如果妳祈求心灵的平和与快乐,就去信仰上帝!如果妳希望成为一个真理的门徒,探索吧!! -- 尼采
I can calculate the motions of havenly bodies, but not the madness of people. -- Newton
You have to be out to be in.


Java, Web, Searching Engine

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RapidMiner (YALE) -- Java Data Mining

(aka YALE) data mining, machine learning, knowledge discovery, business intelligence in Java. 400+ operators: data mining incl. Weka,learning,preprocessing,validation,visualization. GUI,API,XML,analysis,knowledge discovery,databases,business intelligence

Java Object Oriented Neural Engine

Joone is a neural net framework written in Java. It's composed by a core engine, a GUI editor and a distributed training environment and can be extended by writing new modules to implement new algorithms or architectures starting from base components


Sesame is a Java framework for storing, querying and inferencing for RDF. It can be deployed as a web server or used as a Java library. Features include several query languages (SeRQL and SPARQL), inferencing support, and RAM, disk, or RDBMS storage.


JGAP is a Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java. It is designed to require minimum effort to use, but is also designed to be highly modular. JGAP features grid functionality and a lot of examples. Many unit tests included.


Mandarax is a pure Java implementation of a rule engine. It supports mutiples types of facts and rules based on reflection, databases, EJB etc, supporting XML standards (RuleML 0.8). It provides a J2EE compliant inference engine using backward chaining.


A Java interface and implementation for the W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL), used to represent Semantic Web ontologies. The API is focused towards OWL Lite, OWL DL and OWL 1.1 and offers an interface to inference engines and validation functionality.

Bayesian Network tools in Java (BNJ)

Bayesian Network tools in Java (BNJ) is an open-source suite of software tools for research and development using graphical models of probability. It is published by the Kansas State University Laboratory for Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD).  

JAGA - Java API for Genetic Algorithms

Java API for implementing any kind of Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Programming applications quickly and easily. Contains a wide range of ready-to-use GA and GP algorithms and operators to be plugged-in or extended. Includes Tutorials and Examples.

RebeccaAIML, Enterprise AIML platform

RebeccaAIML is an enterprise cross platform open source AIML development platform. RebeccaAIML supports C++, Java,C#, and Python as well as many other programming languages and AIML development out of the box with Eclipse.

Neural Network Utility

nn-utility is a neural network library for C++ and Java. Its aim is to simplify the tedious programming of neural networks, while allowing programmers to have maximum flexibility in terms of defining functions and network topology.


Algernon is a rule-based reasoning engine written in Java. It allows forward and backward chaining across Protege knowledge bases. In addition to traversing the KB, rules can call Java functions and LISP functions (from an embedded LISP interpreter)


Jason is a fully-fledged interpreter for an extended version of AgentSpeak, a BDI agent-oriented logic programming language, and is implemented in Java. Using SACI or JADE, a multi-agent system can be distributed over a network effortlessly.


The nlpFarm is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) resource where early research prototypes (Java) can evolve into robust and useful open source. Our farmstead collaborates under the OpenNLP initiative, in order to make NLP software publically available.


Simulation platform for automated stock exchange trading. It delivers statistics to analyse performance on historic data and allows comparison between trading strategies, that can be coded in Java.

posted on 2007-12-14 15:58 专心练剑 阅读(735) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 搜索引擎编程