class Customer{
private $id ;
private $name ;
private $address ;
private $tel ;
private static $observers = array() ;
* @return the $id
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
* @return the $name
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
* @return the $address
public function getAddress() {
return $this->address;
* @return the $tel
public function getTel() {
return $this->tel;
* @param $id the $id to set
public function setId($id) {
$this->id = $id;
* @param $name the $name to set
public function setName($name) {
$this->name = $name;
* @param $address the $address to set
public function setAddress($address) {
$this->address = $address;
* @param $tel the $tel to set
public function setTel($tel) {
$this->tel = $tel;
* @param Observer $observer
public static function attach($observer){
if (!in_array($observer , self::$observers)){
self::$observers[] = $observer ;
* @param Observer $observer
public static function detach($observer){
foreach (self::$observers as $k => $item) {
if ($item == $observer){
unset(self::$observers[$k]) ;
* 通知所有的观察者
public function notify(){
foreach (self::$observers as $observer) {
$observer->update($this) ;
interface Observer{
* @param Customer $customer
public function update($customer) ;
class Address implements Observer{
private $address = 'tianhe' ;
* @param Customer $customer
public function update($customer){
if ($customer->getAddress() != $this->address){
echo '地址变了...................' ;
echo '<br>' ;
class Tel implements Observer{
private $tel = 13602413192 ;
* @param Customer $customer
public function update($customer){
if ($customer->getTel() != $this->tel){
echo '电话变了...............' ;
echo '<br>' ;
header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8") ;
$address = new Address() ;
$tel = new Tel() ;
Customer::attach($address) ;
Customer::attach($tel) ;
$customer = new Customer() ;
$customer->notify() ;
posted on 2010-06-14 23:54
fanyh 阅读(219)
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