
Insigma was invited to attend the explanation session of “2010 China Outsourcing Summit”

The introductory session of the “2010 China Outsourcing Summit” road show was held in Hangzhou in 2010-3-23. As a top outsourcing company in China, Insigma was invited to attend.
The “2010 China Outsourcing Summit” will be opened in Hangzhou from June 15th to 17th. This summit will be held by the China Ministry of Commerce and sponsored by the China International Investment Promotion, the TPI Corporation, and the Hangzhou Government.

On the meeting, Ming Zhou, executive vice president of the China Investment Promotion, gave a presentation about the Summit’s aim. Mr Lingnian Qu, shared his research on how to greater benefit from the summit”. 
Michael Rehkopf from TPI shared his analysis on the outsourcing industry. He pointed out that companies will have more business opportunities in 2010, although buyers will be more cautious, and the competition will be fierce.

On the meeting, Guoying Gu, Vice President of Insigma, produced a study with experts and scholars about how to carry out and grow China's service outsourcing enterprises.


About Insigma HengTian Software Ltd.

Insigma HengTian Software Ltd., established as a strategic alliance among Insigma Technology, State Street Corp, and Zhejiang University, is dedicated to providing top quality and highly sophisticated technology development and support services to global financial institutions. We do this by capitalizing on the rich management and marketing capabilities of Insigma Technology and State Street Corp., as well as on the strong academic resources and people of Zhejiang University. Our synergy between Insigma, State Street, and Zhejiang University has been a key factor in the success of HengTian’s business to date.


posted on 2010-04-03 23:26 计算机技术博客 阅读(241) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 6 簡單編程8 網絡技術9 路由技术B VPN技术C 杂记





