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radacct usage

Posted on 2006-06-21 10:12 Enjoy Life 阅读(461) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Linux Programming Doc




Class radacct

  extended byradacct

public class radacct
extends Object

Test accounting class for a radius server.

Sends a pair of accounting requests to a RADIUS server using command line options. The first is a Start packet the second is a Stop packet.

 Usage: radacct User-Name  inputCount ouputCount sessionId server[:port default is 1813]  secret [nasname]
The arguments:
  • name - User-Name attribute value - may contain a realm of the form These names must be in upper case.
  • inputOctets - Count of input bytes..
  • outputOctets - Count of output bytes..
  • SessionId - Accounting session Identifier.
  • server - The RADIUS server name or address. Optionally the port number can be appended to the server name. The default port is the RFC standard 1813. Many servers use the non-standard 1646 port.
  • secret - The Radius server shared secret.
  • nasname - Optional name to use for the NAS-Identifier value.
 radacct michael 1000 2000 MICK1 seversecret
 radacct michael 10000 10200 Zither testtesttest
 radacct michael 0000 10200 Acct-Zither seversecret NAS1
Be sure that the RADIUS server allows the workstation as a client and that the secret is the same for the client and server.

Constructor Summary
radacct ()
Method Summary
static void main (String[] args)
          Main task.
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public radacct()
Method Detail


public static void main(String[] args)
Main task. This authenticates and accounts against a radius server defined the file. The Authentication loop uses the AttributeArray class to create attributes. The Accounting loop use the Radius object's methods to create attributes.

args - Command line arguments. login, input count, output count, Session Id, server[:port default is 1812], secretkey [nasname]

RADIUS Client API (V3)

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