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#include "local.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "debug.h"
#define BDBG dbg
void *
func(void *arg){
        pid_t pid;
 pthread_t tid;
 pid = getpid();
        tid = pthread_self();
        printf("pid is %u\n",(unsigned int)pid);
        printf("thread id  is %u\n",(unsigned int)tid);
 struct mip6_args *rad_args;
 rad_args = (struct mip6_args *)arg;
 printf("----msg buff in args is %s\n", rad_args->buff);
        return((void *)0);
 //about new pthread
// pthread_t radius_thread;
// pthread_attr_t attrs;
// struct mip6_args rad_thread_args;
// int err;
 //rad_thread_args.argv[1]="Password = test";
// rad_thread_args.argv[0]="User-Name = test";

 int mid,n;
 key_t key;

// pthread_attr_init(&attrs);
 //pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attrs, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);

 //Use the Same key with Client
 if((key  = ftok(".", SEED)) == -1){
  perror("Client : key generation");
// mid = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT | 0660);
 printf("server mid is %d\n", mid);
  if((n = msgrcv(65538, &msg, sizeof(msg), SERVER,0)) == -1){
  else if (n==0)//client have finished
   printf("msg type is %d\n", msg.acct_msg.acct_type);
   BDBG("msg hoa is= %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", NIP6ADDR(&msg.acct_msg.hoa));
   BDBG("msg coa is= %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", NIP6ADDR(&msg.acct_msg.coa));
   //child process to communication to the radius server;
   if(fork() == 0){
    argv[1] = "-f";
    argv[2] = "/home/chl/radtest/test.conf";
    argv[3] = "[3ffe:3240:8007:602::1]:1813";
    argv[4] = "acct";
    argv[5] = "testing123";
   //parent process nothing to do
//   rad_thread_args.buff = msg.buffer;
   //when recv msg from HA, should send acct to server
//         err = pthread_create(&radius_thread, &attrs, func,&rad_thread_args);
//   if(err != 0){
//    perror("thread create:");
//    exit(6);
//   }
   printf("----about main is------\n");
   printf("main processid is %d\n",getpid());
   printf("main threadid is %d\n",pthread_self());
 msgctl(mid, IPC_RMID, (struct msqid_ds *)0);
