Tonight ,after listening to The VOA :American Stories -- judge,the only words I have remembered is :"everyone have to learn something in his life ,It's just bad luck for you and me ,go back home Boy !"that was said by Judge (the big man in the boy's town)after boy went back to judge'stone house with wet clothes ,his traps gun and furs dropped in the river . what a bad night for the boy ,but the judge's words like rock,stability and no exercuse .oh ,boy ! you must like a man to learn it ,you must like been a man faster.
下面这篇故事的听力记录:呵呵,不是我做得。just I wish I can do it :
When Charlie Harsco died. He left a wife and 9 children. They lived on
the small piece of land, in the house with four rooms. John was the
oldest boy; he was 16 years old, and tall for his age. After his father
dead. John’s mother told him, he would have to take care of the family,
so John went into the cornfield behind the small house. There was very
little corn and very many weeds, his family needed corn and corn needed
the room to grow. John bend down and begin to pulling out the weeds,
when John came in for super that night, he told his mother that he had
clean half of cornfield, she would surprised and immediately went
outside to look at what he had done, while she was looking at the
field, she remembered that her husband had sold some corn to Judge
Doan, she also remembered the day had never clicked the money for the
corn, she told John to go to the Judge’s house right away to get it.
John was afraid of Judge Doan, the Judge was the richest man in town.
He owned a lot of land and everyone owed him money. His stone house
looks like a palace. John went to the house, and knocked on the door,
the servant open it right away, brought john into the Judge’s office.
Judge Doan was sitting at his desk, he was a very big man with red
face, long white hair and serious blue eyes. John stood with his back
to the door, he held his hat with both hand.
“ hello! John, what do you want?” said judge. John told the judge about
the money. “ oh , yes!” said judge. “ I’d forgotten about that, I’m
sorry.” He stood up, and reached into his pocket. Slowly he pull out a
large brown leather wallet, he open it, took out a new dollar bill and
handed it to John. Then he sat down at his desk again. “ how r u and ur
family doing?” he asked. “ all right, sir.” John said. “ I won’t bother
u about this money. But we needed it.” “ that is all right.” Judge said
slowly. “ I should have to remember it . I didn’t think of it, because
your father owed me money, he owed me 40 dollars.” John was so shocked,
he couldn’t think of anything to say. 40 dollars was a fortune for him
and his family. The Judge looked john for a few moment. “ how old r u ,
boy?” he asked. “ 16, sir!”. “ and when do you think you would pay me
back 40 dollars your father owed me?” he asked. John’s face got very
white. “ I don't know. Sir” he whispered. The Judge stood up. “ I hope
your r not like your father.” He said. “ he was a lazy man who never
worked hard.” He held his hand out to the boy. “ good luck to you” he
said as he shook john’s hand. Then he walk with him to the front door
and said good night.
During the summer, john worked on the other farms for 40 cents a day.
At first, nobody wanted him. People remembered how lazy his father had
been. They give the work to other boys. But John was a hard worker, and
began to get the jobs. Soon he was working on other people farm 6 days
of the week. He worked on his own family’s land every evening and all
day Sunday. That summer for the first time. The little farm had enough
foods and vegetables to feed John and his family, and would even for
enough for sale at the market. John used to wonder how his father had
always found time to go fishing. John had very little time to fish that
summer. When he did have time to relax, he thought about 40 dollars he
owed Judge Doan . then he would go out look for more work. At first, he
give all the money he earned to his mother. but then he begin saving a
few pennies every time he was paid. At end of august, he had saved a
dollar. As he held the money in his hand, he realized for the first
time. Someday he might able to pay back all the money he owed to the
Judge. By the middle of October, John had saved 5 dollars to give to
the judge. So one night after super, he went back to the Judge’s big
stone house. He found the Judge sitting in his office. “ sit down.
John.” Judge said. “ I know you worked hard this summer. I’ll be glad
to help you if you need some money for the winter,” John felt his face
become very hot. “ I didn’t come to here for ask anything, Judge.” He
said. He pushed his hand deep into his pocket, and pulled out his
money. “I want to pay back some of money I owe you. It’s only five
dollars. But here it is.” And he handed the money to the Judge. Judge
Doan counted the money, and then he went to his desk, and put the money
into drawer. “ where would you find the work this winter? john.”. “I
don’t know, Sir!”.
Several days later, John’s mother ask him go into the town to buy
cloth, she want to make some more clothing for the children for the
coming winter, on his way into town. John met Sase White Feather. Sase
was an Indian who also worked on the farm during the summer. But in the
winter, Sase traveled to north and disappeared into the woods, as they
walk toward the town, john told the Sase that he had no work for the
winter, S told the john that he went into the woods every winter, to
hunt and trap wild animals for their fur, Sase said he earn 200 dollar
last winter. “ 200 dollars!” john thought, he turned shiny to the
Indian, “ could I come to with you this year?” he asked. S looked the
john without the smiling. “ have you got the gun and some animal
traps?” john shook his head. “ No” , he said. “How much would that
cost?” “75 dollars” the Indian replied. “if you can get those things. I
will teach you how to catch the animals. I’m leaving in 2 weeks.” Only
one person could help john. That night he went to the Judge house. The
house was dark , except for a light that was shining in the judge’s
office. John could see the judge sitting at his desk. The boy tapped of
the window. Judge Doan open it. When he saw the boy thin face, he asked
“ what do you want?” . “ pls! Judge.” said john. “ Could I talk to
you?” .the Judge shut the window and opened the front door, they went
back to his office. “Be as quick you can” the Judge said. “It’s late”.
John has never been so frighten in his life. He couldn’t think or speak
for a few moments. “Talk, boy!” Judge bark that in , so John told him
about Sase ,and animal furs and ask Judge for the money. “ 75 dollars”
the Judge said. “You ask me to lend you that money to a 16 years boy?
Just flack that?” “I could do it with 50 dollars.” John said. “ But if
you think it’s a bad idea. I won’t bother you anymore.” “Shut up!” the
judge said. “If I’m going to lend you money. I want to be sure you u
don’t starve to death in the woods. Then I would never get my money
back, wouldn’t I?” the judge looked hard at john for a few moment. “
What about this Sase?” He asked, “ can you trust him?” John nodded his
head. “He is always being nice to me” he said. The Judge pulls out of
piece of paper from his desk, and wrote something on it. “ Sign this”,
he said when he finish writing. “It says you promise pay me back 75
dollars by next spring.” John was embarrassed to told the Judge that he
did not know how to read or write. “Put the mark of the bottom that
state of your name.” Judge said. “ Here is your money. Don’t lose it.”
He walks the John to the door. And shook the boy’s hand. “ Good luck!
Come here as soon as you get back next spring.”
When Charlie Harsco died, he left a wife and 9 children. They lived on
a small piece of land, in a house with four rooms. Since John was the
oldest boy, his mother told him he would have to take care of the
family. He was 16, John went to Judge Doan, the richest man in town, to
collect a dollar for some corns the Judge bought from the John’s
father. Judge Doan gave him the dollar. Then he said John’s father owed
him some money, he said the farmer had borrowed 40 dollars from him,
when do you think you ‘d pay me back the money you owe me, the Judge
asked john, I hope you are not like your father he said. He was a lazy
man who never worked hard. During that summer, john worked on other
people’s farms all week, he worked on his own family’s land every
evening and all day Sunday. By the end of summer, john had saved 5
dollars to give to the Judge. John’s friend, the Indian Sase White
Feather, offer John a way to make money during the winter, when it was
too cold for farming, he said he would teach john how to hunt and trap
animals for their fur, he told the boy he could earn a lot of money by
doing this. But he said john needed 75 dollars to buy a gun, traps and
food for the winter in the woods
John went to c Judge Doan, he explain what he wanted to do. The Judge
agreed to lend him money he needed. On the first day of November, John
kissed his mother goodbye and left home with Sass, on his back he
carried a large sack of food, a new gun, animal traps he had bought
with the Judge’s money. He and the Indian walked for hours. To the
cabin deep in the forest, Sass has built a little house several years
before. John learned a lot at that winter. He learned how to hunt and
set traps for wild animals and how to live in the forest. His body grew
strong. And the forest tested his strength and made him brave. John
traps a lot of animals. In early march. His pile of animal skin was
almost as tall as he was. Sass said John should get at lease 200 dollar
for his furs. John was ready to go home. But Sass wanted to continue to
hunting until April. So john decided to go home by himself. Sass help
the John packed his furs, traps so he could carried them on his back.
then Sass said : “now listen to me, when u cross the river. Do not walk
on the ice .it is very thin now. find the place where the ice has
melted . Then tie some logs together, u can float on them across the
river. It’d take u few hours longer to do this. But it is safer.” “yes!
I will.” John said quickly. He wanted to leave right way.
As john walk through the woods that day. He began thinking about his
future. He would learn how to read and write, he would buy a bigger
farm for his family. Maybe someday he’d be as powerful and respected as
the Judge. The heavy pack on his back made him think of what he want to
do when he got home, he’d buy a new dress for his mother, he’d buy toys
for his brothers and sisters. And he’d see the Judge. In his mind he
saw himself entering the judge’s office. He would count the money into
the Judge’s hand. John could not to wait to payback the rest of the
money, the Judge Doan said his father has borrowed.
By late afternoon, john’s legs hurt, and pack on his back was very
heavy. He was glad when he finally reached the river. Because that
meant he was almost home. John remembered Sass’s advice. But he was too
tired to search for the place where the ice had melted. He saw a large,
straight tree growing by the river, it was tallied enough to reach the
other side of the river. John took out of his ax and cut down the tree.
It fell forming a bridge over the river. John give the tree a kick but
it didn’t move. He decides not to do what Sass has said. If he cross
the river on this tree. He’d be home in an hour, he could see the Judge
that evening. With the furs on his back, and the gun in his arms. He
stepped out on the fallen tree. It felt ? as the rock under his feet.
He was about half way across the river when the tree trunk moved
suddenly; John fell from it onto the ice. The ice broke and John sunk
under the water, he did not have a chance even to yell, John dropped
his gun, the furs, the traps slip all his back. He tried to grip them
but swelling floating water carry them away, John broke through the ice
and struggle to the riverbank, he ‘d lost everything. He laid in the
snow for a few moment , then he got up found a long stick walk up down
the river bank. He pulled through the ice for hours, looking for his
furs, traps and gun, finally he give up.
He walked straight to the Judge’s house. It was very late. The Judge
was still in his office. John knocked and went in, cold and still wet.
John told the Judge how he ‘d ignored Sass’s advice. And what had
happened. The Judge said nothing until the boy was done. Then Judge
Doan said. “everybody had to learn things. It’s bad luck for you and
me, that you had to learn like this, go home .boy” .
John worked hard that summer planting corns and potatoes for his
family, he also worked on other people’s farms. And saved enough money
to pay the Judge another 5 dollars, but he still owed him 30 dollars
from his father’s debt. And 75 dollars for the traps and the gun, over
100 dollars. John felt he could never pay back the Judge. In October,
Judge Doan sent for him. “ John,” he said “ you owed me a lot of money,
I think the best way I can get it. It’s give u another chance to hunt
and trap this winter, are you willing to go if I lend you another 75
dollars?” John found the voice to say yes. He had to go into the woods
alone that year. Because Sass had moved to another part of the country,
but John remembered everything that his Indian friend had taught him,
he stayed in Sass’s cabin. And hunted animal everyday of that very long
, lonely winter. This time he stayed until the end of April. By then he
had so many furs that he had to leave his traps behind, the ice over
the river had melted when he reached it. He built a raft to take him
across, even although took him extra day. When he got home. The Judge
helps him sell the furs for 300 dollars. John paid the Judge the 150
dollars he has borrowed to buy the traps and gun, then he slowly
counted into the Judge ‘s hand, the money that his father has borrowed.
That summer, john worked on his family ‘s farm. He also learned to read
and write. Every winter, for the next ten years. He hunted in the
woods, he saved the money he earned form the furs. He used it finally
to buy a large farm
From time to time. He was visited the Judge in his biggest stone house,
the old man no longer frightened him, by the time john was 30 years
old. He had become one of the leaders of his town, when the Judge died
that year, he left the John his big house and much of his money, he
also left John a letter.
John opened it, and looked at that date. The Judge has write it same
day that John had asked him for the money for his first hunting trap.
“ Dear John!” the Judge wrote, “I was never loan your father any money,
because I never trusted him. But I like u the first time I saw you, I
wanted to be sure you would not like your father, so I put you to the
test, that it is why I said you owed me 40 dollars. Good luck, John!”
inside the envelope was 40 dollars.
posted on 2007-11-10 23:02
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