes it values for both built-in properties, like title and width, and custom properties, like mainApp.

The pop-up fields bind to local variables and to mainApp properties.  Items selected in the Main App datagrid are displayed in the pop-up. the item selected in the pop-up is displayed in a text field in the Main App.

I hope you find it useful.

Tracy Spratt),其实这个技巧很基础,如果有仔细看帮助文档肯定都会了,不过这个东西对初学者来说还是个好东东。

这个例子包括一个扩展自TitleWindow的自定义组件和一个示例程序。它展示了主程序与弹出窗口之间的几种传输数据的方法。注意,这里还没有用到强大的事件机制。原文作者是Tracy Spratt,表示感谢。代码如下:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- TitleWindowDataTest.mxml

  An application that uses custom pop-up TitleWindowData-->

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" horizontalAlign="left" layout="vertical"




import mx.containers.TitleWindow;

import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

[Bindable]public var gsBindMe:String = "Change me!" ;     //

[Bindable]private var acDP2:ArrayCollection;

[Bindable]public var acItemsSelected:ArrayCollection;      //set by itemClick

private function initApp():void


  acDP2 = new ArrayCollection();

  acDP2.addItem({artist:"Pink Floyd",price:29.99,album:"Meddle"});

  acDP2.addItem({artist:"Pink Floyd",price:29.99,album:"More"});


  acDP2.addItem({artist:"Yes",price:22.99,album:"Close to the Edge"});

  acDP2.addItem({artist:"King Crimson",price:21.99,album:"Wake of Posiedon"});


private function showTitleWindow():void


  var titleWindowInstance:TitleWindowData =



                 false));     //instantiate and show the title window


  titleWindowInstance.title = "Non-Modal Title Window Data";//built-in property

  titleWindowInstance.width = 400;                 //built-in property

  titleWindowInstance.height = 450;                 //built-in property  

  titleWindowInstance.mainApp = this;                      //Reference to the main app scope

  titleWindowInstance.gnMyNumber = parseFloat(tiMyNumber.text);  //Pass a simple value to the popup


private function showSelectedItems(event:Event):void


   acItemsSelected = new ArrayCollection(dg2.selectedItems)





  <mx:Label text="Main App" fontSize="18" />

<mx:Text text="Selected Items will be passed into the pop-up. Select an item and click 'Show Title Window' button"  width="300"/>

<mx:DataGrid id="dg2" allowMultipleSelection="true" itemClick="showSelectedItems(event)"

   dataProvider="{acDP2}" >



    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Artist" dataField="artist" />

    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Price" dataField="price" editable="true"/>

    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Album" dataField="album" />




<mx:HBox >

  <mx:Label text="MyNumber:"  width="100"/>

  <mx:TextInput id="tiMyNumber"  text="99"/>


<mx:HBox >

  <mx:Label text="Bind Me"  width="100"/>

  <mx:TextInput id="tiBindMe" text="{gsBindMe}"

   change="gsBindMe = tiBindMe.text"/>


<mx:Button label="Show Title Window (Non-Modal)" click="showTitleWindow()"/>

<mx:HBox >

  <mx:Text text="Final Selection: From item selected in pop-up"  width="100"/>

  <mx:TextInput id="tiFinalSelection"/>






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- TitleWindowData.mxml

  A sample custom pop-up that extends TitleWindow-->

<mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical"





  import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


[Bindable]public var mainApp:TitleWindowDataTest = null;  

[Bindable]public var gsMyString:String;      

[Bindable]public var gnMyNumber:Number;      

[Bindable]public var acItemsSelected:ArrayCollection;

private function initComponent():void



private function closeWindow():void




private function showFinalSelection(oEvent:Event):void


   mainApp.tiFinalSelection.text = oEvent.target.selectedItem.album;



<mx:Text text="The data grid below shows the selectedItems in the data grid in the Main app. This dataProvider is bound to a local variable which is set by Main App datagrid itemClick. Select additional items(ctrl-click) in Main App, they will display here. Select an item here. It will display in Main App 'Final Selection' control." width="300" />

<mx:DataGrid id="dg2" rowCount="3"


   change="showFinalSelection(event)" >



    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Artist" dataField="artist" />

    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Price" dataField="price" editable="true"/>

    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Album" dataField="album" />




<mx:HBox >

  <mx:Label id="lblMyNumber" text="{gnMyNumber}"  width="100"/>

  <mx:Text text="Bound to local variable set at pop-up. Changes to Main App control do NOT change this" width="200" />


<mx:HBox >

  <mx:Label text="{mainApp.gsBindMe}"  width="100"/>

  <mx:Text text="Bound to mainApp local variable via passed in reference. Changes in Main App DO change this." width="200"  />




posted on 2007-09-03 15:38 gavinkin555 阅读(1081) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: FLEX
